Natural Resource Ecology & Management (NREM)

NREM 1012 Introduction to Natural Resource Ecology and Management

Description: Introduction to the wide variety of natural resources found globally with a focus on Oklahoma ecoregions. Overview of the ecology and management of natural resources in the pine-hardwood forest, the Cross Timbers, and the tallgrass, mixed-grass and shortgrass prairies. Academic and career options presented through guest speakers.

Credit hours: 2

Contact hours: Lecture: 2 Contact: 2

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Natural Res Eco & Mgmt

NREM 1014 Introduction to Natural History (LN)

Description: The study of living organisms especially their origins, life histories, behaviors, conservation, and unique adaptations for reproducing and relating to their environment. Laboratory emphasis is on observation and investigation of the diversity and adaptations of living organisms.

Credit hours: 4

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Lab: 2 Contact: 5

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Lab, Lecture, Combined lecture and lab

Department/School: Natural Res Eco & Mgmt

General Education and other Course Attributes: Laboratory-Based Inquiry, Natural Science Reasoning

NREM 1113 Elements of Forestry

Description: Survey of forestry as an art, science and profession including forestry and natural resource management theory, forest distribution and ownership, history of forest resource policy development, forest protection, wildlife interactions, forest ecosystem process, current issues, and career opportunities. Previously offered as NREM 1114.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Natural Res Eco & Mgmt

NREM 1213 Introduction to Wood Properties and Products

Description: Anatomical, physical and mechanical properties of solid wood and wood products. Macroscopic and microscopic identification of wood. Principles of manufacture of lumber, plywood and wood composites. Biological deterioration of wood and main wood preservation techniques. One weekend field trip required. Previously offered as NREM 1214.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 2 Lab: 2 Contact: 4

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Lab, Lecture, Combined lecture and lab

Department/School: Natural Res Eco & Mgmt

NREM 2013 Ecology of Natural Resources

Prerequisites: BIOL 1114 or (BIOL 1113 and BIOL 1111) or PLNT 1213.

Description: Introductory focus on understanding and applying general ecological principles to agricultural and natural ecosystems. Emphasis on relationships between climate, soils, agricultural, and natural ecosystems. Topics include nutrient cycles, energy flow, species interactions, biological diversity, productivity, sustainability, and landscape and ecosystem management. Previously offered as RLEM 2913.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Natural Res Eco & Mgmt

NREM 2083 Geospatial Technologies for Natural Resources

Prerequisites: MATH 1513.

Description: Principles and application of geospatial technologies for natural resource ecology and management including remote sensing (serial photography and satellite data), geographic information systems (GIS) and global positioning system (GPS) technologies. Previously offered as NREM 3083.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 2 Lab: 3 Contact: 5

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Lab, Lecture, Combined lecture and lab

Department/School: Natural Res Eco & Mgmt

NREM 2113 Wood Properties, Products, & Harvesting

Description: Management and planning of timber harvesting, including products derived from wood. Harvesting techniques, safety and cost analysis. Anatomical, physical and mechanical properties of solid wood and wood products. Macroscopic and microscopic identification of wood. Manufacture of lumber and wood composites, including wood preservation to prevent deterioration. Previously offered as FOR 2002, FOR 2113 and NREM 2112.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 2 Lab: 2 Contact: 4

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Lab, Lecture, Combined lecture and lab

Department/School: Natural Res Eco & Mgmt

NREM 2134 Dendrology

Description: Identification, taxonomy and distribution of forest trees and shrubs of the United States; their environmental requirements and utilization. Previously offered as FOR 2134.

Credit hours: 4

Contact hours: Lecture: 2 Lab: 4 Contact: 6

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Lab, Lecture, Combined lecture and lab

Department/School: Natural Res Eco & Mgmt

NREM 3012 Applied Ecology Laboratory

Prerequisites: NREM 3013 or concurrent, NREM major or instructor permission.

Description: Field experience aimed at navigating and working effectively and safely in the natural environment. Identification, measurement and interpretation of abiotic and biotic components to understand and describe ecosystem function and current natural resource management tools and issues. Focus on representative forest, grassland and aquatic ecosystems.

Credit hours: 2

Contact hours: Lab: 4 Contact: 4

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Lab

Department/School: Natural Res Eco & Mgmt

Additional Fees: NREM or FOR Course Field Trip fee of $46 and NREM or FOR Course Field Trip fee of $46 apply.

NREM 3013 Applied Ecology and Conservation

Prerequisites: BIOL 1114 or (BIOL 1113 and BIOL 1111), or BIOL 1604, or PBIO 1404, or PLNT 1213; Sophomore, Junior, or Senior class standing; SOIL 2124 preferred.

Description: Development of critical thinking for conservation and land management through the application of ecological concepts and theory. Principles of population, community, ecosystem and landscape ecology, with applications to management of wildlife, fisheries, forest and rangeland resources. Application of scientific method and literature to natural resource ecology and management.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Natural Res Eco & Mgmt

NREM 3063 Natural Resource Biometrics

Prerequisites: STAT 2013; and MATH 1513 or MATH 1483.

