Plant and Soil Sciences: Crop Production and Management, BSAG

Requirements for Students Matriculating in or before Academic Year 2024-2025. Learn more about University Academic Regulation 3.1.

Minimum Overall Grade Point Average: 2.00
Total Hours: 120

General Education Requirements
English Composition
See Academic Regulation 3.5
ENGL 1113Composition I3
or ENGL 1313 Critical Analysis and Writing I
Select one of the following:3
Composition II
Critical Analysis and Writing II
Technical Writing
American History & Government
Select one of the following:3
Survey of American History
American History to 1865 (H)
American History Since 1865 (DH)
POLS 1113American Government3
Analytical & Quantitative Thought (A)
STAT 2013Elementary Statistics (A) 13
Humanities (H)
Courses designated (H)6
Natural Sciences (N)
Must include one Laboratory Science (L) course
CHEM 1314Chemistry I (LN) 14
or CHEM 1215 Chemical Principles I (LN)
Course designated (N)3
Social & Behavioral Sciences (S)
AGEC 1113Introduction to Agricultural Economics (S) 13
Additional General Education
Courses designated (A), (H), (N), or (S)9
Hours Subtotal40
Diversity (D) & International Dimension (I)
May be completed in any part of the degree plan
Select at least one Diversity (D) course
Select at least one International Dimension (I) course
College Requirements
UNIV 1111First Year Seminar (or other approved first year seminar course)1
ENTO 2993Introduction to Entomology (LN)3
Departmental Requirements
Select one of the following:3
Written Communications in Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources
Written Communication
Business Communication for International Students
Technical Writing 2
Select one of the following:3
Oral Communications in Agricultural Sciences & Natural Resources (S)
Introduction to Speech Communication (S)
Elements of Persuasion (S) 3
PLNT 1213Introduction to Plant and Soil Systems (N)3
PLNT 2041Career Development in Plant and Soil Sciences1
PLNT 4033Applied Agricultural Meteorology3
PLNT 4080Professional Internship3
or PLNT 4990 Senior Thesis in Plant and Soil Sciences
PLNT 4571Professional Preparation in Plant and Soil Sciences1
SOIL 2124Fundamentals of Soil Science (N)4
SOIL 4234Soil Nutrient Management4
Select one of the following: 3
Mathematical Functions and Their Uses (A)
College Algebra (A) 4
Business Calculus (A)
Calculus I (A)
BIOL 1113
BIOL 1111
Introductory Biology (N)
and Introductory Biology Laboratory (LN)
or BIOL 1114 Introductory Biology (LN)
CHEM 1515Chemistry II (LN) 55
or CHEM 1225 Chemical Principles II (LN)
Select one of the following:3
Descriptive Physics (N)
Chemistry and Applications of Biomolecules
Survey of Organic Chemistry
Hours Subtotal44
Major Requirements
Core Courses
PBIO 1404Plant Biology (LN)4
Select one of the following: 3
Plant Physiology
Plant-Environment Interactions
Horticulture Physiology
PLNT 2013Applied Plant Science3
PLNT 3012Crops of Oklahoma2
PLNT 4013Principles of Weed Science3
PLNT 4353Plant Breeding3
ANSI 4203Rangeland and Pasture Utilization3
or NREM 4603 Rangeland and Pasture Utilization
PLNT 4443Cropping Systems3
SOIL 4213Precision Agriculture3
Related Courses
Select 9 hours of the following:9
Upper-division PLNT including PLNT 4470, PLNT 4933, PLNT 4573
Agronomic Problem Solving
Plants and People (N)
Plant Mineral Nutrition
Principles of Plant Pathology
Fungi: Myths and More
Turfgrass Integrated Pest Management
Livestock Entomology
Horticultural Insects
Insects in Forest Ecosystems
Medical and Veterinary Entomology
Applications of Biotechnology in Pest Management
Soil Genesis, Morphology, and Classification
Environmental Soil Science
Soil and Water Conservation
Soil Microbiology
Soil, Water, and Weather
Environmental Soil Chemistry
Soils and Societies (S)
Introduction to the Animal Sciences Lab
and Introduction to the Animal Sciences
Introduction to the Animal Sciences
Livestock Feeding
Animal Genetics
Principles of Animal Nutrition
Applied Animal Nutrition
Rangeland and Pasture Utilization
Greenhouse Management
Temperature Stress Physiology
Plant Growth and Development
Introduction to Engineering in Agriculture
Ag Structures
Engines and Power
Metals and Welding
Land Measurement and Site Analysis
Agricultural Water Management
Ecology of Invasive Species
Safety and Health in Agriculture
Digital Tools for Environmental Problem-Solving (LN)
Climatology (N)
Meteorology (N)
Applied Ecology and Conservation
Applied Ecology Laboratory
Principles of Rangeland Management
Ecology Of Invasive Species
General Genetics
Hours Subtotal36
Select 0 hours or hours to complete required total for degree0
Total Hours120

College & Departmental requirements that may be used to meet General Education requirements.


If ENGL 3323 Technical Writing is used to satisfy ENGL 1213 Composition II above; hours in this block are reduced by 3.


If used as (S) course above, hours in this block reduced by 3.


If used as (A) course above, hours in this block reduced by 3.


If used as (N) course above, hours in this block reduced by 5.

Other Requirements

  • A minimum of 40 semester credit hours and 100 grade points must be earned in courses numbered 3000 or above.
  • A 2.00 GPA or higher in upper-division hours.

Additional State/OSU Requirements

  • At least: 60 hours at a four-year institution; 30 hours completed at OSU; 15 of the final 30 or 50% of the upper-division hours in the major field completed at OSU.
  • Limit of: one-half of major course requirements as transfer work; one-fourth of hours earned by correspondence; 8 transfer correspondence hours.
  • Students will be held responsible for degree requirements in effect at the time of matriculation and any changes that are made, so long as these changes do not result in semester credit hours being added or do not delay graduation.
  • Degrees that follow this plan must be completed by the end of Summer 2030.