Mass Communications (MC)

MC 1143 Media in a Diverse Society (DS)

Description: A study of the media and their effect on our culture, with an emphasis on the media's role in racial, gender and sexual orientation issues in the United States. By analyzing the mass media, we learn to interpret the consequences of the stories they tell. An introductory survey course for majors and non-majors. Previously offered as JB 1143.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Media & Strategic Comm

General Education and other Course Attributes: Diversity, Society & Human Behavior

MC 2003 Mass Media Style and Structure

Prerequisites: ENGL 1213 or ENGL 1223 or ENGL 1413 with grade of "C" or higher, 24 credit hours earned and departmental majors only.

Description: Teaches basic writing skills vital to any career in mass communication. Emphasizes language skills with a focus on the rules of grammar and the meaning of words. Also teaches the basic strategies of information gathering, including how to glean accurate and useful background information from traditional and online sources. Introduces students to the fundamental writing styles and objectives required to convey information in different media. Previously offered as JB 2003, JB 1393, and JM 1123.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 2 Lab: 2 Contact: 4

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Lab, Lecture, Combined lecture and lab

Department/School: Media & Strategic Comm

Additional Fees: AP Stylebook fee of $5.30 applies.

MC 2023 Electronic Communication

Prerequisites: ENGL 1213 or ENGL 1223 or ENGL 1413 with a grade of "C" or better, 24 credit hours earned and departmental majors only.

Description: Introduces students to electronic communication with a series of hands-on projects to develop their skills with basic photography, videography, podcasting and Web page development. Compares the various media platforms and teaches students visual grammar. Students create slide-shows and podcasts, learn to edit video, and develop Web pages using content created in class.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 2 Contact: 3 Other: 1

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Discussion, Combined lecture & discussion, Lecture

Department/School: Media & Strategic Comm

Additional Fees: AP Stylebook fee of $5.30 applies.

MC 2143 Media and Information Literacy (S)

Description: Students will be equipped with the competency, knowledge and skills to navigate, analyze, evaluate, and create media and digital content responsibly. Topics include the historical context, principles, and social implications of media, from traditional print media to contemporary digital/social media as well as critical thinking about the influence and impact of media on society, democracy, and personal decision-making. Issues will include misinformation, disinformation, digital citizenship, media ownership, representation, and bias in media.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Media & Strategic Comm

General Education and other Course Attributes: Society & Human Behavior

MC 2360 Seminar in Mass Media

Description: A seminar-style course on varying media topics taught by faculty members on a rotating basis.

Credit hours: 1-3

Contact hours: Contact: 1-3 Other: 1-3

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Independent Study

Department/School: Media & Strategic Comm

MC 3113 Introduction to Media Effects

Description: Mass media's potential to influence audience behavior is a subject that has long fascinated scholars and the general public. Aside from working & sleeping, individuals in the U.S. spend more time consuming media than any other activity. This course introduces media effects, and offers critical analysis methods to better understand the process and effects of the mediated message. A variety of media theories will be examined to understand how media can affect attitudes and behaviors on an individual and societal level. The theories will be used to examine a variety of different types of content, including media violence, portrayals of race and gender, entertainment, politics, strategic communication, and sport.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Media & Strategic Comm

MC 3173 History of Mass Communication (H)

Description: Growth and development of mass communication systems in America, with emphasis upon the economic, social and political interaction of the media. Previously offered as JB 3173.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Media & Strategic Comm

General Education and other Course Attributes: Human Heritage & Cultures

MC 3360 Current Topics in Mass Communication

Prerequisites: MC 2003 and MC 2023 with a grade of "C" or better in each; and pass proficiency review.

Description: Examination of timely topics and issues in contemporary media. May be repeated with different topics.

Credit hours: 1-3

Contact hours: Contact: 1-3 Other: 1-3

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Independent Study

Department/School: Media & Strategic Comm

MC 4043 Media Study Abroad (I)

Description: Participation in an international experience sponsored by the School of Media and Strategic Communications. This will typically involve the integrated study of a country or region regarding relevant cultural, commercial, historical, technological, political, and economic issues especially as those areas related to media and communication. May not be used for degree credit with MC 5040 in same semester with same subtitle.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Contact: 3 Other: 3

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Independent Study

Department/School: Media & Strategic Comm

General Education and other Course Attributes: International Dimension

MC 4143 Ethics and Issues in Mass Communications

Prerequisites: MC 2003 and MC 2023 with a grade of "C" or better in both; and pass proficiency review.