Description: Application of statistical concepts to problems in natural resource sampling and estimation including simple random sampling, stratified sampling, regression analysis, double sampling and ratio and regression estimation. Statistical analysis using spreadsheets. Applications to forest, range and wildlife management. Previously offered as NREM 3363.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 2 Lab: 2 Contact: 4

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Lab, Lecture, Combined lecture and lab

Department/School: Natural Res Eco & Mgmt

NREM 3091 Field Applications of Geospatial Technologies for Natural Resources

Prerequisites: NREM 2083.

Description: Field-based use of global navigation satellite systems, geographic information systems and topographic maps to measure and interpret the environment with application to fishery, forest, range, and wildlife planning and management.

Credit hours: 1

Contact hours: Lab: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Lab

Department/School: Natural Res Eco & Mgmt

NREM 3101 Forest Resource Field Studies

Prerequisites: NREM 2134 and PBIO 1404 and SOIL 2124.

Description: One-week summer presession field experience at an off-campus site. Field study in the dynamics of forest ecosystems and related components including trees, soils, water, fauna, and associated flora as they relate to site productivity and the production of resource outputs, products, and services. Previously offered as NREM 3112.

Credit hours: 1

Contact hours: Lab: 2 Contact: 2

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Lab

Department/School: Natural Res Eco & Mgmt

NREM 3111 Natural Resource Field Studies

Description: One-week summer presession field experience at off-campus site. Field study, analysis, and assessment of natural resource ecosystems at multiple scales with application to integrated management of forest, wildlife, range, water, soil, and recreation resources to sustain a broad array of uses and values, and to understand associated ecological, social, policy, and ethical issues. Includes visits to private and public natural resource lands and projects. Previously offered as FOR 3103 and NREM 3103.

Credit hours: 1

Contact hours: Lab: 2 Contact: 2

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Lab

Department/School: Natural Res Eco & Mgmt

NREM 3123 Forest Measurements I

Prerequisites: MATH 1513; STAT 2013 (or concurrent).

Description: Measurement of trees, forests, and forest products. Application of mensurational techniques to forest growth and productivity. Methods of forest sampling and inventory. Use of topographic maps, U.S. Public Land Survey system maps, global navigation satellite systems and mapping software. Previously offered as NREM 2103.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 2 Lab: 2 Contact: 4

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Lab, Lecture, Combined lecture and lab

Department/School: Natural Res Eco & Mgmt

NREM 3133 Forest Measurements II

Prerequisites: NREM 2134 and NREM 3123.

Description: Forest-level measurements emphasizing statistical and tactical design of forest inventory methods with application and implementation in the field. Principles of forest growth and yield. Analysis, interpretation and presentation of data. Creation of professional reports. Overnight fieldtrips required. Previously offered as NREM 3102.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 2 Lab: 2 Contact: 4

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Lab, Lecture, Combined lecture and lab

Department/School: Natural Res Eco & Mgmt

NREM 3143 Forest Biology

Prerequisites: PBIO 1404.

Description: The response of trees and forest ecosystems to biotic and abiotic factors. Understanding of life history traits, tree structure, and genetics as they relate to the establishment, growth, and regeneration of species. Application of physiological and ecological principles in predicting the effects of resource availability, site quality, and competition on tree growth, forest growth, and community interactions. Previously offered as NREM 4213 and FOR 4563.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Natural Res Eco & Mgmt

NREM 3153 Forest Health and Disturbance Ecology

Prerequisites: NREM 2013, or (NREM 3012 and NREM 3013), or BIOL 3034.

Description: Dynamics of ecological disturbance, resilience and recovery in forests. Natural role of fire in forest ecosystems and theory of fire behavior. Traits, population dynamics, and life cycles of major diseases and insect groups related to infestations and outbreaks that threaten forests. Previously offered as NREM 3713.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Natural Res Eco & Mgmt

NREM 3224 Silviculture

Prerequisites: NREM 2013, or NREM 3012 and NREM 3013, or BIOL 3034.

Description: Theory and practice of controlling forest establishment, composition, structure, and growth to achieve multiple objectives including timber production, wildlife habitat, water quality, forest health, and recreation. Principles and techniques related to regeneration, thinning, prescribed fire, and harvest methods to increase the productivity, resilience, and output of desired ecosystem services. A two-day field trip is required. Previously offered as NREM 3223.

Credit hours: 4

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Lab: 2 Contact: 5

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Lab, Lecture, Combined lecture and lab

Department/School: Natural Res Eco & Mgmt

NREM 3502 Wildlife Law Enforcement

Prerequisites: Junior standing and consent of instructor.

Description: Survey of state and federal wildlife laws with emphasis on Oklahoma statutory and regulatory laws pertaining to wildlife. Lectures, guest lectures, videotapes and field exercises. Previously offered as COSC 3502 and ZOOL 3502.

Credit hours: 2

Contact hours: Lecture: 2 Contact: 2

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Natural Res Eco & Mgmt

NREM 3503 Principles of Wildlife Ecology and Management

Prerequisites: NREM 3013 or BIOL 3034 or concurrent.

Description: An introduction to the biological basis of the management of wildlife habitats and populations. Previously offered as NREM 4513, ZOOL 4513, WLDL 4513, and COSC 4513.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Natural Res Eco & Mgmt

NREM 3523 Fish and Wildlife Population Biology

Prerequisites: NREM 3012 and NREM 3013, or BIOL 3034 or concurrent enrollment.

