Degree Programs
On This Page
- College of Arts and Sciences
- College of Education and Human Sciences
- College of Engineering, Architecture and Technology
- Ferguson College of Agriculture
- School of Global Studies & Partnerships
- Spears School of Business
- Graduate College
- College of Veterinary Medicine
- Certificate Programs
- Center for Health Sciences
- OSU Graduate Programs Offered Through The Center for Health Sciences
- College of Professional Studies
- College Abbreviations
- Degree Abbreviations
The type of degree offered in each major is listed along with the options and the college(s) in which each may be earned. For details, see appropriate department narrative. Major and option codes are included to assist in completing University forms where major and option information is required. Options are also referred to as concentrations in various areas throughout the catalog.
College of Arts and Sciences
Undergraduate Degree Programs
Major/Option | College | Degree | Major Code | Option Code |
Acting | AS | BFA | ACT | |
American Sign Language Studies | AS | BA | ASLS | |
English Interpreting | AS | BA | ASLS | EINT |
American Studies | AS | BA/BS | AMST | |
American Indian Studies | AS | BA/BS | AMST | AMIS |
Business Essentials | AS | BA/BS | AMST | BUES |
Pre-Law | AS | BA/BS | AMST | PLAW |
Applied Computer Programming | AS | BS | APCP | |
Art, Graphic Design and Art History | ||||
Art History | AS | BA | ART | ARTH |
Graphic Design | AS | BFA | ART | GRPH |
Studio Art | AS | BA | ART | STDA |
Studio | AS | BFA | ART | STU |
Arts Administration | AS | BA | AADM | |
Biochemistry | AS | BS | BIOC | |
Biology | AS | BS | BIO | |
Allied Health | AS | BS | BIO | ALHT |
Environmental Biology | AS | BS | BIO | EB |
Pre-Medical Sciences | AS | BS | BIO | PMDS |
Secondary Teacher Certification | AS | BS | BIO | STCH |
Chemistry | AS | BS | CHEM | |
ACS Approved | AS | BS | CHEM | ACS |
Pre-Health | AS | BS | CHEM | PHLT |
Secondary Teacher Certification | AS | BS | CHEM | STCH |
Communication Sciences and Disorders | AS | BS | CDIS | |
Computer Science | AS | BS | CS | |
Economics | AS | BS | ECON | |
General | AS | BA | ECON | GEN |
International Economic Relations | AS | BA | ECON | IECR |
Pre-Dental | AS | BS | ECON | PDEN |
Pre-Medical | AS | BS | ECON | PMED |
Pre-Veterinary | AS | BS | ECON | PVET |
English | AS | BA | ENGL | |
Creative Writing | AS | BA | ENGL | CRWR |
Pre-Law | AS | BA | ENGL | PLAW |
Professional Writing | AS | BA | ENGL | PRWR |
Screen Studies | AS | BA | ENGL | SCST |
Environmental Geoscience | AS | BS | EGEO | |
French | AS | BA | FREN | |
Business Essentials | AS | BA | FREN | BUES |
Pre-Law | AS | BA | FREN | PLAW |
Geography | AS | BA/BS | GEOG | |
Business Essentials | AS | BA/BS | GEOG | BUES |
Pre-Law | AS | BA | GEOG | PLAW |
Pre-Ministry | AS | BA | GEOG | PMIN |
Geology | AS | BS | GEOL | |
Business Essentials | AS | BS | GEOL | BUES |
Environmental Geology | AS | BS | GEOL | ENVG |
Petroleum Geology | AS | BS | GEOL | PETG |
Pre-Law | AS | BS | GEOL | PLAW |
Secondary Teacher Certification | AS | BS | GEOL | STCH |
Geophysics | AS | BS | GPHY | |
Geospatial Information Science | AS | BS | GSIS | |
German | AS | BA | GRMN | |
Business Essentials | AS | BA | GRMN | BUES |
Pre-Law | AS | BA | GRMN | PLAW |
Global Studies | AS | BA | GLST | |
Business Essentials | AS | BA | GLST | BUES |
Pre-Law | AS | BA | GLST | PLAW |
Pre-Ministry | AS | BA | GLST | PMIN |
History | AS | BA | HIST | |
Business Essentials | AS | BA | HIST | BUES |
Pre-Law | AS | BA | HIST | PLAW |
Interdisciplinary Studies | AS | BA/BS | IDST | |
Business Essentials | AS | BA/BS | IDST | BUES |
Pre-Law | AS | BA/BS | IDST | PLAW |
Mathematics | AS | BA/BS | MATH | |
Actuarial Science and Financial Mathematics | AS | BS | MATH | ASFM |
Applied Mathematics | AS | BS | MATH | AMTH |
Data Science | AS | BS | MATH | DS |
Pre-Law | AS | BS | MATH | PLAW |
Pre-Medical Sciences | AS | BS | MATH | PMDS |
Secondary Teacher Certification | AS | BS | MATH | STCH |
Medicinal Chemistry | AS | BS | MCHM | |
Microbiology/Cell and Molecular Biology | AS | BS | MCMB | |
Medical Laboratory Science | AS | BS | MCMB | MDLS |
Pre-Medical Professional | AS | BS | MCMB | PMDP |
Multimedia Journalism | AS | BA/BS | MMJ | |
Music | AS | BA | MUSI | |
Jazz Performance | AS | BM | MUSI | JAZP |
Music Composition | AS | BA | MUSI | MCOM |
Performance | AS | BM | MUSI | PERF |
Music Education | ||||
Instrumental/Vocal Certification | AS | BM | MSED | IVCT |
Music Industry | AS | BS | MSIN | |
Musical Theatre | AS | BFA | MUTH | |
Philosophy | AS | BA | PHIL | |
Ethics and Business Essentials | AS | BA | PHIL | EBUE |
Ethics and Public Policy | AS | BA | PHIL | EPP |
Pre-Law | AS | BA | PHIL | PLAW |
Pre-Ministry | AS | BA | PHIL | PMIN |
Physics | AS | BS | PHYS | |
Applied Physics | AS | BS | PHYS | APPH |
Secondary Teacher Certification | AS | BS | PHYS | STCH |
Physiology | AS | BS | PHSL | |
Pre-Medical Sciences | AS | BS | PHSL | PMDS |
Plant Biology | AS | BS | PLB | |
Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics | AS | BS | PLB | CBMG |
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology | AS | BS | PLB | EEB |
Pre-Forensics | AS | BS | PLB | PFRN |
Pre-Law/Environmental Policy | AS | BS | PLB | PLEP |
Pre-Pharmacy | AS | BS | PLB | PPH |
Political Science | AS | BA/BS | POLS | |
Global Politics | AS | BA/BS | POLS | GLPO |
Practical Politics: Campaign, Lobbying and Policymaking | AS | BA/BS | POLS | PRPO |
Pre-Law | AS | BA/BS | POLS | PLAW |
Public Policy | AS | BA/BS | POLS | PUBP |
Psychology | AS | BA/BS | PSYC | |
Business Essentials | AS | BA | PSYC | BUES |
Pre-Law | AS | BA | PSYC | PLAW |
Pre-Medical | AS | BS | PSYC | PMED |
Pre-Occupational Therapy | AS | BS | PSYC | PROT |
Pre-Physical Therapy | AS | BS | PSYC | PRPT |
Sociology | AS | BA/BS | SOC | |
Anthropology | AS | BA/BS | SOC | ANTH |
Criminology and Criminal Justice | AS | BA/BS | SOC | CRCJ |
Environment and Society | AS | BA/BS | SOC | ENSO |
Pre-Law | AS | BS | SOC | PLAW |
Pre-Medical Science | AS | BS | SOC | PMDS |
Social Services | AS | BA/BS | SOC | SOSV |
Spanish | AS | BA | SPAN | |
Business Essentials | AS | BA | SPAN | BUES |
Pre-Law | AS | BA | SPAN | PLAW |
Sports Media | AS | BA/BS | SPM | |
Statistics | AS | BS | STAT | |
Actuarial Science | AS | BS | STAT | ACSC |
Business Essentials | AS | BS | STAT | BUES |
Data Science | AS | BS | STAT | DS |
Strategic Communication | ||||
Advertising and Public Relations | AS | BA/BS | SC | ADPR |
Social Media | AS | BA/BS | SC | SOCM |
Sport Communication | AS | BA/BS | SC | SPCO |
Theatre | AS | BA | TH | |
Zoology | AS | BS | ZOOL | |
Ecology and Conservation Biology | AS | BS | ZOOL | ECB |
Pre-Medical Sciences | AS | BS | ZOOL | PMDS |
Pre-Veterinary Science | AS | BS | ZOOL | PVT |
Secondary Teacher Certification | AS | BS | ZOOL | STCH |
University Studies | AS | BUS | UNST | |
Multidisciplinary Studies | AS | BUS | UNST | MLTI |
Graduate Degree Programs
Major/Option | College | Degree | Major Code | Option Code |
Applied Statistics | AS | MS | APST | |
Art History | AS | MA | ARTH | |
Chemistry | AS | MS/PhD | CHEM | |
Communication Sciences and Disorders | AS | MS | CDIS | |
Computer Science | AS | MS/PhD | CS | |
English | AS | MA/PhD | ENGL | |
Creative Writing | AS | MFA | ENGL | CRWR |
Professional Writing | AS | MA | ENGL | PRWR |
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages | AS | MA | ENGL | TEOL |
Geography | AS | MS/PhD | GEOG | |
Geology | AS | MS/PhD | GEOL | |
Geoscience | AS | MPSM | GEOS | |
Graphic Design | AS | MFA | GRPH | |
History | AS | PhD | HIST | |
Public History | AS | MA | HIST | PHIS |
Integrative Biology | AS | MS/PhD | IB | |
Mass Communications | AS | MS | MSCM | |
Mathematics | AS | MS/PhD | MATH | |
Microbiology/Cell and Molecular Biology | AS | MS/PhD | MCMB | |
Music | ||||
Applied Music | AS | MM | MUSI | APMU |
Conducting | AS | MM | MUSI | COND |
Multiple Woodwinds | AS | MM | MUSI | MMWW |
Peace, Conflict, & Security Studies | AS | MA | PCSS | |
Philosophy | AS | MA | PHIL | |
Physics | AS | MS/PhD | PHYS | |
Optics and Photonics | AS | MS | PHYS | OPHO |
Plant Biology | AS | MS/PhD | PLB | |
Politics and Policy Studies | AS | MA | PPS | |
Psychology | ||||
Clinical | AS | PhD | PSYC | CLIN |
Experimental Psychology | AS | PhD | PSYC | EXPS |
Sociology | AS | MS/PhD | SOC | |
Statistics | AS | MS/PhD | STAT | |
Theatre | AS | MA | TH |
College of Education and Human Sciences
Undergraduate Degree Programs
Major/Option | College | Degree | Major Code | Option Code |
Aerospace Administration and Operations | ||||
Aerospace Security | EH | BS | AADO | ASPS |
Aviation Management | EH | BS | AADO | AVMG |
Professional Pilot | EH | BS | AADO | PRPL |
Technical Services Management | EH | BS | AADO | TSM |
