Master of Public Health (MPH)

MPH 5000 Master's Thesis

Description: Independent research in public health for MPH degree. Offered for variable credit, 1-6 credit hours, maximum of 6 credit hours.

Credit hours: 1-6

Contact hours: Contact: 1-6 Other: 1-6

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Independent Study

Department/School: Graduate College

MPH 5010 Independent Study in Public Health

Description: Limited opportunities to enroll for coursework on an independent study basis are available. Independent study opportunities in Public Health will be specific to the interest of the faculty member and the student, and not currently offered through other required or elective courses. Offered for variable credit, 1-6 credit hours, maximum of 6 credit hours.

Credit hours: 1-6

Contact hours: Contact: 1-6 Other: 1-6

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Independent Study

Department/School: Graduate College

MPH 5023 Introduction to One Health

Description: Students will be exposed to relevant areas of the One Health paradigm with special emphasis on public health, animal health, and global sustainability issues. Global health burden, determinants of health, strategies towards promoting health and applications towards a sustainable approach for the health of humans, animals and the environment will be covered.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Graduate College

MPH 5030 Master of Public Health Practicum

Description: Supervised practicum experience in public health for MPH degree. Offered for variable credit, 1-3 credit hours, maximum of 3 credit hours.

Credit hours: 1-3

Contact hours: Contact: 1-3 Other: 1-3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Independent Study

Department/School: Graduate College

MPH 5103 Grant Writing in Public Health

Description: This course will present principles and skills needed to write competitive public health program and research grants, prepare budgets, and understanding the peer review process. Students will write an HRSA, CDC, SAMSHA, or NIH type grant proposal.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Graduate College

MPH 5133 Environmental Health

Description: Examination of health issues, etiology of disease, and control and prevention of major environmental health problems in industrialized and developing countries. Same course as HLTH 5133.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Graduate College

MPH 5203 Evidence-Based Approaches to Public Health

Description: The purpose of this class is to introduce students to concepts and methods of quantitative, biostatistical analysis and qualitative analysis. Topics for the class include selecting appropriate data collection methods, data analysis including use of statistical packages. This course will cover the qualitative methods and analysis; quantitative methods include descriptive statistics, standard probability distributions, sampling distributions, confidence interval estimation, hypothesis testing, power and sample size estimation, parametric and non-parametric methods for analyzing continuous or categorical data, and simple linear regression.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Graduate College

MPH 5213 Biostatistical Literacy

Description: This course focuses on biostatistical literacy, or the ability to read and comprehend biostatistics in public health literature. This course will not include calculation of statistics and will offer no formal training in statistical software or programming, but will include fundamental concepts of study design, descriptive statistics, hypothesis testing, confidence intervals, odds rations, relative risks, adjusted models in multiple linear, logistic, and proportional hazards regression, and survival analysis.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Graduate College

MPH 5221 Epidemiology and Evidence-Based Medicine

Prerequisites: Graduate standing and consent of instructor.

Description: Principles and uses of evidence-based practice of veterinary medicine; comprehension and utilization of scientific research; interpretation of basic concepts of observational study of disease. Same course as CBSC 5221 and VMED 7221.

Credit hours: 1

Contact hours: Lecture: 1 Contact: 1

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Graduate College

MPH 5323 General Epidemiology

Description: Examination of epidemiological theory and its methodological application to public health. Same course as HLTH 5323.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Graduate College

MPH 5343 Clinical Epidemiology

Description: This course covers the most prevalent chronic diseases and their risk factors. Chronic diseases drive up US healthcare costs, making our care among the most expensive in the developed world.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Graduate College

MPH 5363 Social Epidemiology

Description: Social epidemiology includes considerations for how social interactions affect human health. Social epidemiologists are concerned about investigating the social determinants are concerned about investigating the social determinants of health and consider population-level rather than individual-level factors and outcomes. Social processes including social networks, social support, social capital, social cohesion, and other ways of understanding ecological factors will be discussed.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Graduate College

MPH 5413 Food Safety and Public Health

Prerequisites: Graduate standing and consent of instructor.

Description: Introduction to public health and diseases transmissible to humans. Potential human health hazards in foods of animal origin and principles of safe food production, processing, handling and inspection, including pathogen reduction and HACCP regulations. Same course as VBSC 5413 and VMED 7413.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Graduate College

MPH 5433 Public Mental Health

Description: The purpose of this class is to introduce students to the social, economic, and public health aspects of mental illness. Students will be introduced to the epidemiology of different mental disorders. They will then be introduced to the different mental disorders from a population level perspective. Students will be introduced to special topics in mental health including legal issues, suicide, and violence.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Graduate College

MPH 5443 Aspects of Addiction

Description: The purpose of this class is to introduce students to the social aspects of the disease of addiction. Students will be introduced to the different substances of abuse. They will examine social, economic and public health consequences of addiction. They will further be introduced to treatment models and resources.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Graduate College

MPH 5453 Cultural Issues in Health

Description: Examination of ways in which culture affects health and health care including perceptions of health, diseases, treatments, and the values associated with these factors. The need for cultural sensitivity in health care is emphasized.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Graduate College

MPH 5463 Health Media & Communication

Description: This course examines how public health environments are understood and experienced, popular tactics for communicating and contesting public health information, the utilization of the media and communication strategies to combat diseases and promote health, and the impact of media representation and popular culture on understandings of disease and health.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Graduate College

MPH 5513 Fundamentals of Health Budgeting and Financial Management

Description: This course will offer a current approach to the fundamentals of budgeting and financial management, with an emphasis on non-profit and health care organizations, in particularly the community health sector.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Graduate College

MPH 5523 Cannabis through a Public Health Lens

Description: In this course, students will learn the history, research, policy, legalization, economic issues, current evidence-based health effects, and social consequences of cannabis use through a public health lens.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Graduate College

MPH 5533 Aging and Public Health

Description: This course examines the biological, psychological, and social aspects of aging; investigates public health issues created by population aging; and explores public health responses to effectively serve older populations.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Graduate College

MPH 5543 Leadership, Policy, and Ethics in Public Health

Description: This course investigates major theories, models and competences of leadership, current public health issues and challenges, ethical issues, and approaches to enhance health outcomes at the individual, team, community, and policy level.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Graduate College

MPH 5653 Foundations of Public Health Education and Promotion

Description: Exploration of key concepts, philosophies, ethical principles, historical events, theories/models, and responsibilities and competencies of health education and promotion of professionals. Same course as HLTH 5653.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Graduate College

MPH 5683 Health Behavior Theory and Practice for Public Health

Description: Theories and concepts of health behavior change and exploration of the application of theories to public health programs. Same course as HLTH 5683.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Graduate College

MPH 5973 Designing Public Health Programs

Description: Application of program design principles, including needs assessment, theoretical application, program planning and marketing. Same course as HLTH 5973.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Graduate College

MPH 5983 Implementation and Evaluation of Public Health Programs

Description: Application of program implementation and evaluation, including evaluation design. Same course as HLTH 5983.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Graduate College

MPH 5990 Emerging Issues in Public Health

Description: Graduate level analysis of emerging issues and methodologies in public health not covered in other departmental offerings. Offered for variable credit, 1-3 credit hours, maximum of 6 credit hours.

Credit hours: 1-3

Contact hours: Lecture: 1-3 Contact: 1-3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Graduate College