Description: Dynamics of fish and wildlife populations resulting from reproduction, competition, predation, movement, and exploitation. Effects of life history patterns on population growth and management strategies. Methods for measuring distribution, abundance, survival, and growth of fish and wildlife populations. Management strategies for fish and wildlife populations.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Natural Res Eco & Mgmt

NREM 3613 Principles of Rangeland Management

Description: Overview of the science of applying ecological principles to managing rangeland resources, including rangeland characteristics; goods and services provided by rangelands; primary threats to rangelands; North American rangeland resources; principles of grazing management and current topics in range management. Previously offered as RLEM 3913.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Natural Res Eco & Mgmt

NREM 4001 Issues In Global Change

Prerequisites: (NREM 3012 and NREM 3013) or BIOL 3034.

Description: Student led discussion to learn the causes and consequences of global change and practical implications for natural resource ecology and management.

Credit hours: 1

Contact hours: Contact: 1 Other: 1

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Discussion

Department/School: Natural Res Eco & Mgmt

NREM 4013 Herbaceous Plants of the Great Plains

Description: Identification (by sight and dichotomous key), characteristics (vegetative and floral), ecological/agricultural importance, and management of important native range grasses and broadleaf plant families, genera, and species, with emphasis on rangeland management applications. May not be used for degree credit with NREM 5013.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 2 Lab: 2 Contact: 4

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Lab, Lecture, Combined lecture and lab

Department/School: Natural Res Eco & Mgmt

NREM 4023 Restoration Ecology

Prerequisites: 40 semester credit hours.

Description: Application of ecological theory to the practice of ecological restoration to improve populations, communities, and ecosystems degraded directly or indirectly by human activities.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Natural Res Eco & Mgmt

NREM 4033 Ecology Of Invasive Species

Prerequisites: BIOL 1114 or (BIOL 1113 and BIOL 1111); (PBIO 1404 and BIOL 1604 recommended).

Description: Ecological principles and their application to invasive species. Population level characteristics; community and ecosystem level effects of a wide variety of taxa including microbial, fungal, plant invertebrate, and vertebrate examples. Global consequences and governmental policies/programs designed to limit the spread of invasives. Same course as ENVR 4033.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Natural Res Eco & Mgmt

NREM 4043 Natural Resource Administration and Policy

Prerequisites: Senior standing.

Description: Natural resource policy and legislation; ethics relating to natural resources; natural resource organizations and how they function to include structure, supervision, and financing of federal, state, and private natural resource enterprises. Previously offered as NREM 4343 and FOR 4443. May not be used for degree credit with NREM 5843.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Natural Res Eco & Mgmt

NREM 4053 Natural Resource Recreation

Description: Ecological, historical, social and policy basis for recreational use and management of natural resources, including an analysis of planning, management, and administrative frameworks for providing a diversity of recreational opportunities, benefits, and resource values. Previously offered as NREM 4353 and FOR 4553. May not be used for degree credit with NREM 5853.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Natural Res Eco & Mgmt

NREM 4093 Natural Resources, People and Sustainable Development (I)

Description: Relationship between people, the land, and associated natural resources in the developing world, including the ecological and cultural basis for resource use and development. Examines issues of traditional agriculture and deforestation, and explores sustainable strategies for land use, resource management, and community development. Includes two-week study abroad component. Previously offered as NREM 4393.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Natural Res Eco & Mgmt

General Education and other Course Attributes: International Dimension

NREM 4234 Forest Management and Economics

Prerequisites: NREM 3133, NREM 3224 and AGEC 1113.

Description: Regulation of forest growing stock to meet financial and biological management objectives; stand level optimization; linear programming principles in harvest scheduling; timberland taxation; timberland investment criteria; risk and uncertainty in timberland investment; economics of non-market goods. Previously offered as NREM 4323.

Credit hours: 4

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Lab: 2 Contact: 5

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Lab, Lecture, Combined lecture and lab

Department/School: Natural Res Eco & Mgmt

NREM 4333 Forest Resource Management: Planning and Decision-Making

Prerequisites: NREM 4234.

Description: Integrated problem solving, to apply biological, quantitative, economic, political, and administrative principles in solving forest resource management problems. Previously offered as FOR 4333.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 2 Lab: 2 Contact: 4

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Lab, Lecture, Combined lecture and lab

Department/School: Natural Res Eco & Mgmt

NREM 4360 Ecotourism and Wilderness

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Natural Res Eco & Mgmt

NREM 4403 Wetland Ecology and Management

Prerequisites: NREM 3012 and NREM 3013, or BIOL 3034 or consent of instructor.

Description: Ecology, classification, restoration, and management of wetlands. Adaptations of wetland plants and animals, structure and function of wetlands, field identification of wetland plants, restoration techniques, wetland classification systems, management and conservation of wetlands, and regulatory processes. Previously offered as COSC 4403 and ZOOL 4403.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 2 Lab: 3 Contact: 5

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Lab, Lecture, Combined lecture and lab

Department/School: Natural Res Eco & Mgmt

Additional Fees: NREM or FOR Course Field Trip fee of $40 applies.

