Family Financial Planning (FFP)

FFP 2003 Financial Health for Helping Professionals

Description: Develop and build healthy financial habits and maintain financial wellness through college and beyond.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Human Dev & Family Sci

FFP 2613 Financial Perspectives throughout the United States (DS)

Prerequisites: Must have completed 20 credit hours.

Description: An introduction to the personal relationship with money focusing on similarities and differences between Race/Ethnicity, Sex/Gender, Aging, Religion, and Family Structure. This course provides an overview of history, present day application, seeks solutions, and encourages reflection on the personal and societal relationships with money.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Human Dev & Family Sci

General Education and other Course Attributes: Diversity, Society & Human Behavior

FFP 3803 Fundamentals of Family Financial Planning

Description: An introduction to issues and concepts related to the individual and family financial planning process and the client/planner relationship.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Human Dev & Family Sci

FFP 3813 Insurance Planning for Families

Description: Aspects of risk to individuals and families and covers the tools and strategies that can be used to reduce and manage those risks.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Human Dev & Family Sci

FFP 3823 Retirement Planning for Families

Description: Study of considerations in retirement planning for individuals and families.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Human Dev & Family Sci

FFP 3833 Estate Planning for Families

Description: Aspects of the estate planning process and legislation applied to the needs of families.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Human Dev & Family Sci

FFP 4303 Financial Counseling

Prerequisites: Must have completed 20 credit hours.

Description: This course emphasizes the development of professional skills for assisting individuals and families to become responsible financial managers through the financial counseling process. The course will focus on skills that need to be attained to become a helping professional with an expertise in financial planning including: relationship building, listening skills, practice standards, intake and record keeping, client action plans and agreements.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Human Dev & Family Sci

FFP 4813 Income Tax Planning for Families

Description: A review of tax laws and the tools that can be used for personal income tax planning to meet individual and family goals.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Human Dev & Family Sci

FFP 4823 Investment Planning for Families

Description: The essentials of how investment planning informs individual and family economic goals.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Human Dev & Family Sci

FFP 4933 Capstone: Financial Plan Development

Description: Addresses the application of all aspects of financial planning. Development and presentation of a comprehensive financial plan to a client.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Human Dev & Family Sci

FFP 5110 Directed Studies in Family Financial Planning

Description: Directed individual study in Family Financial Planning.

Credit hours: 1-6

Contact hours: Lecture: 1-6 Contact: 1-6

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Human Dev & Family Sci

FFP 5243 Master's Capstone

Description: An in-depth application of theoretical models and philosophies related to area of specialization.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Contact: 3 Other: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Independent Study

Department/School: Human Dev & Family Sci

FFP 5253 Family Economics

Description: Issues related to the economics of families, household production, and human capital development; economics of crises public policy and family life cycle spending, saving and borrowing; special attention to the role of ethics in family economic issues. A theoretical and a research perspective used to illuminate the concepts in the course. Web-based instruction. Previously offered as HS 5253 and HES 5253.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Human Dev & Family Sci

FFP 5303 Fundamentals of Family Financial Planning

Description: The nature and functioning of financial systems, including currencies, markets, monetary and fiscal policy, and supply and demand for land, labor and capital. Focus on the impact of global financial interdependence on individuals and families in the U.S. Current and emerging issues, as well as current research and theory relative to financial systems. Web-based instruction. Previously offered as HES 5303 and HS 5303.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Human Dev & Family Sci

FFP 5333 Theories and Research in Family Financial Planning I

Prerequisites: Admission to the Great Plains IDEA FFP program.

Description: Introduction of the social science of family finances. Focus on theories of family functioning, microeconomic theory related to family resource allocation decisions, the family as an economic unit, and the interaction of economy and families. Previously offered as HS 5333. Web-based instruction.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Human Dev & Family Sci

FFP 5343 Theories and Research in Family Financial Planning II

Prerequisites: Admission to the Great Plains IDEA FFP program and FFP 5333.

