Educational Psychology (EPSY)
EPSY 1003 Learning to Learn
Description: Learning effective strategies to succeed through online individualized assessment, positive attitude development, habit change, development and self-efficacy and self-regulation. Learning tools include goal setting, developing information skills, questioning, transformational learning, presentation and information use skills. Analyzing class materials, problem solving, creativity, teacher analysis, reflection, developing classroom motivation and appropriate classroom behavior to lead to classroom success.
Credit hours: 3
Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3
Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule types: Lecture
Department/School: Educ Found Leadersh & Aviation
EPSY 1013 Emotional Skills in Learning Success
Description: Striving for academic excellence through self awareness and growth in areas of social and emotional development. Interpersonal and intrapersonal skills, leadership skills, and self-management skills in the context of emotional intelligence theories.
Credit hours: 3
Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3
Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule types: Lecture
Department/School: Educ Found Leadersh & Aviation
EPSY 2513 Foundations of Ethical Leadership
Prerequisites: 24 hours in good standing; admission into the UGLC or consent of instructor.
Description: Introduces students to a variety of theoretical views of ethics and leadership studies through the identification of contemporary ethical challenges and the development of foundational leadership skills to meet those challenges. Same course as HESA 2513.
Credit hours: 3
Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3
Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule types: Lecture
Department/School: Educ Found Leadersh & Aviation
EPSY 3063 Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Creative Processes
Description: Learning theory in developing strategies for promoting critical thinking, problem solving, and creativity.
Credit hours: 3
Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3
Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule types: Lecture
Department/School: Educ Found Leadersh & Aviation
EPSY 3110 Educational Psychology Seminar
Description: Problems, trends, contemporary topics, and pertinent issues in educational psychology. Concentrated study of selected areas not usually addressed in the undergraduate curriculum. Offered for variable credit, 1-3 credit hours, maximum of 3 credit hours.
Credit hours: 1-3
Contact hours: Contact: 1-3 Other: 1-3
Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule types: Independent Study
Department/School: Educ Found Leadersh & Aviation
EPSY 3113 Psychological Foundations of Childhood
Description: The child from conception to puberty with focus on educational implications of development in cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains. Previously offered as ABSE 3113.
Credit hours: 3
Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3
Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule types: Lecture
Department/School: Educ Found Leadersh & Aviation
EPSY 3213 Psychology of Adolescence
Description: The adolescent from pubescence to adulthood with focus on educational implications of development in cognitive, affective and psychomotor domain. Course previously offered as ABSE 3213.
Credit hours: 3
Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3
Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule types: Lecture
Department/School: Educ Found Leadersh & Aviation
EPSY 3413 Child and Adolescent Development
Description: The person from conception through adolescence with focus on education implications of development in cognitive, affective, social, and physical domains. Course previously offered as ABSE 3413.
Credit hours: 3
Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3
Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule types: Lecture
Department/School: Educ Found Leadersh & Aviation
EPSY 3533 Motivating Learners
Description: Current practices in learner motivation, school age through adult. Developing positive attitudes and building community in classrooms to stimulate motivation of all learners.
Credit hours: 3
Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3
Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule types: Lecture
Department/School: Educ Found Leadersh & Aviation
EPSY 4063 Exploration of the Creative Experience
Description: The creative experience in art (visual to performing), articulation (oratory to literature), thought (philosophy to psychology), business (practices to products), leisure (procreation to recreation). Western and Eastern viewpoints. Personal creative development fostered by modeling and by investigation of proven techniques. A wide range of creative endeavor with an experiential approach. Future-oriented applications. Course previously offered as ABSE 4063.
Credit hours: 3
Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3
Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule types: Lecture
Department/School: Educ Found Leadersh & Aviation
EPSY 4223 Psychological Foundations of Learning and Instruction
Description: Instructional psychology focusing on the study of teaching and learning theory as part of an instructional program to deal with individual, cultural, and environmental differences. Case studies and group discussion emphasizing motivation, planning, evaluation, classroom problems and management.
Credit hours: 3
Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3
Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule types: Lecture
Department/School: Educ Found Leadersh & Aviation
EPSY 4503 Ethical Leadership for the Common Good
Prerequisites: EPSY 2513 or HESA 2513.
Description: Builds on foundational model of ethical theory and leadership studies through application of ethical theory and leadership skills to specific contexts and evaluation of their results. Same course as HESA 4513.