NREM 4414 Fisheries Management

Prerequisites: NREM 3012 and NREM 3013, or BIOL 3034.

Description: Techniques and principles involved in management of fishes. Field trip fee required. Previously offered as COSC 4414, ZOOL 4414, and ZOOL 4524. May not be used for degree credit with NREM 5414 or NREM 5433.

Credit hours: 4

Contact hours: Lecture: 2 Lab: 4 Contact: 6

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Lab, Lecture, Combined lecture and lab

Department/School: Natural Res Eco & Mgmt

NREM 4424 Fisheries Techniques

Prerequisites: NREM 4414.

Description: Research techniques and methodology in fisheries science, including sampling design, habitat measurements, sampling gears and abundance estimation, age and growth analysis, recreational surveys, data analysis, and report writing. No credit for students with credit in NREM 5424. Previously offered as COSC 4424.

Credit hours: 4

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Lab: 3 Contact: 6

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Lab, Lecture, Combined lecture and lab

Department/School: Natural Res Eco & Mgmt

Additional Fees: NREM or FOR Course Field Trip fee of $27 applies.

NREM 4443 Watershed Hydrology and Water Quality

Description: Processes that comprise the hydrologic cycle and how land use affects those processes and the quantity and quality of water from watersheds, focusing on surface water from forest, range and agricultural watersheds. Measurement and evaluation of water quantity and quality. Previously offered as NREM 4413 and FOR 4813.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 2 Lab: 2 Contact: 4

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Lab, Lecture, Combined lecture and lab

Department/School: Natural Res Eco & Mgmt

NREM 4452 Pond Management

Prerequisites: BIOL 1114 or (BIOL 1113 and BIOL 1111).

Description: Principles and practice of aquatic plant management, pond construction, and maintenance, fish population management, and human factors associated with pond ownership and management. No credit for students with credit in NREM 5452.

Credit hours: 2

Contact hours: Lecture: 2 Contact: 2

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Natural Res Eco & Mgmt

NREM 4453 Aquaculture

Prerequisites: BIOL 1114 or (BIOL 1113 and BIOL 1111).

Description: Introduction to the principles of freshwater finfish production with an emphasis on warm water species. No credit for student having completed NREM 5453.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Natural Res Eco & Mgmt

NREM 4464 Ornithology

Prerequisites: BIOL 1604.

Description: Classification, evolution, distribution, identification, life histories, and morphological, ecological, and behavioral adaptations of birds. Two weekend field trips required. Same course as BIOL 4464. May not be used for degree credit with BIOL 5464, NREM 5564.

Credit hours: 4

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Lab: 3 Contact: 6

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Lab, Lecture, Combined lecture and lab

Department/School: Natural Res Eco & Mgmt

Additional Fees: NREM or FOR Course Field Trip fee of $53 applies.

NREM 4522 Wildlife Management Applications and Planning

Prerequisites: NREM 4523 or concurrent.

Description: Applications of wildlife research and monitoring techniques to inventory and assess wildlife populations. Data collection methods, habitat assessment, and management plan development. Field trips required.

Credit hours: 2

Contact hours: Lab: 4 Contact: 4

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Lab

Department/School: Natural Res Eco & Mgmt

NREM 4523 Wildlife Management Techniques

Prerequisites: NREM 3503; ENGL 3323 strongly recommended.

Description: Theoretical and conceptual basis for research and management techniques in wildlife science. Experimental design, wildlife population and habitat analysis, wildlife and vegetation sampling, habitat management techniques, and aging and sexing techniques. Previously offered as COSC 4524, COSC 4523, ZOOL 4523, NREM 4524.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Natural Res Eco & Mgmt

NREM 4533 Wildlife Management for Game Species

Prerequisites: NREM 3012 and NREM 3013, or BIOL 3034; and NREM 3503.

Description: Life history attributes and habitat relationships of game species relative to life history strategies; conservation and management strategies for game species; and federal and state policies influencing game species management.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Natural Res Eco & Mgmt

NREM 4543 Wildlife Management for Biodiversity

Prerequisites: NREM 3013 and NREM 3503 recommended.

Description: Identification, life history, and conservation management issues affecting non-game species in North America, stressing rare, threatened, and endangered species occurring in Oklahoma. Principles of landscape ecology, wildlife management, and conservation biology applied to management scenarios aimed at recovery of rare species and biodiversity conservation at broad scales. Previously offered as COSC 4543 and ZOOL 4543.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Natural Res Eco & Mgmt

NREM 4603 Rangeland and Pasture Utilization

Prerequisites: NREM 3613.

Description: Investigation of livestock and forage interactions that impact productivity in the utilization of rangeland and improved pastures. Same course as ANSI 4203. May not be used for degree credit with NREM 5603.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 2 Lab: 2 Contact: 4

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Lab, Lecture, Combined lecture and lab

Department/School: Natural Res Eco & Mgmt

NREM 4613 Rangeland Resources Planning

Prerequisites: 40 semester credit hours including NREM 3613 and ANSI 3653.