Apparel Design and Technology | EH | BS | APDT | |
Applied Exercise Science | ||||
Pre-Professional | EH | BS | AES | PPRO |
Sport and Coaching Science | EH | BS | AES | SPC |
Strength and Conditioning | EH | BS | AES | SCON |
Early Child Care and Development | EH | BS | ECCD | |
Elementary Education | EH | BS | ELEM | |
Fashion Merchandising | EH | BS | FMER | |
Human Development and Family Science | ||||
Child and Family Services | EH | BS | HDFS | CHFS |
Early Childhood Education | EH | BS | HDFS | ECE |
Family and Consumer Sciences Education | EH | BS | HDFS | FACS |
Interior Design | EH | BS | ID | |
Nursing | EH | BSN | NURS | |
Nursing: RN to BSN | EH | BS | NRBS | |
Nutritional Sciences | ||||
Allied Health | EH | BS | NSCI | ALHT |
Dietetics | EH | BS | NSCI | DIET |
Human Nutrition/Pre-Medical Sciences | EH | BS | NSCI | HNPS |
Public Health Nutrition | EH | BS | NSCI | PHLN |
Public Health | ||||
Community Health | EH | BS | PH | CHLT |
Exercise and Health | EH | BS | PH | EAHL |
Recreation and Athletic Management | ||||
Recreation Management | EH | BS | RCAM | RM |
Recreational Therapy | EH | BS | RT | |
Pre-Professional Occupational Therapy | EH | BS | RT | PPOT |
Secondary Education | ||||
English | EH | BS | SCED | ENGL |
Mathematics | EH | BS | SCED | SCI |
Science | EH | BS | SCED | SCI |
Social Studies | EH | BS | SCED | SSTD |
Social Studies - Alternative Certification | EH | BS | SCED | SSAC |
University Studies | EH | BUS | UNST | |
Multidisciplinary Studies | EH | BUS | UNST | MLTI |
Graduate Degree Programs
Major/Option | College | Degree | Major Code | Option Code |
Aging Studies | EH | MS | AGSU | |
Applied Educational Studies | ||||
Aviation and Space Education | EH | EdD | AEST | AVSE |
Applied Health, Rehabilitation, and Recreation | EH | MS | AHRR | |
Aviation and Space | EH | MS | AVSP | |
Community Health Sciences | EH | PhD | CHSC | |
Counseling | ||||
Mental Health Counseling | EH | MS | COUN | MHC |
School Counseling | EH | MS | COUN | SCHC |
Counseling Psychology | EH | MS/PhD | CPSY | |
Curriculum Studies | EH | PhD | CURS | |
College Curriculum and Teaching | EH | PhD | CURS | CCT |
Curriculum and Leadership | EH | PhD | CURS | CULE |
International and Peace Curriculum | EH | PhD | CURS | IPEC |
Design and Merchandising | ||||
Apparel Design and Production | EH | MS | DHM | ADP |
Digital Design | EH | MS | DHM | DGDS |
Interior Design | EH | MS | DHM | ID |
Merchandising | EH | MS | DHM | MERC |
Retail Merchandising Leadership | EH | MS | DHM | RML |
Dietetics | EH | MS | DIET | |
Education | ||||
Educational Administration | EH | EdS | EDUC | EADM |
Language, Literacy and Culture | EH | PhD | EDUC | LLC |
Learning, Design and Technology | EH | PhD | EDUC | LEDT |
Mathematics Education | EH | PhD | EDUC | MATE |
School Psychology | EH | EdS | EDUC | SCHP |
Science Education | EH | PhD | EDUC | SCIE |
Social Foundations of Education | EH | PhD | EDUC | SFED |
Special Education | EH | PhD | EDUC | SPED |
Workforce and Adult Education | EH | PhD | EDUC | WAED |
Educational Leadership and Policy Studies | ||||
Educational Administration | EH | PhD | ELPS | EADM |
Higher Education | EH | PhD | ELPS | HIED |
Educational Leadership Studies | ||||
College Student Development | EH | MS | ELS | CSDV |
Higher Education | EH | MS | ELS | HIED |
School Administration | EH | MS | ELS | SA |
Workforce and Adult Education | EH | MS | ELS | WAED |
Educational Psychology | ||||
Educational Psychology | EH | MS/PhD | EPSY | EPSY |
Research, Evaluation, Measurement and Statistics | EH | MS/PhD | EPSY | REMS |
School Psychometrics | EH | MS | EPSY | SCPM |
Educational Technology | ||||
Educational Technology | EH | MS | EDTC | EDTC |
School Library Media | EH | MS | EDTC | SCLM |
Family and Community Services | EH | MS | FCS | |
Family and Consumer Sciences Education | EH | MS | FACS | |
Family Financial Planning | EH | MS | FFP | |
Health and Human Performance | EH | PhD | HHP | |
Applied Exercise Science | EH | MS | HHP | XAEX |
Health Promotion | EH | MS | HHP | HPRO |
Physical Education | EH | MS | HHP | PHED |
Health, Leisure and Human Performance | ||||
Health and Human Performance | EH | PhD | HLHP | HHP |
Leisure Studies | EH | PhD | HLHP | LEIS |
Human Development and Family Science | EH | PhD | HDFS | |
Aging Sciences | EH | MS | HDFS | AGS |
Applied Human Services | EH | MS | HDFS | AHS |
Developmental and Family Science | EH | MS | HDFS | DVFS |
Early Childhood Education | EH | MS | HDFS | ECE |
Marriage and Family Therapy | EH | MS | HDFS | MFTH |
Human Sciences | ||||
Design and Merchandising | EH | PhD | HS | DM |
Human Development and Family Science | EH | PhD | HS | HDFS |
Language, Learning, and Culture Education | EH | EdS | LLCE | |
Nutritional Sciences | EH | PhD | NSCI | |
Dietetics Practice | EH | MS | NSCI | DIPR |
Dietetics Research | EH | MS | NSCI | DTRS |
Nutrition | EH | MS | NSCI | NUTR |
School Administration | EH | EdD | SA | |
School Psychology | EH | MS/EdS/PhD | SPSY | |
Social Foundations of Education | EH | MA | SCFD | |
Teaching, Learning and Leadership | ||||
Curriculum and Leadership Studies | EH | MS | TLL | CLS |
Gifted and Talented Education | EH | MS | TLL | GTED |
K-12 Education | EH | MS | TLL | KTED |
Mathematics/Science Education | EH | MS | TLL | MMSE |
Reading and Literacy | EH | MS | TLL | REAL |
Special Education | EH | MS | TLL | SPED |
Workforce and Adult Education | EH | MS | TLL | WAED |
College of Engineering, Architecture and Technology
Undergraduate Degree Programs
Major/Option | College | Degree | Major Code | Option Code |
Aerospace Engineering | EN | BSAE | AERS | |
Architectural Design Studies | ||||
Design Management and Leadership | EN | BS | ARDS | DMAN |
Design Thinking and Communication | EN | BS | ARDS | DCOM |
Design, Culture, and Urban Studies | EN | BS | ARDS | DCUL |
Architectural Engineering | ||||
Construction Project Management | EN | BEN | ARCE | CNPM |
Structures | EN | BEN | ARCE | STR |
Architecture | EN | BAR | ARCH | |
Biosystems Engineering | EN | BSBE | BAE | BAE |
Bioprocessing and Food Processing | EN | BSBE | BAE | BPFP |
Environmental and Natural Resources | EN | BSBE | BAE | ENTR |
Machine Systems and Agricultural Engineering | EN | BSBE | BAE | MSAE |
Pre-Medical | EN | BSBE | BAE | PMED |
Chemical Engineering | EN | BSCH | CHEN | |
Biomedical/Biochemical | EN | BSCH | CHEN | BMBC |
Pre-Medical | EN | BSCH | CHEN | PMED |
Civil Engineering | EN | BSCV | CIVE | |
Environmental | EN | BSCV | CIVE | ENV |
Computer Engineering | EN | BSCP | CPE | |
Software Engineering | EN | BSCP | CPE | SOFT |
Construction Engineering Technology | ||||
Building | EN | BSET | CET | BLDG |
Heavy | EN | BSET | CET | HVY |
Electrical Engineering | EN | BSEE | ELEN | |
Electrical Engineering Technology | EN | BSET | EETE | |
Computer | EN | BSET | EETE | COMP |
Fire Protection and Safety Engineering Technology | EN | BSET | FPSE | |
Industrial Engineering and Management | EN | BSIE | IEM | |
Mechanical Engineering | EN | BSME | MEEN | |
Fire Protection Systems | EN | BSME | MEEN | FPS |
Petroleum | EN | BSME | MEEN | PETR |
Pre-Medical | EN | BSME | MEEN | PMED |
Mechanical Engineering Technology | EN | BSET | MET | |
Mechatronics and Robotics | EN | BSET | MERO | |
University Studies | EN | BUS | UNST | |
Multidisciplinary Studies | EN | BUS | UNST | MLTI |
Graduate Degree Programs
Major/Option | College | Degree | Major Code | Option Code |
Biosystems Engineering | EN | MS/PhD | BAE | |
Chemical Engineering | EN | MS/PhD | CHEN | |
Civil Engineering | EN | MS/PhD | CIVE | |
Electrical Engineering | EN | MEN/MS/PhD | ELEN | |
Control Systems | EN | MS | ELEN | CTLS |
Optics and Photonics | EN | MS | ELEN | OPHO |
Engineering and Technology Management | EN | MS | ETM | |
Engineering Technology | ||||
Fire Safety and Explosion Protection | EN | MS | ENT | FSEP |
Mechatronics and Robotics | EN | MS | ENT | MERO |
Environmental Engineering | EN | MS | EVEN | |
Fire and Emergency Management Administration | EN | MS/PhD | FEMP | |
Industrial Engineering and Management | EN | MS/PhD | IEM | |
Operations Research and Analytics | EN | MS | IEM | IEOR |
Supply Chain and Logistics | EN | MS | IEM | SCLG |
Materials Science and Engineering | EN | MEN/MS/PhD | MSE | |
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering | EN | MEN/MS/PhD | MAE | |
Unmanned Aerial Systems | EN | MS/PhD | MAE | UMAS |
Petroleum Engineering | EN | MS/PhD | PETE |
Ferguson College of Agriculture
Undergraduate Degree Programs
Major/Option | College | Degree | Major Code | Option Code |
Agribusiness | FC | BSAG | AGBU | |
Accounting Double Major | FC | BSAG | AGBU/ACCT | |
Agricultural Communications Double Major | FC | BSAG | AGBU/AGCM | |
Community and Regional Analysis | FC | BSAG | AGBU | CRA |