Credit hours: 3
Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3
Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule types: Lecture
Department/School: Educ Found Leadersh & Aviation
EPSY 4533 Competency Motivation
Description: Development of competence through the application of research strategies in achievement motivation. Examines intellectual ability, motives, goals, attributions, competence perceptions and values as they relate to developmental issues, demographics, contextual influences, culture, and self-regulation.
Credit hours: 3
Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3
Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule types: Lecture
Department/School: Educ Found Leadersh & Aviation
EPSY 4743 Learning, Motivation, and Social Justice (I)
Description: Foundational principles of learning, motivation, and global identity; critical analysis of contemporary cultures; and application of learning in addressing global issues of social justice.
Credit hours: 3
Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3
Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule types: Lecture
Department/School: Educ Found Leadersh & Aviation
General Education and other Course Attributes: International Dimension
EPSY 5000 Master's Thesis
Prerequisites: Consent of advisory committee chairperson.
Description: Report of research conducted by a student in the master's program in school and educational psychology. Credit given and grade assigned upon completion and acceptance of the thesis. Offered for variable credit, 1-6 credit hours, maximum of 6 credit hours.
Credit hours: 1-6
Contact hours: Contact: 1-6 Other: 1-6
Levels: Graduate
Schedule types: Independent Study
Department/School: Educ Found Leadersh & Aviation
EPSY 5001 Colloquium: Educational Psychology
Description: Discussion of issues related to graduate study in educational psychology and related fields.
Credit hours: 1
Contact hours: Contact: 1 Other: 1
Levels: Graduate
Schedule types: Discussion
Department/School: Educ Found Leadersh & Aviation
EPSY 5103 Human Development in Psychology
Description: Introduction to basic research and theories of cognitive, emotional and social development. Applications to educational and family settings. Course previously offered as ABSE 5103.
Credit hours: 3
Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3
Levels: Graduate
Schedule types: Lecture
Department/School: Educ Found Leadersh & Aviation
EPSY 5123 Academic Writing in the Learning Sciences
Description: Introduction to the structure and organization of academic writing appropriate for a Creative Component, project, thesis, or doctoral dissertation. Students will be expected to prepare a proposal for their special topic.
Credit hours: 3
Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3
Levels: Graduate
Schedule types: Lecture
Department/School: Educ Found Leadersh & Aviation
EPSY 5320 Seminar in Educational Psychology
Description: In-depth exploration of contemporary topics in educational psychology. Offered for variable credit, 3-9 credit hours, maximum of 9 credit hours.
Credit hours: 3-9
Contact hours: Contact: 3-9 Other: 3-9
Levels: Graduate
Schedule types: Independent Study
Department/School: Educ Found Leadersh & Aviation
EPSY 5403 Issues in Adolescent Development
Description: Current issues in adolescent development in an educational context and culture, including self, family, peers, school and work relationships. Gender differences within culture, race and class examined. Current dilemmas explored using critical theory and action research.
Credit hours: 3
Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3
Levels: Graduate
Schedule types: Lecture
Department/School: Educ Found Leadersh & Aviation
EPSY 5463 Psychology of Learning
Description: Evaluation of, and application to, education, psychology, and other learning contexts of research-based, contemporary psychological theories of human learning. Course previously offered as ABSE 5463.
Credit hours: 3
Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3
Levels: Graduate
Schedule types: Lecture
Department/School: Educ Found Leadersh & Aviation
EPSY 5473 Psychology of Adult Learning
Description: Analysis of the psychological foundation of adult learning both in and out of learning programs across the lifespan. Differentiates among adults of all ages in terms of practice and performance in a variety of settings, including classroom, community, and work environments. Examines the intellectual, social, cultural, emotional, motivational, and performance components of the psychology of adult learning.
Credit hours: 3
Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3
Levels: Graduate
Schedule types: Lecture
Department/School: Educ Found Leadersh & Aviation
EPSY 5553 Motivation in Educational Contexts
Description: An overview of empirically informed theories of motivation from a psychological perspective with emphasis on contextual influences in and outside the classroom. Topics include beliefs about ability and intelligence, goals, casual attributions, the value of academic tasks, and psychological needs.
Credit hours: 3
Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3
Levels: Graduate
Schedule types: Lecture
Department/School: Educ Found Leadersh & Aviation
EPSY 5603 Developmental Issues in Instruction
Prerequisites: Three hours in developmental psychology, educational psychology or consent of instructor.