Description: Students examine classical theories of ethical behavior and their relevancy to professional communicators. Students learn to analyze various moral viewpoints, so they can discern a justifiable system of ethical decision-making. Students apply ethical reasoning and professional codes of conduct to scenarios to determine the most ethical action to take.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Media & Strategic Comm

MC 4153 International Mass Communication

Description: Examination of the nature and flow of news and information within and among nations, states and societies from a theoretical vantage point grounded in region-specific realities. The political, economic, social, cultural and historical forces determining media practice in a global environment. No credit for students with credit in MC 5253. Previously offered as JB 4253.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Media & Strategic Comm

MC 4163 Mass Communication Law

Prerequisites: MC 2003 and MC 2023 with a grade of "C" or better in both; and pass proficiency review.

Description: Major principles of media law by examining the important court decisions, statutory and regulatory enactments in each area of communication law. Relevant constitutional freedoms and legal issues affecting professional communicators and all participants in a self-governing society. Practice applying the law and precedents to specific situations to determine if potential legal problems exist. No credit for students with credit in MC 5163. Previously offered as JB 4163 and JB 3163.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Media & Strategic Comm

MC 4360 Advanced Topics in Mass Communications

Prerequisites: MMJ 3263, SC 3353, or SPM 3813 with a grade of "C" or higher; and pass proficiency review.

Description: Independent study and project development to fit the student's field of study. Previously offered as JB 4360. Offered for variable credit, 1-3 credit hours, maximum of 6 credit hours.

Credit hours: 1-3

Contact hours: Contact: 1-3 Other: 1-3

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Independent Study

Department/School: Media & Strategic Comm

MC 4733 Responsibility in Mass Communication

Prerequisites: MC 2003 with a grade of "C" or better; and pass proficiency review.

Description: Interaction between mass media and society with emphasis upon the communicator's ethics and responsibilities. Meets with MC 5733. No credit for students with credit in MC 5733. Previously offered as JB 4733.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Media & Strategic Comm

MC 4993 Senior Honors Thesis

Prerequisites: Departmental invitation, senior standing, Honors Program participation.

Description: A guided reading and research program ending with an honors thesis under the direction of a senior faculty member, with second faculty reader and oral examination. Required for graduation with departmental honors in the School of Journalism and Broadcasting. Previously offered as JB 4993.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Contact: 3 Other: 3

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Independent Study

Department/School: Media & Strategic Comm

General Education and other Course Attributes: Honors Credit

MC 5000 Thesis

Description: For mass communication graduate students who are candidates for the master's degree. Offered for variable credit, 1-6 credit hours, maximum of 6 credit hours.

Credit hours: 1-6

Contact hours: Contact: 1-6 Other: 1-6

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Independent Study

Department/School: Media & Strategic Comm

MC 5010 Capstone Creative Project

Prerequisites: "B" or better in MC 5113, MC 5333, and MC 5651 and instructor permission.

Description: Capstone research project or creative activity for a mass communication graduate student. Offered for variable credit, 1-3 credit hours, maximum of 4 credit hours.

Credit hours: 1-3

Contact hours: Contact: 1-3 Other: 1-3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Independent Study

Department/School: Media & Strategic Comm

MC 5011 Experience Report

Prerequisites: Instructor permission and MC 5020 (6 hours) or MC 5040 (6 hours).

Description: The Experience Report is a non-thesis, degree completion option for the Study Abroad or Practicum graduation candidates.

Credit hours: 1

Contact hours: Contact: 1 Other: 1

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Independent Study

Department/School: Media & Strategic Comm

MC 5020 Advanced Practicum or Internship in Mass Communication

Prerequisites: One semester of graduate coursework and consent of instructor.

Description: Applied training allowing students to relate theoretical principles to situations in professional settings. Offered for variable credit, 1-6 credit hours, maximum of 6 credit hours.

Credit hours: 1-6

Contact hours: Contact: 1-6 Other: 1-6

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Independent Study

Department/School: Media & Strategic Comm

MC 5030 Independent Study in Mass Communication

Prerequisites: Consent of instructor.