Crop and Soil Science | FC | BSAG | AGBU | CASS |
Farm and Ranch Management | FC | BSAG | AGBU | FARM |
International | FC | BSAG | AGBU | INT |
Natural Resources | FC | BSAG | AGBU | NRES |
Pre-Law | FC | BSAG | AGBU | PLAW |
Pre-Veterinary Business Management | FC | BSAG | AGBU | PVBM |
Agricultural Communications | FC | BSAG | AGCM | |
Agribusiness Double Major | FC | BSAG | AGCM/AGBU | |
Animal Science Double Major | FC | BSAG | AGCM/ANSI | |
Agricultural Economics | FC | BSAG | AGEC | |
Agricultural Education | ||||
Multidisciplinary | FC | BSAG | AGED | MULT |
Agricultural Leadership | FC | BSAG | AGLE | |
Extension Education | FC | BSAG | AGLE | EXTE |
International Studies | FC | BSAG | AGLE | INTL |
Agricultural Systems Technology | FC | BSAG | AST | |
Animal Science | ||||
Business/Pre-Law | FC | BSAG | ANSI | BPLW |
General | FC | BSAG | ANSI | GEN |
Pre-Veterinary/Pre-Medical | FC | BSAG | ANSI | PVM |
Production and Operations | FC | BSAG | ANSI | PROP |
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | FC | BSAG | BIMB | |
Biotechnology | FC | BSAG | BIMB | BIOT |
Pre-Medical or Pre-Veterinary Science | FC | BSAG | BIMB | PMPV |
Entomology | ||||
Bio-Forensics | FC | BSAG | ENTO | BFRN |
Insect Biology and Ecology | FC | BSAG | ENTO | IBAE |
Pre-Veterinary and Pre-Medical Sciences | FC | BSAG | ENTO | PVPM |
Environmental Science | ||||
Environmental Policy | FC | BSAG | ENVR | ENVP |
Natural Resources | FC | BSAG | ENVR | NRES |
Water Resources | FC | BSAG | ENVR | WATR |
Food Science | FC | BSAG | FDSC | |
Horticulture | ||||
Horticultural Business | FC | BSAG | HORT | HRTB |
Horticultural Food Safety | FC | BSAG | HORT | HFS |
Horticultural Science | FC | BSAG | HORT | HRTS |
Landscape Management | FC | BSAG | HORT | LM |
Public Horticulture | FC | BSAG | HORT | PHRT |
Turf Management | FC | BSAG | HORT | TURF |
Urban Horticulture | FC | BSAG | HORT | URBH |
Landscape Architecture | FC | BLA | LA | |
Natural Resource Ecology and Management | ||||
Fisheries and Aquatic Ecology | FC | BSAG | NREM | FAEC |
Forest Ecology and Management | FC | BSAG | NREM | FOEM |
Rangeland Ecology and Management | FC | BSAG | NREM | REM |
Wildlife Biology and Pre-Veterinary Science | FC | BSAG | NREM | WBPV |
Wildlife Ecology and Management | FC | BSAG | NREM | WLEM |
Plant and Soil Sciences | ||||
Agronomic Business | FC | BSAG | PASS | AGB |
Crop Production and Management | FC | BSAG | PASS | CPM |
Plant Biotechnology and Improvement | FC | BSAG | PASS | PBI |
Soil and Water Resources | FC | BSAG | PASS | SAWR |
University Studies | FC | BUS | UNST | |
Multidisciplinary Studies | FC | BUS | UNST | MLTI |
Graduate Degree Programs
Major/Option | College | Degree | Major Code | Option Code |
Agricultural Communications | FC | MS | AGCM | |
Agricultural Economics | FC | MS/PhD | AGEC | |
Agricultural Education, Communications, and Leadership | FC | PhD | AECL | |
Agricultural Education and Leadership | FC | MS | AGEL | |
Animal Science | FC | MS/PhD | ANSI | |
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | FC | MS/PhD | BIMB | |
Crop Science | FC | PhD | CPSI | |
Entomology | FC | PhD | ENTO | |
Entomology and Plant Pathology | ||||
Entomology | FC | MS | ENPP | ENTO |
Plant Pathology | FC | MS | ENPP | PLP |
Food Science | FC | MS/PhD | FDSC | |
General Agriculture | ||||
Agribusiness | FC | MAG | GNAG | AGBU |
Agricultural Leadership | FC | MAG | GNAG | AGLE |
Horticulture | FC | MS | HORT | |
International Agriculture | FC | MAG/MS | AGIN | |
Natural Resource Ecology and Management | FC | MS/PhD | NREM | |
Fisheries and Aquatic Ecology | FC | MS/PhD | NREM | FAEC |
Forest Resources | FC | MS/PhD | NREM | FTRS |
Rangeland Ecology and Management | FC | MS/PhD | NREM | REM |
Wildlife Ecology and Management | FC | MS/PhD | NREM | WLEM |
Plant and Soil Sciences | FC | MS | PASS | |
Plant Pathology | FC | PhD | PLP | |
Soil Science | FC | PhD | SOIL |
School of Global Studies & Partnerships
Graduate Degree Programs
Major/Option | College | Degree | Major Code | Option Code |
Global Studies | GS | MS | GS |
Spears School of Business
Undergraduate Degree Programs
Major/Option | College | Degree | Major Code | Option Code |
Accounting | ||||
External Reporting, Control and Auditing | SB | BSBA | ACCT | ACEX |
Internal Reporting, Control and Auditing | SB | BSBA | ACCT | ACIN |
Accounting Systems | ||||
Cyber Audit | SB | BSBA | ACSY | CYAU |
Data Analytics | SB | BSBA | ACSY | DAN |
Data Analytics | SB | BSBA | DAN | |
Economics | SB | BSBA | ECON | |
Business Economics and Quantitative Studies | SB | BSBA | ECON | BEQS |
Pre-Law | SB | BSBA | ECON | PLAW |
Entrepreneurship | SB | BSBA | EEE | |
Finance | SB | BSBA | FIN | |
Commercial Bank Management | SB | BSBA | FIN | CBM |
Financial Analyst | SB | BSBA | FIN | FINA |
Pre-Law | SB | BSBA | FIN | PLAW |
General Business | SB | BSBA | GNBU | |
Pre-Law | SB | BSBA | GNBU | PLAW |
Hospitality and Tourism Management | SB | BSBA | HTM | |
Beverage Management | SB | BSBA | HTM | BEVM |
Event Management | SB | BSBA | HTM | EVMG |
International Business | SB | BSBA | INBU | |
Management | SB | BSBA | MGMT | |
Business Sustainability and Nonprofit Management | SB | BSBA | MGMT | BSNM |
Human Resource Management | SB | BSBA | MGMT | HRM |
Management Consulting | SB | BSBA | MGMT | MGMC |
Nonprofit Management | SB | BSBA | MGMT | NPM |
Pre-Law | SB | BSBA | MGMT | PLAW |
Sports Management | SB | BSBA | MGMT | SPMG |
Management Information Systems | SB | BSBA | MIS | |
Data Science | SB | BSBA | MIS | DS |
Information Assurance | SB | BSBA | MIS | IA |
Marketing | SB | BSBA | MKTG | |
Marketing Communications Management | SB | BSBA | MKTG | MKCM |
Marketing Research and Analytics | SB | BSBA | MKTG | MRA |
Professional Selling and Sales Management | SB | BSBA | MKTG | MKPS |
Sports Marketing and Revenue Generation | SB | BSBA | MKTG | SMRG |
Real Estate and Property Management | SB | BSBA | REPM | |
University Studies | SB | BUS | UNST | |
Multidisciplinary Studies | SB | BUS | UNST | MLTI |
Graduate Degree Programs
Major/Option | College | Degree | Major Code | Option Code |
Accounting | SB | MS | ACCT | |
Corporate Finance | SB | MS | ACCT | CF |
Data Analytics and Systems | SB | MS | ACCT | DAS |
Financial Reporting and Auditing | SB | MS | ACCT | FRA |
Research Methods | SB | MS | ACCT | ACRM |
Accounting Systems | ||||
Cyber Audit | SB | MS | ACSY | CYAU |
Data Analytics | SB | MS | ACSY | DAN |
Business Administration | SB | MBA/DBA | BADM | |
Accounting | SB | PhD | BADM | ACCT |
Entrepreneurship | SB | PhD | BADM | EEE |
Executive Research | SB | PhD | BADM | EXRS |
Finance | SB | PhD | BADM | FIN |
Hospitality and Tourism Management | SB | PhD | BADM | HTM |
Management | SB | PhD | BADM | MGMT |
Management Science and Information Systems | SB | PhD | BADM | MSIS |
Marketing | SB | PhD | BADM | MKTG |
Business Analytics and Data Science | SB | MS | BADS | |
Advanced Data Science | SB | MS | BADS | ADS |
Cybersecurity Analytics | SB | MS | BADS | CYAN |
Health Analytics | SB | MS | BADS | HLTA |
Marketing Analytics | SB | MS | BADS | MKTA |
Economics | SB | MS/PhD | ECON | |
Entrepreneurship | SB | MS | EEE | |
Hospitality and Tourism Management | SB | MS | HTM | |
Management Information Systems | SB | MS | MIS | |
Big Data Analytics | SB | MS | MIS | BDA |
Cybersecurity | SB | MS | MIS | CYBR |
Health Analytics | SB | MS | MIS | HLTA |
Quantitative Finance | SB | MS | QF |
Graduate College
Interdisciplinary Degree Programs
Major/Option | College | Degree | Major Code | Option Code |
Environmental Science | GR | MS/PhD | ENVR | |
Environmental Mgmt Professional Science Mast | GR | MS | ENVR | PSM |
Interdisciplinary Studies | GR | MS | IDST | |
Photonics | GR | PhD | PHOT | |
Public Health | GR | MPH | PH | |
Rural and Underserved Populations | GR | MPH | PH | RUP |
College of Veterinary Medicine
Doctor Veterinary Medicine Degree Program
Major/Option | College | Degree | Major Code | Option Code |
Comparative Biomedical Sciences | VM | MS/PhD | CBSC | |
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine | VM | DVM | VM |
Certificate Programs
Major/Option | College | Degree | Major Code | Option Code |
Certificate | ||||
Geographic Information Systems | AS | CERT | GIS | |
Undergraduate Certificates | ||||
Accounting, Systems, and Auditing | SB | UCRT | ACSU | |
Business Analytics | SB | UCRT | BANU | |
Business Essentials | SB | UCRT | BUEU | |
Business Finance Essentials | SB | UCRT | BFEU | |
Casino, Gaming and Resort Management | SB | UCRT | CGMU | |
Communication Sciences and Disorders | AS | UCRT | CSDC | |
Computational Economics and Data Analysis | SB | UCRT | CEDU | |
Cybersecurity | AS | UCRT | CYBU | |
Cyber Systems | SB | UCRT | CSU | |
Data Systems | SB | UCRT | DSYU | |
Digital Design in Design and Merchandising | EH | UCRT | DDMU | |