Description: Inventory of ranch resources, survey and evaluation of ranch practices, and economic analysis. Development of a comprehensive ranch management plan. Managing rangeland and ranch resources in a social context. Written and oral reports. Field trips required. Same course as ANSI 4973. Previously offered as RLEM 4973 and AGRN 4973.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Natural Res Eco & Mgmt

NREM 4741 Wildland Firefighter Training

Description: Training for Type 2 (FFT2) wildland firefighting positions with US government agencies. Provides qualifications to participate in prescribed fire and other wildland fire operations Including: ignition, control, mop-up, suppression, and monitoring.

Credit hours: 1

Contact hours: Lecture: 1 Contact: 1

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Natural Res Eco & Mgmt

NREM 4783 Prescribed Fire

Prerequisites: NREM 3613.

Description: When to use prescribed fire and how to use prescribed fire to accomplish specific land management objectives. Writing prescribed fire plans, policy and laws, weather, equipment, conducting burns, and post-burn mop-up. Previously offered as RLEM 4983.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Natural Res Eco & Mgmt

NREM 4793 Advanced Prescribed Fire

Prerequisites: NREM 4783 or consent of instructor.

Description: Preparing fire plans and executing prescribed fires as the fireboss. No credit for both NREM 4793 and NREM 5793. Previously offered as RLEM 4993.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 2 Lab: 3 Contact: 5

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Lab, Lecture, Combined lecture and lab

Department/School: Natural Res Eco & Mgmt

NREM 4960 Undergraduate Internship

Prerequisites: Consent of instructor.

Description: Supervised internship with an approved natural resource business, government agency, or nongovernment organization, including a diversity of learning opportunities in a work environment. For every hour of credit, 45 hours of work are required. Graded on a pass-fail basis. Offered for variable credit, 1-6 credit hours, maximum of 6 credit hours.

Credit hours: 1-6

Contact hours: Contact: 1-6 Other: 1-6

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Independent Study

Department/School: Natural Res Eco & Mgmt

NREM 4980 Undergraduate Research

Prerequisites: Upper-division standing, GPA of 2.50 or better and consent of instructor.

Description: Participation in faculty research or execution of a research problem formulated by the student. Previously offered as FOR 4500. Offered for variable credit, 1-3 credit hours, maximum of 3 credit hours.

Credit hours: 1-3

Contact hours: Lecture: 1-3 Contact: 1-3

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Natural Res Eco & Mgmt

NREM 4990 Special Topics in Natural Resource Ecology and Management

Description: Advanced topics and new developments in natural resource ecology and management. Previously offered as RLEM 4990. Offered for variable credit, 1-3 credit hours, maximum of 12 credit hours.

Credit hours: 1-3

Contact hours: Lecture: 1-3 Contact: 1-3

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Natural Res Eco & Mgmt

NREM 5000 Master's Thesis Report

Description: Independent research planned, conducted and reported in consultation with a major professor. Previously offered as RLEM 5000. Offered for variable credit, 1-12 credit hours, max 12 (Thesis) 4 (Report).

Credit hours: 1-12

Contact hours: Lecture: 1-12 Contact: 1-12

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Natural Res Eco & Mgmt

NREM 5013 Herbaceous Plants of the Great Plains

Description: Identification (by sight and dichotomous key), characteristics (vegetative and floral), ecological/agricultural importance, and management of important native range grasses and broadleaf plant families, genera, and species. May not be used for degree credit with NREM 4013.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 2 Lab: 2 Contact: 4

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lab, Lecture, Combined lecture and lab

Department/School: Natural Res Eco & Mgmt

NREM 5020 Graduate Seminar

Description: Special topics in Natural Resource Ecology and Management; philosophy, methods and interpretation of research. Previously offered as RLEM 5020. Offered for fixed credit, 1 credit hour, maximum of 10 credit hours.

Credit hours: 1

Contact hours: Lecture: 1 Contact: 1

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Natural Res Eco & Mgmt

NREM 5023 Restoration Ecology

Description: Application of ecological theory to ecological restoration with the goal of improving populations, communities and ecosystems degraded directly or indirectly by human activities. Case studies and applications of ecological principles to restorations across circumstances and systems will be discussed. May not be used for degree credit with NREM 4023.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Natural Res Eco & Mgmt

NREM 5030 Special Problems in Natural Resource Ecology and Management

Description: Special problems in areas of natural resource ecology and management other than those covered in the student's thesis research. Previously offered as FOR 5030. Offered for variable credit, 1-9 credit hours, maximum of 9 credit hours.

Credit hours: 1-9

Contact hours: Lecture: 1-9 Contact: 1-9

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Natural Res Eco & Mgmt

NREM 5033 Ecology of Invasive Species

Description: Ecological principles and their application to invasive species. Discussion of population level characteristics and community and ecosystem level effects of a wide variety of taxa including invasive microbial, fungal, plant, invertebrate, and vertebrate examples. Current global consequences and governmental policies/programs designed to limit the spread of invasives. May not be used for degree credit with NREM 4033 or ENVR 4033.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Natural Res Eco & Mgmt

NREM 5043 Ecology and Evolution of Symbiosis

Description: Ecology and evolution of symbiotic and mutualistic interactions in different ecosystems. Theory, current questions, and general patterns involving biotic interactions of plants and animals with other plants, animals, or microbes.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Natural Res Eco & Mgmt

NREM 5053 Global Ecology and Biogeochemistry

Description: Examines key nutrient pools and transformations in the atmosphere, soils, and hydrosphere, with an emphasis on the role of living organisms in nutrient transformations and fluxes. Emphasis placed on processes relevant to biogeochemical cycles at ecosystem and global scales in reference to aspects of global change.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Natural Res Eco & Mgmt

NREM 5063 Production Ecology

Prerequisites: NREM 3012 and NREM 3013, or BIOL 3034.