Description: Microeconomic theory as it relates to family resource allocation decisions, theories of household behavior, the lifecycle hypothesis, behavioral economics, behavioral finance, theories of behavioral change, and psychological theories of family well-being. Focus on empirical research investigating household financial decision-making. Previously offered as HS 5343. Web-based Instruction.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Human Dev & Family Sci

FFP 5353 Financial Counseling for Family Financial Planning

Description: Theory and research regarding the interactive process between client and practitioner, including communication techniques, motivation and esteem building, counseling environment, ethics, and data intake, verification, and analysis. Legal issues, compensation, technology to identify resources, information management, and current or emerging issues. Web-based instruction. Previously offered as HES 5353 and HS 5353.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Human Dev & Family Sci

FFP 5403 Estate Planning for Families

Description: Fundamentals of estate planning process, estate settlement, estate and gift taxes, property ownership and transfer, and powers of appointment. Tools and techniques in implementing effective estate plan, ethical considerations in providing estate planning services, new and emerging issues in the field. Experience with case studies in developing estate plans for varied family forms. Web-based instruction. Previously offered as HS 5403 and HES 5403.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Human Dev & Family Sci

FFP 5453 Retirement Planning, Employee Benefits and the Family

Description: Study of micro and macro considerations for retirement planning. Survey of various types of retirement plans, ethical considerations in providing retirement planning services, assessing and forecasting financial needs in retirement, and integration of retirement plans with government benefits. Web-based instruction. Previously offered as HS 5453 and HES 5453.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Human Dev & Family Sci

FFP 5483 Military Family Financial Issues

Description: An overview of topics relevant to the financial planning process, adapting topics to address the unique needs of and resources available to military service members and their families. Topics include status of service member; financial readiness; financial, risk, investment, tax, retirement and estate management; record keeping; cash flow management; credit and debt management; savings; education planning; and special topics. Web based instruction. Previously offered as HS 5483 and HES 5483.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Human Dev & Family Sci

FFP 5503 Housing and Real Estate for Family Financial Planning

Description: Overview of the role of housing and real estate in financial planning process from a theoretical perspective. Taxation, legal aspects, mortgages, and financial calculations related to home ownership and real estate investments. New and emerging issues in the context of housing and real estate. Role of ethics in financial planning including housing and real estate. Previously offered as DHM 5503.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Human Dev & Family Sci

FFP 5553 Insurance Planning for Families

Description: Study of risk management concepts, tools, and strategies for individuals and families, including life insurance; property and casualty insurance; liability insurance; accident, disability, health, and long-term care insurance; and government-subsidized programs. Current and emerging issues and ethical considerations. Relationships between investment options and employee/employer benefit plan choices. Web-based instruction. Previously offered as HS 5553 and HES 5553.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Human Dev & Family Sci

FFP 5603 Investing for the Family's Future

Description: Evaluation of investment markets for the household. Analysis of how families choose where to put their savings. Using the family's overall financial and economic goals to help make informed decisions about which investments to choose. Web-based instruction. Previously offered as HS 5603 and HES 5603.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Human Dev & Family Sci

FFP 5653 Personal Income Tax for Family Financial Planning

Description: Information on income tax practices and procedures including tax regulations, tax return preparation, tax audit processes, appeals process, preparation for an administrative or judicial forum, and ethical considerations of taxation. New, emerging issues related to taxation. Family and individual case studies practice in applying and analyzing tax information and recommending appropriate tax strategies. Web-based instruction. Previously offered as HS 5653 and HES 5653.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Human Dev & Family Sci

FFP 5663 Survey of Digital Investment Assets

Prerequisites: FFP 5603

Description: Foundational overview of the increasing popularity of digital investment assets, including cryptocurrencies, decentralized protocols and platforms like blockchain technology, and tokens. Students will explore the benefits and risks of investing in digital assets and how this emerging asset class fits within the context of Modern Portfolio Theory. Regulatory challenges and essential financial planning considerations like portfolio management, taxation and estate planning will be examined, in addition to best practices for client communication.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Human Dev & Family Sci

FFP 5703 Professional Practices in Family Financial Planning

Description: Challenges of managing financial planning practices, including business valuation, personnel, marketing, client services, ethics and technological applications. Relying on theoretical as well as applied approach, analysis of case studies that provide relevant, practical exposure to practice management issues, with strong emphasis on current research findings. Web-based instruction. Previously offered as HS 5703 and HES 5703.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Human Dev & Family Sci

FFP 5803 Case Studies in Family Financial Planning

Prerequisites: FFP 5303 and FFP 5453 and FFP 5553 and FFP 5603 and FFP 5653 or consent of advisor.

Description: Professional issues in financial planning, including ethical considerations, regulation and certification requirements, communication skills, and professional responsibility. Utilization of skills obtained in other courses and work experiences in the completion of personal finance case studies, the development of a targeted investment policy, and other related financial planning assignments. Web-based instruction. Previously offered as HS 5803 and HES 5803.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Human Dev & Family Sci