Digital Studies | AS | UCRT | DGST | |
Environmental Studies | AS | UCRT | EVST | |
Equine Enterprise Management | FC | UCRT | EEM | |
eSports | AS | UCRT | ESPU | |
Ethical Leadership | UCRT | ELU | ||
Fashion Design | EH | UCRT | FDEU | |
Fashion Design: Digital Product Creation | EH | UCRT | FDDU | |
Food Safety | FC | UCRT | SAFU | |
Global Beverage Business | SB | UCRT | GBBU | |
Information Systems Development | SB | UCRT | ISDU | |
Instructional Design | EH | UCRT | INDU | |
Learning and Motivation | EH | UCRT | LEMU | |
Post-Baccalaureate in Dietetics | EH | UCRT | PBAU | |
Pre-Health Care Administration | AS | UCRT | PHCA | |
Pre-Medical Sciences | AS | UCRT | PMDS | |
Pre-Nursing | EH | UCRT | PNUR | |
Product Development for Apparel | EH | UCRT | PDAU | |
Professional Spanish | AS | UCRT | PSPU | |
Property and Real Estate Management | SB | UCRT | PRMU | |
Public Health | EH | UCRT | PHU | |
Sales and Service Excellence | SB | UCRT | SSE | |
Special Education | EH | UCRT | SPDU | |
Starting and Growing a New Business | SB | UCRT | SGBU | |
Supply Chain Management | SB | UCRT | SUPU | |
Sustainable Business Management | SB | UCRT | SBM | |
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages | AS | UCRT | TEOU | |
Travel and Tourism Management | SB | UCRT | TTMU | |
Undergraduate Research | UCRT | UR | ||
Graduate Certificates | ||||
Accounting | SB | GCRT | ACTG | |
Advanced Sports Medicine Concepts | CG | GCRT | ASMG | |
Aging Studies | EH | GCRT | AGSG | |
Aviation/Aerospace Administration | EH | GCRT | AVAG | |
Big Data Analytics | GR | GCRT | BDA | |
Bioinformatics | GR | GCRT | BIOI | |
Brand Communication | AS | GCRT | BRCG | |
Building Level Leadership | EH | GCRT | BDLL | |
Business | SB | GCRT | BUSG | |
Business Analytics and Data Science | SB | GCRT | BADS | |
Business Sustainability and Nonprofit Management | SB | GCRT | BSNG | |
Casino and Gaming Management | SB | GCRT | CGMG | |
College Teaching | GR | GCRT | CTCH | |
Comparative and International Education | EH | GCRT | CMIE | |
Developmental Disabilities | EH | GCRT | DD | |
Dietetics | EH | GCRT | DIEG | |
Digital Design in Design & Merchandising | EH | GCRT | DDMG | |
Digital Forensics & Incident Response | CG | GCRT | DFIG | |
District Level Leadership | EH | GCRT | DLL | |
Educational and Psychological Measurement | EH | GCRT | EDPM | |
Effective Teaching in Elementary Schools | EH | GCRT | ETES | |
Effective Teaching in Secondary Schools | EH | GCRT | ETSS | |
Elementary Mathematics Specialist | EH | GCRT | ELMS | |
Energy Business | SB | GCRT | ENBG | |
Engineering and Technology Management | GR | GCRT | CETM | |
Entrepreneurship | SB | GCRT | EEEG | |
Environmental Science with Regulatory Certifications | GR | GCRT | ESRC | |
Facilitating Career Development | EH | GCRT | FCDG | |
Family Financial Planning | GR | GCRT | FFPG | |
Fashion Merchandising | EH | GCRT | FMEG | |
Finance & Investment Banking | SB | GCRT | FIBG | |
Food Safety Management | FC | GCRT | FSMG | |
Food Safety Science | FC | GCRT | FSSG | |
Forensic Arson, Explosives, Firearms, and Toolmarks Investigation | GR | GCRT | FAFT | |
Forensic Crime Analysis | CG | GCRT | FCAG | |
Forensic Investigative Sciences | CG | GCRT | FISG | |
Forensic Psychology | CG | GCRT | FPSY | |
Forensic Threat Assessment and Management | CG | GCRT | FTAG | |
Geographic Information Systems | AS | GCRT | GISG | |
Global Issues | GS | GCRT | GLI | |
Grassland Management | GR | GCRT | GRMT | |
Health Analytics | SB | GCRT | HLTA | |
Health Care Administration | CG | GCRT | HCAG | |
Health Care Administration Compliance | CG | GCRT | HCCG | |
Health Care Administration Finance | CG | GCRT | HCAF | |
Health Care Administration Global Health | CG | GCRT | HCGH | |
Hidden Student Populations | EH | GCRT | HSPG | |
Hospitality & Tourism Analytics | SB | GCRT | HTAG | |
Human Resource Management | SB | GCRT | HRM | |
Infant Mental Health | GR | GCRT | IMH | |
Information Assurance | SB | GCRT | IAG | |
Innovative Leadership | SB | GCRT | INLG | |
Integrative Design of Building Envelope | EN | GCRT | IDBE | |
Interdisciplinary Toxicology | GR | GCRT | ITOX | |
International Disaster and Emergency Management | GS | GCRT | IDEM | |
K-12 STEM Educator | EH | GCRT | KSED | |
Learning and Motivation | EH | GCRT | LEMG | |
Marketing Analytics | SB | GCRT | MKTA | |
Mathematics | AS | GCRT | MATG | |
Medical Sciences | GR | GCRT | MSCI | |
Museum and Curatorial Studies | AS | GCRT | MCS | |
Neuroscience | GR | GCRT | NEUG | |
Non-Profit Management | SB | GCRT | NPM | |
Online Teaching | GR | GCRT | OLT | |
Program Evaluation | GR | GCRT | PREV | |
Public Health in Rural and Underserved Populations | GR | GCRT | PHG | |
Quantum Information Science | AS | GCRT | QISG | |
Recreation and Leisure Management | EH | GCRT | RCLM | |
School Library Certification | EH | GCRT | SCL | |
Special Education | EH | GCRT | SPED | |
Sport Communication | AS | GCRT | SPCG | |
Statistical Methods and Analyses in Educational and Behavioral Sciences | EH | GCRT | SMAE | |
Substance Abuse Counseling | EH | GCRT | SACG | |
Supply Chain and Logistics | EN | GCRT | SCLG | |
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages | GR | GCRT | TEOG | |
Tribal Health Care Administration | CG | GCRT | THCG | |
Workforce and Adult Education | GR | GCRT | WAED |
Center for Health Sciences
Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine Degree Program
Major/Option | College | Degree | Major Code | Option Code |
Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine | OM | DO | OM |
OSU Graduate Programs Offered Through The Center for Health Sciences
Major/Option | College | Degree | Major Code | Option Code |
Athletic Training | CG | MAT | ATRN | |
Biomedical Sciences | CG | MS/PhD | BMED | |
Forensic Sciences | CG | DFS/MS/PhD | FOSC | |
Arson, Explosives, Firearms and Toolmarks Investigation | CG | MS | FOSC | FAFT |
Forensic Document Examination | CG | MS | FOSC | FDE |
Forensic Science Administration | CG | MS | FOSC | FSA |
Global Health | CG | MS | GLHE | |
Health Care Administration | CG | DHCA | HCA | |
Administration | CG | MS | HCA | ADMN |
Leadership and Entrepreneurship | CG | MS | HCA | LAE |
Medical Sciences | CG | MS | MSCI | |
Physician Assistant Studies | CG | MS | PHAS |
College of Professional Studies
Major/Option | College | Degree | Major Code | Option Code |
Entertainment Media | PS | BPS | ENME | |
Health Care Administration | PS | BPS | HCA | |
Organizational Leadership | PS | BPS | ORGL | |
Public Safety | PS | BPS | PSAF |
College Abbreviations
Banner Code | Abbreviations | College Name |
AS | CAS | College of Arts and Sciences |
CG | CHS | Center for Health Sciences Graduate Programs |
EH | EHS | College of Education and Human Sciences |
EN | CEAT | College of Engineering, Architecture and Technology |
FC | AGRI | Ferguson College of Agriculture |
GR | GC | Graduate College |
GS | GSP | School of Global Studies and Partnerships |
PS | PS | College of Professional Studies |
SB | SSB | Spears School of Business |
VM | CVM | College of Veterinary Medicine |
Degree Abbreviations
BA | Bachelor of Arts |
BAR | Bachelor of Architecture |
BEN | Bachelor of Engineering |
BFA | Bachelor of Fine Arts |
BLA | Bachelor of Landscape Architecture |
BM | Bachelor of Music |
BPS | Bachelor of Professional Studies |
BS | Bachelor of Science |
BSAE | Bachelor of Science in Aerospace Engineering |
BSAG | Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources |
BSBA | Bachelor of Science in Business Administration |
BSBE | Bachelor of Science in Biosystems Engineering |
BSCH | Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering |
BSCP | Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering |
BSCV | Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering |
BSEE | Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering |
BSET | Bachelor of Science in Engineering Technology |
BSHS | Bachelor of Science in Human Sciences |
BSIE | Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering and Management |
BSME | Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering |
BSN | Bachelor of Science in Nursing |
BUS | Bachelor of University Studies |
MA | Master of Arts |
MAG | Master of Agriculture |
MAT | Master of Athletic Training |
MATT | Master of Arts in Teaching |
MBA | Master of Business Administration |
MEN | Master of Engineering |
MFA | Master of Fine Arts |
MM | Master of Music |
MPH | Master of Public Health |
MPSM | Professional Science Masters |
MS | Master of Science |
DFS | Doctor of Forensic Sciences |
EdS | Specialist in Education |
EdD | Doctor of Education |
PhD | Doctor of Philosophy |
DVM | Doctor of Veterinary Medicine |
DHCA | Doctor of Healthcare Administration |
- Accounting Systems: Cyber Audit, BSBA
- Accounting Systems: Data Analytics, BSBA