Description: Developmental issues in instruction at all levels from early childhood through adulthood. Specific impacts of developmental stages on the acquisition and retention of cognitive, affective and psychomotor development at various levels and contexts will be examined and applications to instruction will be provided.
Credit hours: 3
Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3
Levels: Graduate
Schedule types: Lecture
Department/School: Educ Found Leadersh & Aviation
EPSY 5663 Creativity for Teachers
Description: Theoretical origins of creativity and their concomitant applications in the learning environment. Blocks to creative thinking, imagination, imagery, creativity testing, developing ideas and innovations, creative problem solving and teaching techniques and methods to maximize creative potential in all kinds and types of students. Course previously offered as ABSE 5663.
Credit hours: 3
Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3
Levels: Graduate
Schedule types: Lecture
Department/School: Educ Found Leadersh & Aviation
EPSY 5713 Transpersonal Human Development
Description: Human development in terms of individual consciousness, focusing on the implications of such extraordinary states of consciousness as those associated with hallucinogenic drugs and mystical religious experience. Integration of psychological and religious interpretations of development. Applications to practical problems in education and psychology. Course previously offered as ABSE 5713.
Credit hours: 3
Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3
Levels: Graduate
Schedule types: Lecture
Department/School: Educ Found Leadersh & Aviation
EPSY 5720 Educational and School Psychology Workshop
Description: Workshop on various topics related to educational and school psychology. Offered for variable credit, 1-9 credit hours, maximum of 9 credit hours.
Credit hours: 1-9
Contact hours: Contact: 1-9 Other: 1-9
Levels: Graduate
Schedule types: Independent Study
Department/School: Educ Found Leadersh & Aviation
EPSY 5773 Individual Intellectual Assessment
Description: Intensive study of various intelligence and achievement batteries, including the Wechsler scales and the Woodcock Johnson Tests of Achievement. Emphasis and practice in administration, scoring, interpretation. Further emphasis on issues related to report writing, non-discriminatory assessment, and the history of intelligence testing.
Credit hours: 3
Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3
Levels: Graduate
Schedule types: Lecture
Department/School: Educ Found Leadersh & Aviation
EPSY 5963 Developing Resources to Support Educational Programs
Description: Development, management and evaluation of programs in intra- and extra-class settings. Program types include parent, volunteer, mentor, tutor, group sponsors in technology, business involvement, curricular enhancement and service learning. Developing community and business interest through public relations, financial development, grantsmanship or resource information sources. Developing Internet resources to support learners. Course previously offered as EPSY 5962.
Credit hours: 3
Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3
Levels: Graduate
Schedule types: Lecture
Department/School: Educ Found Leadersh & Aviation
EPSY 5983 Instructional Effectiveness in Higher Education
Prerequisites: Graduate standing or consent of instructor.
Description: For teaching assistants in all areas. The many aspects of teaching in higher education. Both theory, e.g., traditional instructional design and practical applications, e.g., how to create a lecture. Issues related to instructional design, development of classroom climate, understanding and assessment of students, classroom practices, materials creation for teaching and development of support systems.
Credit hours: 3
Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3
Levels: Graduate
Schedule types: Lecture
Department/School: Educ Found Leadersh & Aviation
EPSY 6000 Doctoral Dissertation
Prerequisites: Consent of advisory committee chairperson.
Description: Report of research conducted by a student in the doctoral program in educational school psychology. Credit given and grade assigned upon completion and acceptance of the doctoral thesis. Offered for variable credit, 1-25 credit hours, maximum of 25 credit hours.
Credit hours: 1-25
Contact hours: Contact: 1-25 Other: 1-25
Levels: Graduate
Schedule types: Independent Study
Department/School: Educ Found Leadersh & Aviation
EPSY 6001 Colloquium II: The Job Search in Educational Psychology and Related Fields
Description: Discussion of issues related to the job search process in educational psychology and related fields.
Credit hours: 1
Contact hours: Contact: 1 Other: 1
Levels: Graduate
Schedule types: Discussion
Department/School: Educ Found Leadersh & Aviation
EPSY 6043 Adult Development
Description: Theory and research concerning human development during the adult years. Practical applications for serving adult populations in education and education-related settings. Course previously offered as ABSE 6043.
Credit hours: 3
Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3
Levels: Graduate
Schedule types: Lecture
Department/School: Educ Found Leadersh & Aviation
EPSY 6110 Seminar in School Psychology
Description: An assessment of psychological techniques applied to problems encountered in the internship. Course previously offered as ABSE 6110. Offered for variable credit, 1-3 credit hours, maximum of 6 credit hours.