Description: Independent study, directed readings or project development in mass communications to fit the student's academic and professional interests. Offered for variable credit, 1-3 credit hours, maximum of 6 credit hours.

Credit hours: 1-3

Contact hours: Contact: 1-3 Other: 1-3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Independent Study

Department/School: Media & Strategic Comm

MC 5040 Media International Experience

Prerequisites: Consent of instructor.

Description: Participation in either an international experience sponsored by the School of Media and Strategic Communications (SMSC) or a research or directed reading project in conjunction with a study abroad experience. An SMSC international offering will typically involve the integrated study of a country or region regarding relevant cultural, commercial, historical, technological, political, and economic issues especially as those areas related to media and communication. The project option would be a student-initiated and student-designed with a faculty adviser or mentor input and guidance. May not be used for degree credit with MC 4043 in same semester with same subtitle. Offered for variable credit, 1-3 credit hours, maximum of 6 credit hours.

Credit hours: 1-3

Contact hours: Contact: 1-3 Other: 1-3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Independent Study

Department/School: Media & Strategic Comm

MC 5113 Methods of Research in Mass Communication

Description: Principles and techniques of research; research planning, design and measurement in mass communication.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Media & Strategic Comm

MC 5143 Diversity In Sports Media

Description: This course examines sports media content, framing, personnel, and audiences in relation to diverse groups. Primary emphases are placed on race and ethnicity, gender, sex, LGBT, national identity, and disability. Sports media coverage of each group is examined from a historical perspective up through the 21st Century convergence of broadcast, online, and print journalism. Particular focus is placed on diversity among sport media gatekeepers.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Media & Strategic Comm

MC 5163 Mass Communication Law

Prerequisites: MC 2003 and graduate standing.

Description: Major principles of media law by examining the important court decisions, statutory and regulatory enactments in each area of communication law. Relevant constitutional freedoms and legal issues affecting professional communicators and all participants in a self-governing society. Practice applying the law and precedents to specific situations to determine if potential legal problems exist. Meets with MC 4163. No credit for students with credit in MC 4163.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Media & Strategic Comm

MC 5223 Mass Communication Research Analysis and Interpretation

Prerequisites: MC 5113.

Description: Single- and multi-variate analysis, interpretation and reporting of mass communication research data. Use of computers in research analysis.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Media & Strategic Comm

MC 5253 International Mass Communication

Description: Examination of the nature and flow of news and information within and among nations, states, and societies from a theoretical vantage point grounded in region-specific realities. The political, economic, social, cultural and historical forces determining media practice in a global environment. No credit for students with credit in MC 4153.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Media & Strategic Comm

MC 5283 Citizen Branding

Prerequisites: Graduate standing.

Description: The course is focused on promoting citizen engagement and community building in a digital era. It explores consumption of networked political campaigns, corporate and national identity branding, and participation in the social media marketplace. It examines the effect of media on community deliberation. This course will provide the tools to increase meaningful community engagement in ways that will transform our communities into more vibrant and interactive places.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Media & Strategic Comm

MC 5323 Nation Branding

Prerequisites: Graduate standing.

Description: Nation branding is defined for this course as the strategic act of shaping a country’s reputation and country image through the use of branding techniques. This course will explore America’s image abroad and attempt to understand the recent rise of anti-Americanism, as well as look at nation branding in other countries. May not be used for degree credit with GS 5323.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Media & Strategic Comm

MC 5333 Media Theory

Prerequisites: Graduate standing.

Description: Mediating factors that affect interaction of ingredients in the communications process, and how these factors can affect the fidelity of information conveyed.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Media & Strategic Comm

MC 5383 Media Relations

Prerequisites: Graduate standing.

Description: Strategies for dealing with the news media. Students will gain hands-on experience in conducting media news conferences, pitching story ideas and preparing themselves and others for dealing with news media interviews. Meets with SC 4383. No credit for students with credit in SC 4383.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Media & Strategic Comm

MC 5443 Sports Branding

Prerequisites: Graduate Standing.

Description: Introduction to the multibillion-dollar industry of sports branding and sponsorship from the viewpoint of the team, the brand, and other entities involved. Sports branding creates and delivers brand content to fans to bolster engagement and loyalty towards the generation of revenue. Course covers the history of sports branding, the broader sport and eSports ecosystems, team and individual athlete branding, sponsorship, and the role of globalization and virtual-based Consumer technologies.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Media & Strategic Comm

MC 5483 Nonprofit Branding

Prerequisites: Graduate Standing.