- Accounting: External Reporting, Control, and Auditing, BSBA
- Accounting: Internal Reporting, Control and Auditing, BSBA
- Acting, BFA
- Aerospace Administration and Operations: Aerospace Security, BS
- Aerospace Administration and Operations: Aviation Management, BS
- Aerospace Administration and Operations: Professional Pilot, BS
- Aerospace Administration and Operations: Technical Service Management, BS
- Aerospace Engineering, BSAE
- Agribusiness, BSAG
- Agribusiness: Accounting Double Major, BSAG
- Agribusiness: Agricultural Communications Double Major, BSAG
- Agribusiness: Community and Regional Analysis, BSAG
- Agribusiness: Crop and Soil Sciences, BSAG
- Agribusiness: Farm and Ranch Management, BSAG
- Agribusiness: International, BSAG
- Agribusiness: Natural Resources, BSAG
- Agribusiness: Pre-Law, BSAG
- Agribusiness: Pre-Veterinary Business Management, BSAG
- Agricultural Communications, BSAG
- Agricultural Communications: Agribusiness Double Major, BSAG
- Agricultural Communications: Animal Science Double Major, BSAG
- Agricultural Economics, BSAG
- Agricultural Education: Multidisciplinary, BSAG
- Agricultural Leadership, BSAG
- Agricultural Leadership: Extension Education, BSAG
- Agricultural Leadership: International Studies, BSAG
- Agricultural Systems Technology, BSAG
- American Sign Language Studies, BA
- American Sign Language Studies: ASL - English Interpreting, BA
- American Studies, BA
- American Studies, BS
- American Studies: American Indian Studies, BA
- American Studies: American Indian Studies, BS
- American Studies: Business Essentials, BA
- American Studies: Business Essentials, BS
- American Studies: Pre-Law, BA
- American Studies: Pre-Law, BS
- Animal Science: Business/Pre-Law, BSAG
- Animal Science: General Option, BSAG
- Animal Science: Pre-Veterinary/Pre-Medical, BSAG
- Animal Science: Production and Operations, BSAG
- Apparel Design and Technology, BS
- Applied Computer Programming, BS
- Applied Exercise Science: Pre-Professional, BS
- Applied Exercise Science: Sport and Coaching Science, BS
- Applied Exercise Science: Strength and Conditioning, BS
- Architectural Design Studies: Design Management and Leadership, BS
- Architectural Design Studies: Design Thinking and Communication, BS
- Architectural Design Studies: Design, Culture and Urban Studies, BS
- Architectural Engineering: Construction Project Management, BEN
- Architectural Engineering: Structures, BEN
- Architecture, BAR
- Art: Art History, BA
- Art: Graphic Design, BFA
- Art: Studio Art, BA
- Art: Studio, BFA
- Arts Administration, BA
- Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, BSAG
- Biochemistry and Molecular Biology: Biotechnology, BSAG
- Biochemistry and Molecular Biology: Pre-Medical or Pre-Veterinary Science, BSAG
- Biochemistry, BS
- Biology, BS
- Biology: Allied Health, BS
- Biology: Environmental Biology, BS
- Biology: Pre-Medical Sciences, BS
- Biology: Secondary Teacher Certification, BS
- Biosystems Engineering: Bioprocessing & Food Processing, BSBE
- Biosystems Engineering: Biosystems Engineering, BSBE
- Biosystems Engineering: Environmental and Natural Resources, BSBE
- Biosystems Engineering: Machine Systems & Agricultural Engineering, BSBE
- Biosystems Engineering: Pre-Medical, BSBE
- Chemical Engineering, BSCH
- Chemical Engineering: Biomedical/Biochemical, BSCH
- Chemical Engineering: Pre-Medical, BSCH
- Chemistry (Approved by the American Chemical Society), BS
- Chemistry, BS
- Chemistry: Pre-Health, BS
- Chemistry: Secondary Teacher Certification, BS
- Civil Engineering, BSCV
- Civil Engineering: Environmental, BSCV
- Communication Sciences and Disorders, BS
- Computer Engineering, BSCP
- Computer Engineering: Software Engineering, BSCP
- Computer Science, BS
- Construction Engineering Technology: Building, BSET
- Construction Engineering Technology: Heavy, BSET
- Early Child Care and Development, BS
- Economics, BS
- Economics, BSBA
- Economics: Business Economics and Quantitative Studies, BSBA
- Economics: General Option, BA
- Economics: International Economics Relations, BA
- Economics: Pre-Dental, BS
- Economics: Pre-Law, BSBA
- Economics: Pre-Medical, BS
- Economics: Pre-Veterinary, BS
- Electrical Engineering Technology, BSET
- Electrical Engineering Technology: Computer, BSET
- Electrical Engineering, BSEE
- Elementary Education, BS
- English, BA
- English: Creative Writing, BA
- English: Pre-Law, BA
- English: Professional Writing, BA
- English: Screen Studies, BA
- Entertainment Media, BPS
- Entomology: Bio-Forensics, BSAG
- Entomology: Insect Biology and Ecology, BSAG
- Entomology: Pre-Veterinary and Pre-Medical, BSAG
- Entrepreneurship, BSBA
- Environmental Geoscience, BS
- Environmental Science: Environmental Policy, BSAG
- Environmental Science: Natural Resources, BSAG
- Environmental Science: Water Resources, BSAG
- Fashion Merchandising, BS
- Finance: Commercial Bank Management Option, BSBA
- Finance: Financial Analyst Option, BSBA
- Finance: General Option, BSBA
- Finance: Pre-Law, BSBA
- Fire Protection and Safety Engineering Technology, BSET
- Food Science, BSAG
- French, BA
- French: Business Essentials, BA
- French: Pre-Law, BA
- General Business, BSBA
- General Business: Pre-Law, BSBA
- Geography, BA
- Geography, BS
- Geography: Business Essentials, BA
- Geography: Business Essentials, BS
- Geography: Pre-Law, BA
- Geography: Pre-Ministry, BA
- Geology, BS
- Geology: Business Essentials, BS
- Geology: Environmental Geology, BS
- Geology: Petroleum Geology, BS
- Geology: Pre-Law, BS
- Geology: Secondary Teacher Certification, BS
- Geophysics, BS
- Geospatial Information Science, BS
- German, BA
- German: Business Essentials, BA
- German: Pre-Law, BA
- Global Studies, BA
- Global Studies: Business Essentials, BA
- Global Studies: Pre-Law, BA
- Global Studies: Pre-Ministry, BA
- Health Care Administration, BPS
- History, BA
- History: Business Essentials, BA
- History: Pre-Law, BA
- Horticulture: Horticultural Business, BSAG
- Horticulture: Horticultural Food Safety, BSAG
- Horticulture: Horticultural Science, BSAG
- Horticulture: Landscape Management, BSAG
- Horticulture: Public Horticulture, BSAG
- Horticulture: Turf Management, BSAG
- Horticulture: Urban Horticulture, BSAG
- Hospitality and Tourism Management, BSBA
- Hospitality and Tourism Management: Beverage Management, BSBA
- Hospitality and Tourism Management: Event Management, BSBA
- Human Development and Family Science: Child and Family Services, BS
- Human Development and Family Science: Early Childhood Education, BS
- Human Development and Family Science: Family & Consumer Sciences Education, BS
- Industrial Engineering and Management, BSIE
- Interdisciplinary Studies, BA
- Interdisciplinary Studies, BS
- Interdisciplinary Studies: Business Essentials, BA
- Interdisciplinary Studies: Business Essentials, BS
- Interdisciplinary Studies: Pre-Law, BA
- Interdisciplinary Studies: Pre-Law, BS
- Interior Design, BS
- International Business, BSBA
- Management Information Systems, BSBA
- Management Information Systems: Data Science, BSBA
- Management Information Systems: Information Assurance, BSBA
- Management, BSBA
- Management: Business Sustainability and Nonprofit Management, BSBA
- Management: Human Resource Management, BSBA
- Management: Management Consulting, BSBA
- Management: Pre-Law, BSBA
- Management: Sports Management, BSBA
- Marketing, BSBA
- Marketing: Marketing Communications Management, BSBA
- Marketing: Marketing Research and Analytics, BSBA
- Marketing: Professional Selling and Sales Management, BSBA
- Marketing: Sports Marketing and Revenue Generation, BSBA
- Mathematics, BA
- Mathematics, BS
- Mathematics: Actuarial Science and Financial Mathematics, BS
- Mathematics: Applied Mathematics, BS
- Mathematics: Data Science, BS
- Mathematics: Pre-Law, BS
- Mathematics: Pre-Medical Sciences, BS
- Mathematics: Secondary Teacher Certification, BS
- Mechanical Engineering Technology, BSET
- Mechanical Engineering, BSME
- Mechanical Engineering: Fire Protection Systems, BSME
- Mechanical Engineering: Petroleum, BSME
- Mechanical Engineering: Pre-Medical, BSME
- Mechatronics and Robotics, BSET
- Medicinal Chemistry, BS
- Microbiology/Cell & Molecular Biology, BS
- Microbiology/Cell & Molecular Biology: Medical Laboratory Science, BS
- Microbiology/Cell & Molecular Biology: Pre-Medical Professional, BS
- Multimedia Journalism, BA
- Multimedia Journalism, BS
- Music Education: Instrumental/Vocal Certification, BM
- Music Industry, BS
- Music, BA
- Music: Jazz Performance, BM
- Music: Music Composition, BA
- Music: Performance, BM
- Musical Theatre, BFA
- Natural Resource Ecology & Management: Fisheries & Aquatic Ecology, BSAG
- Natural Resource Ecology & Management: Forest Ecology & Management, BSAG
- Natural Resource Ecology & Management: Rangeland Ecology & Management, BSAG