Description: Mechanisms driving the growth and productivity of terrestrial ecosystems in response to resource availability, genetics, disturbance, and climate. Factors affecting the distribution and productivity of biomes, relationship between leaf area and productivity, effects of diversity on productivity, the proximal causes of increased growth associated with resource additions, and using process models to predict growth. Previously offered as NREM 4103.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Natural Res Eco & Mgmt

NREM 5073 Modeling Ecosystem Processes and Species Distributions

Prerequisites: Basic understanding of population ecology and statistics strongly encouraged.

Description: Theories of modeling ecosystem processes and species distributions; model building; applying models with real data. No prior modeling experience is expected. Basic understanding of ecology and statistics strongly encouraged.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Natural Res Eco & Mgmt

NREM 5083 Applied Landscape Ecology

Description: Advanced ecology and management of grasslands, shrublands, and forests. Understanding the effects of grazing, fire and other disturbances on biotic and abiotic processes. Vegetation dynamics, wildlife habitat evaluation, woody plant encroachment, rangeland monitoring, and landscape ecology. Field trips required at additional cost to students. Previously offered as NREM 5054.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Natural Res Eco & Mgmt

NREM 5130 Topics In Forestry

Description: Advanced study on special topics in forestry. Offered for variable credit, 1-3 credit hours, maximum of 9 credit hours.

Credit hours: 1-3

Contact hours: Contact: 1-3 Other: 1-3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Independent Study

Department/School: Natural Res Eco & Mgmt

NREM 5133 Advanced Topics in Forest Biometrics

Prerequisites: NREM 3063 or equivalent; STAT 5013 concurrently or equivalent.

Description: Quantitative description of forest populations and methods for modeling forest growth and development. Sampling techniques for forest populations. Previously offered as FOR 5053.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Natural Res Eco & Mgmt

NREM 5193 Spatial and Non-Spatial Database Management

Prerequisites: One course in statistics and programming experience.

Description: Methods of acquiring, managing and analyzing spatial data using geographic information systems. Management of non-spatial data using relational database managers. Development of applications using these tools for evaluating and managing natural resources. Previously offered as SOIL 5193.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Natural Res Eco & Mgmt

NREM 5234 Forest Management and Economics

Description: Regulation of forest growing stock to meet financial and biological management objectives; stand level optimization; linear programming principles in harvest scheduling; timberland taxation; timberland investment criteria; risk and uncertainty in timberland investment; economics of non-market goods. May not be used for degree credit with NREM 4234.

Credit hours: 4

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Lab: 2 Contact: 5

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lab, Lecture, Combined lecture and lab

Department/School: Natural Res Eco & Mgmt

NREM 5313 Human Dimensions of Natural Resources

Description: Principles and applications of managing natural resources in the human social context. Importance of sociology to natural resource management, design of human dimension studies related to use of forest, wildlife, fish, and range resources, complexities and challenges of balancing natural resource sustainability with human needs, and the role of leadership, education, and communication in addressing human-natural resource needs.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Natural Res Eco & Mgmt

NREM 5333 Forest Recourse Management: Planning and Decision-Making

Prerequisites: NREM 4234.

Description: Integrated problem solving, to apply biological, quantitative, economic, political, and administrative principles in solving forest resource management problems. May not be used for degree credit with NREM 4333.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 2 Lab: 2 Contact: 4

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lab, Lecture, Combined lecture and lab

Department/School: Natural Res Eco & Mgmt

NREM 5403 Advanced Wetland Ecology

Prerequisites: A course in aquatic ecology or wetland management recommended.

Description: Principles and theory of wetland ecology with a focus on wetland processes, functions, and services. Topics include wetland geomorphology, biogeochemistry and hydrology of wetlands, wetland functions and services, wetland development, wetland restoration, water issues, wetland policy, philosophy of wetland management, and educating society about wetlands. Same course as BIOL 5403.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Natural Res Eco & Mgmt

NREM 5414 Fisheries Management

Prerequisites: NREM 3012 and NREM 3013, or BIOL 3034.

Description: Techniques and principles involved in management of fishes. Field trip fee required. May not be used for degree credit with NREM 4414 or NREM 5433.

Credit hours: 4

Contact hours: Lecture: 2 Lab: 4 Contact: 6

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lab, Lecture, Combined lecture and lab

Department/School: Natural Res Eco & Mgmt

NREM 5424 Fisheries Techniques

Prerequisites: NREM 4414.

Description: Research techniques and methodology in fisheries science, including sampling design, habitat measurements, sampling gears and abundance estimation, age and growth analysis, recreational surveys, data analysis and report writing. No credit for students with credit in NREM 4424. Previously offered as COSC 5424.