Credit hours: 1-3
Contact hours: Contact: 1-3 Other: 1-3
Levels: Graduate
Schedule types: Independent Study
Department/School: Educ Found Leadersh & Aviation
EPSY 6153 Advanced Research in Educational Psychology
Description: Research in educational psychology in areas such as recent trends in the field, exploration of research designs in Educational Psychology, writing and dissemination of research, ethics and collaboration, and development of skills to be competent consumers of the literature.
Credit hours: 3
Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3
Levels: Graduate
Schedule types: Lecture
Department/School: Educ Found Leadersh & Aviation
EPSY 6163 Emotion and Cognition
Description: The relationship between emotion and cognition as it relates to knowing and learning. History, wisdom and the interdependence of affect and cognition, the effects of mood on memory, emotion in feminist epistemology, the role of feeling in the writing process, intuition, and narrative thought. Exploration of potential research. Course previously offered as ABSE 6163.
Credit hours: 3
Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3
Levels: Graduate
Schedule types: Lecture
Department/School: Educ Found Leadersh & Aviation
EPSY 6213 Advanced Educational Psychology
Prerequisites: Three hours in developmental psychology or consent of instructor.
Description: Learning and its effect upon coping and adjustment. How learning, environmental and personality factors interact to change human behavior. Course previously offered as EPSY 5213.
Credit hours: 3
Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3
Levels: Graduate
Schedule types: Lecture
Department/School: Educ Found Leadersh & Aviation
EPSY 6323 Psychological Consultation
Prerequisites: Admission to graduate program in the SAHEP or psychology program.
Description: Models and strategies for the delivery of special services in the schools and other agencies that focus on serving the mental health needs of children, adolescents and adults. The use of consultation as a problem solving alternative to the assessment/label approach. Same course as CPSY 6323, students can receive credit in only one of the courses. Course previously offered as ABSE 6323.
Credit hours: 3
Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3
Levels: Graduate
Schedule types: Lecture
Department/School: Educ Found Leadersh & Aviation
EPSY 6443 Theories and Problems in Educational Psychology
Prerequisites: Admission to the doctoral program in educational psychology or consent of instructor.
Description: Theoretical foundations and nature of the problems studied in educational psychology; current issues and historical overview.
Credit hours: 3
Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3
Levels: Graduate
Schedule types: Lecture
Department/School: Educ Found Leadersh & Aviation
EPSY 6460 Internship in Educational Psychology
Prerequisites: Consent of instructor.
Description: May be repeated for credit when work assignment varies. Required of all teaching assistants in educational psychology during the first semester of each new teaching assignment. Includes cooperative planning and evaluation. Course previously offered as ABSE 6460. Offered for variable credit, 1-9 credit hours, maximum of 9 credit hours.
Credit hours: 1-9
Contact hours: Contact: 1-9 Other: 1-9
Levels: Graduate
Schedule types: Independent Study
Department/School: Educ Found Leadersh & Aviation
EPSY 6533 Human Motivation
Description: A theoretically-oriented approach to the concept of motivation; essential precursors to human behavior and applications to the solution of real and hypothetical problems. Course previously offered as ABSE 6533.
Credit hours: 3
Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3
Levels: Graduate
Schedule types: Lecture
Department/School: Educ Found Leadersh & Aviation
EPSY 6850 Directed Readings in Educational and School Psychology
Prerequisites: Consent of instructor.
Description: Directed reading for students with advanced graduate standing in educational and school psychology. Course previously offered as ABSE 6850. Offered for variable credit, 1-6 credit hours, maximum of 6 credit hours.
Credit hours: 1-6
Contact hours: Contact: 1-6 Other: 1-6
Levels: Graduate
Schedule types: Independent Study
Department/School: Educ Found Leadersh & Aviation
EPSY 6880 Internship in Education
Prerequisites: Admission to advanced graduate program and consent of area coordinator.
Description: Directed off-campus experiences designed to relate ideas and concepts to problems encountered in the management of the school program. Course previously offered as ABSE 6880. Offered for variable credit, 1-6 credit hours, maximum of 6 credit hours.
Credit hours: 1-6
Contact hours: Contact: 1-6 Other: 1-6
Levels: Graduate
Schedule types: Independent Study
Department/School: Educ Found Leadersh & Aviation