- Natural Resource Ecology & Management: Wildlife Biology & Preveterinary Science, BSAG
- Natural Resource Ecology & Management: Wildlife Ecology & Management, BSAG
- Nursing, BSN
- Nursing: RN to BSN, BS
- Nutritional Sciences: Allied Health, BS
- Nutritional Sciences: Dietetics, BS
- Nutritional Sciences: Human Nutrition/Pre-Medical Sciences, BS
- Nutritional Sciences: Public Health Nutrition, BS
- Philosophy, BA
- Philosophy: Ethics and Business Essentials, BA
- Philosophy: Ethics and Public Policy, BA
- Philosophy: Pre-Law, BA
- Philosophy: Pre-Ministry, BA
- Physics, BS
- Physics: Applied Physics, BS
- Physics: Secondary Teacher Certification, BS
- Physiology, BS
- Physiology: Pre-Medical Sciences, BS
- Plant and Soil Sciences: Agronomic Business, BSAG
- Plant and Soil Sciences: Crop Production and Management, BSAG
- Plant and Soil Sciences: Plant Biotechnology and Improvement, BSAG
- Plant and Soil Sciences: Soil and Water Resources, BSAG
- Plant Biology, BS
- Plant Biology: Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics, BS
- Plant Biology: Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, BS
- Plant Biology: Pre-Forensics, BS
- Plant Biology: Pre-Law Environmental Policy, BS
- Plant Biology: Pre-Pharmacy, BS
- Political Science, BA
- Political Science, BS
- Political Science: Global Politics, BA
- Political Science: Global Politics, BS
- Political Science: Practical Politics - Campaigning, Lobbying and Policymaking, BA
- Political Science: Practical Politics - Campaigning, Lobbying and Policymaking, BS
- Political Science: Pre-Law, BA
- Political Science: Pre-Law, BS
- Political Science: Public Policy, BA
- Political Science: Public Policy, BS
- Psychology, BA
- Psychology, BS
- Psychology: Business Essentials, BA
- Psychology: Pre-Law, BA
- Psychology: Pre-Med, BS
- Psychology: Pre-Occupational Therapy, BS
- Psychology: Pre-Physical Therapy, BS
- Public Health: Community Health, BS
- Public Health: Exercise and Health, BS
- Public Safety, BPS
- Real Estate and Property Management, BSBA
- Recreation and Athletic Management: Recreation Management, BS
- Recreational Therapy, BS
- Recreational Therapy: Pre-Professional Occupational Therapy, BS
- Secondary Education: English, BS
- Secondary Education: Mathematics, BS
- Secondary Education: Science, BS
- Secondary Education: Social Studies - Alternative Education, BS
- Secondary Education: Social Studies, BS
- Sociology, BA
- Sociology, BS
- Sociology: Anthropology, BA
- Sociology: Anthropology, BS
- Sociology: Criminology and Criminal Justice, BA
- Sociology: Criminology and Criminal Justice, BS
- Sociology: Environment and Society, BA
- Sociology: Environment and Society, BS
- Sociology: Pre-Law, BS
- Sociology: Pre-Medical Science, BS
- Sociology: Social Services, BA
- Sociology: Social Services, BS
- Spanish, BA
- Spanish: Business Essentials, BA
- Spanish: Pre-Law, BA
- Sports Media, BA
- Sports Media, BS
- Statistics, BS
- Statistics: Actuarial Science, BS
- Statistics: Business Essentials, BS
- Statistics: Data Science, BS
- Strategic Communication: Advertising and Public Relations, BA
- Strategic Communication: Advertising and Public Relations, BS
- Strategic Communication: Social Media, BA
- Strategic Communication: Social Media, BS
- Strategic Communication: Sport Communication, BA
- Strategic Communication: Sport Communication, BS
- Accounting (ACCT), Minor
- Actuarial Science (ACSC), Minor
- Aerospace Administration and Operations: Aerospace Security (AAAS), Minor
- Aerospace Administration and Operations: Aviation Management (AAAM), Minor
- Aerospace Administration and Operations: Professional Pilot (AAPP), Minor
- Aerospace Studies (AERO), Minor
- African American and Africana Studies (AFAA), Minor
- Aging Services (ASVC), Minor
- Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness (AEAB), Minor
- Agricultural Leadership (AGLE), Minor
- Agricultural Real Estate Appraisal (AREA), Minor
- Agronomy (AGRN), Minor
- American Indian Studies (AMIS), Minor
- American Sign Language (ASL), Minor
- American Studies (AMST), Minor
- Ancient and Medieval Studies (AAMS), Minor
- Animal Science (ANSI), Minor
- Anthropology (ANTH), Minor
- Applied Computer Programming (APCP), Minor
- Applied Music (APMU), Minor
- Applied Statistics (APST), Minor
- Arabic (ARB), Minor
- Architectural Studies: Architecture and Entrepreneurship (ASAE), Minor
- Architectural Studies: Design (ASDS), Minor
- Architectural Studies: History and Theory (ASHT), Minor
- Art History (ARTH), Minor
- Arts Administration (AADM), Minor
- Asian Studies (ASTD), Minor
- Biochemistry (BIOC), Minor
- Biology (BIO), Minor
- Business Sustainability and Nonprofit Management (BSNM), Minor
- Campaigns and Lobbying (CAML), Minor
- Central Asian Studies (CAST), Minor
- Chemistry (CHEM), Minor
- Child Development (CHDV), Minor
- Chinese (CHIN), Minor
- Classical Studies (CLST), Minor
- Cognitive Science (CSCI), Minor
- Communication Sciences and Disorders (CDIS), Minor
- Communication Studies (CMST), Minor
- Computer Science (CS), Minor
- Construction (CNST), Minor
- Creative Writing (CRWR), Minor
- Creativity Studies (CRST), Minor
- Criminology and Criminal Justice (CRCJ), Minor
- Economics (Arts and Sciences) (ECAS), Minor
- Economics (ECBU), Minor
- Emergency Management (EM), Minor
- Energy Finance (EFIN), Minor
- English (ENGL), Minor
- Entomology (ENTO), Minor
- Entrepreneurship (EEE), Minor
- Environmental Economics, Politics and Policy (EEPP), Minor
- Environmental Engineering (EVEN), Minor
- Environmental Science (ENVR), Minor
- Ethics (ETHC), Minor
- European Studies (EUST), Minor
- Event Management (EVMG), Minor
- Fashion Merchandising (FMER), Minor
- Finance (FIN), Minor
- Fisheries and Aquatic Ecology (FAEC), Minor
- Food Science (FDSC), Minor
- Forestry (FOR), Minor
- French (FREN), Minor
- Gender, Women's and Sexuality Studies (GWS), Minor
- General Business (GNBU), Minor
- Geography (GEOG), Minor
- Geology (GEOL), Minor
- Geophysics (GPHY), Minor
- Geospatial Information Technologies (GSIT), Minor
- German (GRMN), Minor
- Global Studies (GLST), Minor
- Greek (GREK), Minor
- Hispanic and Latin American Studies (HLAS), Minor
- History (HIST), Minor
- Horticulture (HORT), Minor
- Hospitality Business Administration (HOSB), Minor
- Human Resource Management (HRM), Minor
- Human Services (HSVC), Minor
- Information Assurance (IA), Minor
- Intelligence and Security Analysis (INSA), Minor
- International Business (INBU), Minor
- International Studies (INTL), Minor
- Latin (LATN), Minor
- Law and Legal Studies (LLS), Minor
- Learning and Motivation (LEMO), Minor
- Linguistics (LING), Minor
- Management (MGMT), Minor
- Management Information Systems (MIS), Minor
- Marketing (MKTG), Minor
- Mathematics (MATH), Minor
- Mechatronic Engineering Technology for EET Students (EETM), Minor
- Mechatronic Engineering Technology for MET Students (METM), Minor
- Microbiology (MICR), Minor
- Middle East Studies (MES), Minor
- Military Science (MLSC), Minor
- Music (MUSI), Minor
- Music Composition and Theory (MUCT), Minor
- Natural Resource Ecology and Management (NREM), Minor
- Neuroscience (NEUR), Minor
- Nonprofit Management (NPM), Minor
- Nuclear Engineering (NENG), Minor
- Nutritional Sciences (NSCI), Minor
- Pest Management (PEST), Minor
- Petroleum Engineering (PETE), Minor
- Philosophy (PHIL), Minor
- Physics (PHYS), Minor
- Plant Biology (PLB), Minor
- Political Science (POLS), Minor
- Pre-Art Therapy (PART), Minor
- Pre-Counseling (PCOU), Minor
- Professional Chinese (PRCH), Minor
- Professional Writing (PRWR), Minor
- Psychology (PSYC), Minor
- Public Health (PH), Minor
- Public School Support Specialist for Children At-Risk (PSSC), Minor
- Rangeland Ecology and Management (REM), Minor
- Recreation Management (RM), Minor
- Religious Studies (REL), Minor
- Russian (RUSS), Minor
- Russian and East European Studies (REES), Minor
- Safety and Exposure Sciences (SAES), Minor
- Screen Studies (SCST), Minor
- Social Justice (SOJU), Minor
- Sociology (SOC), Minor
- Soil Science (SOIL), Minor
- Spanish (SPAN), Minor
- Special Education (SPED), Minor
- Speech Communication (SPCH), Minor
- Sports and Coaching Science (SPCS), Minor
- Sports Management (SPMG), Minor
- Statistical Data Science (SDSC), Minor
- Statistics (STAT), Minor
- Studio Art (STDA), Minor
- The Art and Science of Critical Thinking (ASCT), Minor
- Theatre (TH), Minor
- Truth and Reconciliation in the Americas (TRRA), Minor
Undergraduate Certificates
- Accounting, Systems, and Auditing, UCRT
- Business Analytics, UCRT
- Business Essentials, UCRT
- Business Financial Essentials, UCRT
- Casino, Gaming and Resort Management, UCRT
- Communication Sciences and Disorders, UCRT
- Computational Economics and Data Analysis, UCRT
- Cyber Systems, UCRT
- Cybersecurity, UCRT