Credit hours: 4

Contact hours: Lecture: 2 Lab: 4 Contact: 6

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lab, Lecture, Combined lecture and lab

Department/School: Natural Res Eco & Mgmt

NREM 5430 Special Topics in Fisheries

Prerequisites: Consent of instructor.

Description: Advanced study on special topics in fisheries. Offered for variable credit, 1-3 credit hours, maximum of 9 credit hours.

Credit hours: 1-3

Contact hours: Lecture: 1-3 Contact: 1-3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Natural Res Eco & Mgmt

NREM 5433 Fisheries Science

Prerequisites: NREM 4414 or equivalent or consent of instructor.

Description: Principles of fisheries science as they relate to fish and aquatic biota, their habitats, and the humans who utilize them. Previously offered as COSC 5433.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Natural Res Eco & Mgmt

NREM 5443 Watershed Hydrology and Water Quality

Description: Processes that comprise the hydrologic cycle and how land use affects those processes and the quantity and quality of water from watersheds, focusing on surface water from forest, range and agricultural watersheds. Measurement and evaluation of water quantity and quality. Intended for graduate students new to the water resources field. No credit for students having completed NREM 4443.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 2 Lab: 2 Contact: 4

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lab, Lecture, Combined lecture and lab

Department/School: Natural Res Eco & Mgmt

NREM 5452 Pond Management

Prerequisites: BIOL 1114 or (BIOL 1113 and BIOL 1111).

Description: Principles and practice of aquatic plant management, pond construction and maintenance, fish population management, and human factors associated with pond ownership and management. No credit for students with degree credit in NREM 4452.

Credit hours: 2

Contact hours: Lecture: 2 Contact: 2

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Natural Res Eco & Mgmt

NREM 5453 Aquaculture

Prerequisites: BIOL 1114 or (BIOL 1113 and BIOL 1111).

Description: Introduction to the principles of freshwater finfish production with an emphasis on warm water species. No credit for student having completed NREM 4453.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Natural Res Eco & Mgmt

NREM 5473 Stream Ecology

Prerequisites: Course in ecology strongly recommended.

Description: Ecology of streams and rivers, physical and chemical properties, biotic assemblages and interactions, ecosystem processes and theories and human impact. Two day field trip required at additional costs to students. Previously offered as NREM 5464.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Graduate, Undergraduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Natural Res Eco & Mgmt

NREM 5483 Ecohydrology

Prerequisites: Ecology course strongly recommended.

Description: Concepts, framework and challenges in ecohydrology. Soil water control on vegetation structure, function and distribution. Vegetation feedback on water budget in water limited ecosystems. Ecological and hydrological interaction associated with land use, land cover change and climate variability.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Natural Res Eco & Mgmt

NREM 5493 Social Dimensions in Aquatic Ecology

Prerequisites: Consent of instructor.

Description: Role of humans as implementers of policy, as users of resources, and as scientists in aquatic ecology.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Natural Res Eco & Mgmt

NREM 5513 Applied Wildlife Behavior

Description: Importance of wildlife behavior to Individual survival, reproduction, and implications for population ecology, community ecology, conservation, and management. Wildlife Is broadly defined In this class; topics Include habitat selection, dispersal, & migration.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 2 Lab: 2 Contact: 4

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lab, Lecture, Combined lecture and lab

Department/School: Natural Res Eco & Mgmt

NREM 5523 Population Ecology

Prerequisites: BIOL 3034, MATH 1513.

Description: Theory and principles of predicting and analyzing population abundance and dynamics. Life history theory, foraging theory, habitat selection, population genetics, and species interactions. Same course as BIOL 5523.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 2 Lab: 2 Contact: 4

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lab, Lecture, Combined lecture and lab

Department/School: Natural Res Eco & Mgmt

NREM 5530 Special Topics in Wildlife

Prerequisites: Consent of instructor.

Description: Advanced study on special topics in Wildlife. Offered for variable credit, 1-3 credit hours, maximum of 9 credit hours.

Credit hours: 1-3

Contact hours: Lecture: 1-3 Contact: 1-3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Natural Res Eco & Mgmt

NREM 5533 Occupancy Modeling of Animal Populations

Description: Theory and practice for the use of occupancy modeling in natural resource management and ecological research. Topics covered include estimation of encounter probabilities, study design considerations, single-species single-season models, multi-season models, multi-state models, multi-scale models, false-positive models, and multi-species models.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 2 Lab: 2 Contact: 4

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lab, Lecture, Combined lecture and lab

Department/School: Natural Res Eco & Mgmt

NREM 5564 Ornithology

Description: Classification, evolution, distribution, identification, life histories, and morphological, ecological, and behavioral adaptations of birds. Two weekend field trips required. May not be used for degree credit with BIOL 4464, NREM 4464. Previously offered as BIOL 5464.

Credit hours: 4

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Lab: 3 Contact: 6

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lab, Lecture, Combined lecture and lab

Department/School: Natural Res Eco & Mgmt

NREM 5603 Rangeland and Pasture Utilization

Prerequisites: NREM 3613 and ANSI 3653.

