The Center for Ethical Leadership

The Center for Ethical Leadership

To meet the leadership challenges of the 21st Century, Oklahoma State University’s Center for Ethical Leadership develops and prepares students to be creative, ethical, inclusive and effective leaders. Through the collaborative efforts of a variety of academic and student affairs’ programs and staff, the mission of the Center for Ethical Leadership is to create, administer and facilitate the following leadership development activities for OSU students:

  • Multidisciplinary instruction and scholarship in leadership and ethics
  • Opportunities to experience, meet and interact with a variety of significant leadership speakers
  • Co-curricular and service-learning field experiences
  • International leadership study abroad opportunities

The Center’s Programs are divided into Curricular, Co-Curricular, and Recognition Programs. In the Curricular Programs we administer President’s Leadership Council, McKnight Leader/Scholar Program, The Leadership Study Abroad Program and The Leadership Minor Program. In the Co-Curricular Program we offer The Emerging Leaders Program (LEAD), and the Leadership-in-Residence Speaker Series. Every spring semester as part of our recognition programs we acknowledge and celebrate leaders through the Oklahoma State University’s President Leadership Recognition Reception. Find us at