- Data Systems, UCRT
- Digital Design in Design and Merchandising, UCRT
- Digital Studies, UCRT
- Environmental Studies, UCRT
- Equine Enterprise Management, UCRT
- eSports, UCRT
- Ethical Leadership, UCRT
- Ethics, UCRT
- Fashion Design, UCRT
- Fashion Design: Digital Product Creation, UCRT
- Food Safety, UCRT
- Geographic Information Systems, CRT
- Global Beverage Business, UCRT
- Information Systems Development, UCRT
- Instructional Design, UCRT
- Learning and Motivation, UCRT
- Post-Baccalaureate in Dietetics, UCRT
- Pre-Health Care Administration, UCRT
- Pre-Medical Sciences, UCRT
- Pre-Nursing, UCRT
- Product Development for Apparel, UCRT
- Professional Spanish, UCRT
- Property and Real Estate Management, UCRT
- Public Health, UCRT
- Sales and Service Excellence, UCRT
- Special Education, UCRT
- Speech-Language Pathology Assistants, UCRT
- Starting and Growing a New Business, UCRT
- Supply Chain Management, UCRT
- Sustainable Business Management, UCRT
- Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, UCRT
- Travel and Tourism Management, UCRT
- Undergraduate Research, UCRT
Online Degree Programs
- Aging Studies, MS
- Agricultural Education and Leadership, MS
- Agricultural Leadership, BSAG
- Agricultural Leadership, MAG
- Applied Educational Studies: Aviation and Space Education, EdD
- Applied Statistics, MS
- Aviation and Space, MS
- Building Level Leadership, GCRT
- Business Administration, MBA
- Business Analytics and Data Science, GCRT
- Business Analytics and Data Science, MS
- Business Sustainability, GCRT
- Casino and Gaming Management, GCRT
- College Teaching, GCRT
- Computer Science, BS
- Digital, Housing and Merchandising: Digital Design, MS
- Dietetics, MS
- Digital Forensics and Incident Response, GCRT
- Early Child Care and Development, BS
- Educational Leadership Studies: Higher Education, MS
- Educational Leadership Studies: School Administration, MS
- Educational Leadership Studies: Workforce and Adult Education, MS
- Educational Psychology: Educational Psychology, MS
- Educational Technology: Educational Technology, MS
- Educational Technology: School Library Media, MS
- Effective Teaching in Elementary Schools, GCRT
- Effective Teaching in Secondary Schools, GCRT
- Electrical Engineering, MEN
- Electrical Engineering, MS
- Elementary Education, BS
- Elementary Mathematics Specialist, GCRT
- Engineering and Technology Management, GCRT
- Engineering Technology and Management, MS
- Engineering Technology: Fire Safety and Explosion and Protection, MS
- Engineering Technology: Mechatronics and Robotics, MS
- Entrepreneurship, BSBA
- Entrepreneurship, GCRT
- Family and Community Services, MS
- Family and Consumer Sciences Education, MS
- Family Financial Planning, GCRT
- Family Financial Planning, MS
- Finance, BSBA
- Fire and Emergency Management Administration, MS
- Fire and Emergency Management Administration, PhD
- Fire Protection and Safety Engineering Technology, BSET
- Forensic Arson, Explosives, Firearms, Toolmarks Investigation, GCRT
- Forensic Crime Analysis, GCRT
- Forensic Investigative Sciences, GCRT
- Forensic Psychology, GCRT
- Forensic Sciences, DFS
- Forensic Sciences, MS
- Forensic Threat Assessment and Management, GCRT
- General Business, BSBA
- General Business, GCRT
- Global Health, MS
- Health Analytics, GRCT
- Health Care Administration, BPS
- Health Care Administration, DHCA
- Health Care Administration, GCRT
- Health Care Administration: Finance, GCRT
- Health Care Administration: Global Health, GCRT
- Health Care Administration, MS
- Health, Leisure and Human Performance: Leisure Studies, PhD
- Hidden Student Populations, GCRT
- History, BA
- Human Resource Management, GCRT
- Industrial Engineering and Management, MS
- Information Assurance, GCRT
- Interdisciplinary Studies BA/BS
- Interdisciplinary Studies, MS
- International Agriculture, MAG
- International Agriculture, MS
- K-12 STEM Educator, GCRT
- Learning and Motivation, GCRT
- Management, BSBA
- Management Information Systems, BSBA
- Management Information Systems, MS
- Marketing, BSBA
- Marketing Analytics, GCRT
- Master of Business Administration (MBA) and Health Care Administration (HCA) Dual Degree
- Mechanical Engineering Technology, BSET
- Non-Profit Management, GCRT
- Nursing: RN to BSN, BS
- Online Teaching, GCRT
- Organizational Leadership, BPS
- Psychology, BS
- Public Health, GCRT
- Public Health, MPH
- Public Safety, BPS
- School Library Certification, GCRT
- Secondary Education: English, BS
- Sociology, BA/BS
- Special Education, GCRT
- Teaching, Learning and Leadership: Curriculum and Leadership Studies, MS
- Teaching, Learning and Leadership: Mathematics/Science Education, MS
- Teaching, Learning and Leadership: Reading and Literacy, MS
- Teaching, Learning and Leadership: Special Education, MS
- University Studies, BUS
- University Studies: Multidisciplinary Studies, BUS
- Workforce and Adult Education, GCRT
Graduate Programs
- Accounting Systems: Cyber Audit, MS
- Accounting Systems: Data Analytics, MS
- Accounting, GCRT
- Accounting, MS
- Accounting: Corporate Finance, MS
- Accounting: Data Analytics & Systems, MS
- Accounting: Financial Reporting & Auditing, MS
- Accounting: Research Methods, MS
- Accounting: Tax, MS
- Advanced Sports Medicine Concepts, GCRT
- Aging Studies, GCRT
- Aging Studies, MS
- Agricultural Communications, MS
- Agricultural Economics, MS
- Agricultural Economics, PhD
- Agricultural Education and Leadership, MS
- Agricultural Education, Communications, and Leadership, PhD
- Animal Science, MS
- Animal Science, PhD
- Applied Educational Studies: Aviation and Space Education, EdD
- Applied Health, Rehabilitation, and Recreation, MS
- Applied Statistics, MS
- Art History, MA
- Athletic Training, MAT
- Aviation and Space, MS
- Aviation/Aerospace Administration, GCRT
- Big Data Analytics, GCRT
- Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, MS
- Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, PhD
- Bioinformatics, GCRT
- Biomedical Sciences, MS
- Biomedical Sciences, PhD
- Biosystems Engineering, MS
- Biosystems Engineering, PhD
- Brand Communication, GCRT
- Building Level Leadership, GCRT
- Business Administration, DBA
- Business Administration, MBA
- Business Administration: Accounting, PhD
- Business Administration: Entrepreneurship, PhD
- Business Administration: Executive Research, PhD
- Business Administration: Finance, PhD
- Business Administration: Hospitality and Tourism Management, PhD
- Business Administration: Management Science and Information Systems, PhD
- Business Administration: Management, PhD
- Business Administration: Marketing, PhD
- Business Analytics and Data Science, GCRT
- Business Analytics and Data Science, MS
- Business Analytics and Data Science: Advanced Data Science, MS
- Business Analytics and Data Science: Cybersecurity Analytics, MS
- Business Analytics and Data Science: Health Analytics, MS
- Business Analytics and Data Science: Marketing Analytics, MS
- Business Sustainability and Nonprofit Management, GCRT
- Business, GCRT
- Casino and Gaming Management, GCRT
- Chemical Engineering, MS
- Chemical Engineering, PhD
- Chemistry, MS
- Chemistry, PhD
- Civil Engineering, MS
- Civil Engineering, PhD
- College Teaching, GCRT
- Communication Sciences and Disorders, MS
- Community Health Sciences, PhD
- Comparative and International Education, GCRT
- Comparative Biomedical Sciences, MS
- Comparative Biomedical Sciences, PhD
- Computer Science, MS
- Computer Science, PhD
- Counseling Psychology, MS
- Counseling Psychology, PhD
- Counseling: Mental Health Counseling, MS
- Counseling: School Counseling, MS
- Crop Science, PhD
- Curriculum Studies: College Curriculum and Teaching, PhD
- Curriculum Studies: Curriculum and Leadership, PhD
- Curriculum Studies: International and Peace Curriculum, PhD
- Design and Merchandising: Apparel Design and Production, MS
- Design and Merchandising: Digital Design, MS
- Design and Merchandising: Interior Design, MS
- Design and Merchandising: Merchandising, MS
- Design and Merchandising: Retail Merchandising Leadership, MS
- Developmental Disabilities, GCRT
- Dietetics, GCRT
- Dietetics, MS
- Digital Design in Design & Merchandising, GCRT
- Digital Forensics & Incident Response, GCRT
- District Level Leadership, GCRT
- Economics, MS
- Economics, PhD
- Education: Educational Administration, EdS
- Education: Language, Literacy and Culture, PhD
- Education: Learning, Design and Technology, PhD
- Education: Mathematics Education, PhD
- Education: School Psychology, EdS
- Education: Science Education, PhD
- Education: Social Foundations of Education, PhD
- Education: Special Education, PhD
- Education: Workforce and Adult Education, PhD
- Educational and Psychological Measurement, GCRT
- Educational Leadership and Policy Studies: Educational Administration, PhD