Description: Investigation of lifestock and forage interactions that impact productivity in the utilization of rangeland and improved pastures. May not be used for degree credit with ANSI 4203 or NREM 4603.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 2 Lab: 2 Contact: 4

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lab, Lecture, Combined lecture and lab

Department/School: Natural Res Eco & Mgmt

NREM 5630 Special Topics in Rangeland Science

Prerequisites: Consent of instructor.

Description: Advanced study on special topics in rangeland science. Previously offered as NREM 5660. Offered for variable credit, 1-3 credit hours, maximum of 9 hours.

Credit hours: 1-3

Contact hours: Lecture: 1-3 Contact: 1-3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Natural Res Eco & Mgmt

NREM 5673 Rangeland Resources Watershed Management

Description: Management of anthropogenic activities and physical/biological functions or processes on water and rangeland watersheds. Emphasizes preventative and restorative strategies in a natural resource rangeland setting. Course available online only through distance education.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Natural Res Eco & Mgmt

NREM 5682 Grassld Plant Identification

Prerequisites: Consent of instructor.

Description: Study and identification of plants that have ecological and/or agricultural importance in the Great Plains. Grassland ecosystems and plant characteristics including forage value, palatability, and utilization by both domestic livestock and wildlife. Cultural and historical uses of grassland. Course available online only through distance education.

Credit hours: 2

Contact hours: Lecture: 2 Contact: 2

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Natural Res Eco & Mgmt

NREM 5683 Grazing Ecology and Management

Prerequisites: Graduate standing.

Description: Ecological principles of livestock grazing and applications to grazing land management for production and conservation.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Natural Res Eco & Mgmt

NREM 5692 Grassland Monitoring and Assessment.

Description: Vegetation sampling theory and plot selection. Quantitative measures used in vegetation analysis, root growth, and utilization. Use of the similarity index, and plant community health and trends for grassland monitoring and assessment. Course available online only through distance education.

Credit hours: 2

Contact hours: Lecture: 2 Contact: 2

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Natural Res Eco & Mgmt

NREM 5693 Principles of Forage Quality and Evaluation to Ruminate

Prerequisites: Consent of instructor.

Description: Chemical characteristics of forage components and the laboratory procedures used to evaluate forages for grazing livestock. Interactions with ruminant physiology and digestion that influence forage feeding value. Students should have a strong background in the basic principles of chemistry, ruminant nutrition, and plant physiology. Course available online only through distance education.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Natural Res Eco & Mgmt

NREM 5713 Grassland Fire Ecology

Description: Ecological effects of fire on grassland ecosystems. Examination of the history of fire, societal use of fire, fire behavior in relation to fuel and weather, and conducting and safety of prescribed burns. Course available online only through distance education.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Natural Res Eco & Mgmt

NREM 5723 Ecol Fire Dependent Ecosystems

Prerequisites: Any ecology course.

Description: Role of fire and the interactions with land use, weather, and climate change in fire-dependent ecosystems. Responses of species composition, diversity, annual net primary productivity, nutrient cycling, and ecosystem management in diverse ecosystems.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Natural Res Eco & Mgmt

NREM 5783 Prescribed Fire

Description: When to use prescribed fire and how to use prescribed fire to accomplish specific land management objectives. Writing prescribed fire plans, policy and laws, weather, equipment, conducting burns, and post-burn mop-up. Field trips required. Previously offered as RLEM 5983.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Natural Res Eco & Mgmt

NREM 5793 Advanced Prescribed Fire

Prerequisites: NREM 4783 or consent of instructor.

Description: Preparing fire plans and executing prescribed fires as the fireboss. No credit for both NREM 4793 and NREM 5793. Previously offered as RLEM 5993.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 2 Lab: 3 Contact: 5

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lab, Lecture, Combined lecture and lab

Department/School: Natural Res Eco & Mgmt

NREM 5843 Natural Resource Administration and Policy

Description: Natural resource policy and legislation; ethics relating to natural resources; natural resource organizations and how they function to include structure, supervision, and financing of federal, state, and private natural resource enterprises. May not be used for degree credit with NREM 4043.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Natural Res Eco & Mgmt

NREM 5853 Natural Resource Recreation

Description: Ecological, historical, social and policy basis for recreational use and management of natural resources, including an analysis of planning, management, and administrative frameworks for providing a diversity of recreational opportunities, benefits, and resource values. May not be used for degree credit with NREM 4053.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Natural Res Eco & Mgmt

NREM 6000 Doctoral Dissertation

Description: Independent research planned, conducted and reported in consultation with major professor. Previously offered as RLEM 6000. Offered for variable credit, 1-15 credit hours, maximum of 45 credit hours.

Credit hours: 1-15

Contact hours: Contact: 1-15 Other: 1-15

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Independent Study

Department/School: Natural Res Eco & Mgmt

NREM 6010 Advanced Topics and Conference

Prerequisites: MS degree.

Description: Supervised study of advanced topics. A reading and conference course designed to acquaint the advanced student with fields not covered in other courses. Previously offered as RLEM 6010. Offered for variable credit, 1-6 credit hours, maximum of 6 credit hours.

Credit hours: 1-6

Contact hours: Lecture: 1-6 Contact: 1-6

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Natural Res Eco & Mgmt