- Educational Leadership and Policy Studies: Higher Education, PhD
- Educational Leadership Studies: College Student Development, MS
- Educational Leadership Studies: Higher Education, MS
- Educational Leadership Studies: School Administration, MS
- Educational Leadership Studies: Workforce and Adult Education, MS
- Educational Psychology: Educational Psychology, MS
- Educational Psychology: Educational Psychology, PhD
- Educational Psychology: Research, Evaluation, Measurement and Statistics, MS
- Educational Psychology: Research, Evaluation, Measurement and Statistics, PhD
- Educational Psychology: School Psychometrics, MS
- Educational Technology: Educational Technology, MS
- Educational Technology: School Library Media, MS
- Effective Teaching in Elementary Schools, GCRT
- Effective Teaching in Secondary Schools, GCRT
- Electrical Engineering, MEN
- Electrical Engineering, MS
- Electrical Engineering, PhD
- Elementary Mathematics Specialist, GCRT
- Energy Business, GCRT
- Engineering and Technology Management, GCRT
- Engineering and Technology Management, MS
- Engineering Technology: Fire Safety and Explosion Protection, MS
- Engineering Technology: Mechatronics & Robotics, MS
- English, MA
- English, PhD
- English: Creative Writing, MFA
- English: Professional Writing, MA
- English: Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, MA
- Entomology and Plant Pathology: Entomology, MS
- Entomology and Plant Pathology: Plant Pathology, MS
- Entomology, PhD
- Entrepreneurship, GCRT
- Entrepreneurship, MS
- Environmental Engineering, MS
- Environmental Science with Regulatory Certifications, GCRT
- Environmental Science, MS
- Environmental Science, PhD
- Environmental Science: Environmental Management Professional Science Masters, MS
- Facilitating Career Development, GCRT
- Family and Community Services, MS
- Family and Consumer Sciences Education, MS
- Family Financial Planning, GCRT
- Family Financial Planning, MS
- Fashion Merchandising, GCRT
- Finance and Investment Banking, GCRT
- Fire and Emergency Management Administration, MS
- Fire and Emergency Management Administration, PhD
- Food Safety Management, GCRT
- Food Safety Science, GCRT
- Food Science, MS
- Food Science, PhD
- Forensic Arson, Explosives, Firearms, and Toolmarks Investigation, GCRT
- Forensic Crime Analysis, GCRT
- Forensic Investigative Sciences, GCRT
- Forensic Psychology, GCRT
- Forensic Sciences, DFS
- Forensic Sciences, MS
- Forensic Sciences, PhD
- Forensic Sciences: Arson, Explosives, Firearms and Toolmarks Investigation, MS
- Forensic Sciences: Forensic Document Examination, MS
- Forensic Sciences: Forensic Science Administration, MS
- Forensic Threat Assessment and Management, GCRT
- General Agriculture: Agribusiness, MAG
- General Agriculture: Agricultural Leadership, MAG
- Geographic Information Systems, GCRT
- Geography, MS
- Geography, PhD
- Geology, MS
- Geology, PhD
- Geoscience, MPSM
- Global Health, MS
- Global Issues, GCRT
- Global Studies, MS
- Graphic Design, MFA
- Grassland Management, GCRT
- Health Analytics, GCRT
- Health and Human Performance, PhD
- Health and Human Performance: Applied Exercise Science, MS
- Health and Human Performance: Health Promotion, MS
- Health and Human Performance: Physical Education, MS
- Health Care Administration, DHCA
- Health Care Administration, GCRT
- Health Care Administration, MS
- Health Care Administration: Compliance, GCRT
- Health Care Administration: Finance, GCRT
- Health Care Administration: Global Health, GCRT
- Health, Leisure and Human Performance: Health and Human Performance, PhD
- Health, Leisure and Human Performance: Leisure Studies, PhD
- Hidden Student Populations, GCRT
- History, MA
- History, PhD
- Horticulture, MS
- Hospitality and Tourism Analytics, GCRT
- Hospitality and Tourism Management, MS
- Human Development and Family Science, PhD
- Human Development and Family Science: Aging Sciences, MS
- Human Development and Family Science: Applied Human Services, MS
- Human Development and Family Science: Developmental and Family Sciences, MS
- Human Development and Family Science: Early Childhood Education, MS
- Human Development and Family Science: Marriage and Family Therapy, MS
- Human Resource Management, GCRT
- Human Sciences: Design and Merchandising, PhD
- Human Sciences: Human Development and Family Science, PhD
- Industrial Engineering and Management, MS
- Industrial Engineering and Management, PhD
- Industrial Engineering and Management: Operations Research and Analytics, MS
- Industrial Engineering and Management: Supply Chain and Logistics, MS
- Infant Mental Health, GCRT
- Information Assurance, GCRT
- Innovative Leadership, GCRT
- Integrative Biology, MS
- Integrative Biology, PhD
- Integrative Design of Building Envelope, GCRT
- Interdisciplinary Studies, MS
- Interdisciplinary Toxicology, GCRT
- International Agriculture, MAG
- International Agriculture, MS
- International Disaster and Emergency Management, GCRT
- K-12 STEM Educator, GCRT
- Language, Literacy, and Culture Education, EdS
- Learning and Motivation, GCRT
- Management Information Systems, MS
- Management Information Systems: Big Data Analytics, MS
- Management Information Systems: Cybersecurity, MS
- Management Information Systems: Health Analytics, MS
- Marketing Analytics, GCRT
- Mass Communications, MS
- Materials Science and Engineering, MEN
- Materials Science and Engineering, MS
- Materials Science and Engineering, PhD
- Mathematics, GCRT
- Mathematics, MS
- Mathematics, PhD
- Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, MEN
- Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, MS
- Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, PhD
- Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering: Unmanned Aerial Systems, MS
- Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering: Unmanned Aerial Systems, PhD
- Medical Sciences, GCRT
- Medical Sciences, MS
- Microbiology, Cell and Molecular Biology, MS
- Microbiology, Cell and Molecular Biology, PhD
- Museum and Curatorial Studies, GCRT
- Music: Applied Music, MM
- Music: Conducting, MM
- Music: Multiple Woodwinds, MM
- Natural Resource Ecology and Management, MS
- Natural Resource Ecology and Management, PhD
- Natural Resource Ecology and Management: Fisheries and Aquatic Ecology, MS
- Natural Resource Ecology and Management: Fisheries and Aquatic Ecology, PhD
- Natural Resource Ecology and Management: Forest Resources, MS
- Natural Resource Ecology and Management: Forest Resources, PhD
- Natural Resource Ecology and Management: Rangeland Ecology and Management, MS
- Natural Resource Ecology and Management: Rangeland Ecology and Management, PhD
- Natural Resource Ecology and Management: Wildlife Ecology and Management, MS
- Natural Resource Ecology and Management: Wildlife Ecology and Management, PhD
- Neuroscience, GCRT
- Non-Profit Management, GCRT
- Nutritional Sciences, PhD
- Nutritional Sciences: Dietetics Practice, MS
- Nutritional Sciences: Dietetics Research, MS
- Nutritional Sciences: Nutrition, MS
- Online Teaching, GCRT
- Peace, Conflict, and Security Studies, MA
- Petroleum Engineering, MS
- Petroleum Engineering, PhD
- Philosophy, MA
- Photonics, PhD
- Physician Assistant Studies, MS
- Physics, MS
- Physics, PhD
- Physics: Optics and Photonics, MS
- Plant and Soil Sciences, MS
- Plant Biology, MS
- Plant Biology, PhD
- Plant Pathology, PhD
- Politics and Policy Studies, MA
- Program Evaluation, GCRT
- Psychology: Clinical, PhD
- Psychology: Experimental Psychology, PhD
- Public Health in Rural and Underserved Communities, GCRT
- Public Health, MPH
- Public Health: Rural and Underserved Populations, MPH
- Quantitative Finance, MS
- Quantum Information Science, GCRT
- Recreation and Leisure Management, GCRT
- School Administration, EdD
- School Library Certification, GCRT
- School Psychology, EdS
- School Psychology, MS
- School Psychology, PhD
- Social Foundations of Education, MA
- Sociology, MS
- Sociology, PhD
- Soil Science, PhD
- Special Education, GCRT
- Sport Communication, GCRT
- Statistical Methods and Analyses in Educational and Behavioral Sciences, GCRT
- Statistics, MS
- Statistics, PhD
- Substance Abuse Counseling, GCRT
- Supply Chain and Logistics, GCRT
- Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, GCRT
- Teaching, Learning and Leadership: Curriculum and Leadership Studies, MS
- Teaching, Learning and Leadership: Gifted and Talented Education, MS
- Teaching, Learning and Leadership: K-12 Education, MS
- Teaching, Learning and Leadership: Mathematics/Science Education, MS
- Teaching, Learning and Leadership: Reading and Literacy, MS
- Teaching, Learning and Leadership: Special Education, MS
- Teaching, Learning and Leadership: Workforce and Adult Education, MS
- Theatre, MA
- Tribal Health Care Administration, GCRT
- Workforce and Adult Education, GCRT