Description: This course explores the role of strategic communications for nonprofit organizations. It will provide students with an in-depth understanding of how communication theories can be applied to build organizational brand, foster commitment to organization's mission, increase trust, create ambassadors, strengthens impact, and create lasting social change.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Media & Strategic Comm

MC 5520 Specialized Strategic Communications Applications

Prerequisites: One semester of graduate course work and consent of instructor.

Description: Professional strategic communications at an advanced level. Strategic communications study of non-profit, corporate, agency, international and other specialized applications. Course content varies by semester. No credit for students with credit in SC 4520 during the same semester or with the same subtitle. Offered for fixed credit, 3 credit hours, maximum of 6 credit hours.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Contact: 3 Other: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Independent Study

Department/School: Media & Strategic Comm

MC 5540 Specialized Multimedia Journalism Applications

Prerequisites: Graduate standing.

Description: Professional journalism at an advanced level. Special topics in areas such as announcing, performance; political, business, and investigative reporting; advanced layout and design or audio production; feature, column and editorial writing. Course content varies by semester. Meets with MMJ 4540. No credit for students in MMJ 4540 during the same semester or with the same subtitle. Offered for fixed credit, 3 credit hours, maximum of 6 credit hours.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Contact: 3 Other: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Independent Study

Department/School: Media & Strategic Comm

MC 5560 Specialized Sports Media Applications

Prerequisites: Graduate standing.

Description: Professional sports media at an advanced level. Special topics in areas such as sports media production, announcing, performance; sports feature, column and editorial writing. Course content varies by semester. Meets with SPM 4560. No credit for students in SPM 4560 during same semester or with same subtitle. Offered for fixed credit, 3 credit hours, maximum of 6 credit hours.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Contact: 3 Other: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Independent Study

Department/School: Media & Strategic Comm

MC 5603 Integrated Marketing Communication

Prerequisites: MC 2003 and SC 2183 or MKTG 3213; and graduate standing.

Description: Planning and the value of coordinating the various promotional mix elements within a communication campaign to create maximum clarity and impact. Communication elements including advertising, public relations, direct marketing and sales promotion and examine strategies for combining and integrating them into an effective campaign. Theories, models and tools to make better promotional communication decisions. No credit for students with credit in SC 4603.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Media & Strategic Comm

MC 5613 Storytellers Studio

Prerequisites: Graduate standing.

Description: This is a graduate seminar designed to provide an understanding of the theory and practice of mass media. Through readings, lectures, multi-media presentations and guests who are industry experts, we explore the main media institutions and how they create, exhibit, and disseminate their products. The course also explores how diverse audiences and users select, use and react to media content. Special attention is paid to the audience/medium relationship, improving media literacy and a broad understanding of media ethics.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Media & Strategic Comm

MC 5651 Introduction to Graduate Study in Mass Communications

Prerequisites: Graduate standing.

Description: Orientation to skills necessary for successful completion of graduate work. Training in library and archival research, academic writing and preparation of research reports, familiarization with theoretical concepts and issues associated with mass communication. Required of all mass communication MS candidates, and prerequisite to MS candidates enrolling in mass communication seminars. Previously offered as MC 5653.

Credit hours: 1

Contact hours: Lecture: 1 Contact: 1

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Media & Strategic Comm

MC 5733 Responsibility in Mass Communication

Prerequisites: Graduate standing.

Description: Interaction between mass media and society with emphasis upon the communicator's ethics and responsibilities. Meets with MC 4733. No credit for students with credit in MC 4733.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Media & Strategic Comm

MC 5753 Media And Elections

Prerequisites: Graduate standing.

Description: Examination of media's role in the political process with primary emphasis on print and broadcast journalism practices. Meets with MMJ 4753. No credit for students with credit in MMJ 4753.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Media & Strategic Comm

MC 5770 Seminar in Communication Media

Prerequisites: Graduate standing.

Description: International communication, media history, legal research, new technology, women and the media, television and children, industrial television, and communication research. Offered for variable credit, 1-3 credit hours, maximum of 9 credit hours.

Credit hours: 1-3

Contact hours: Contact: 1-3 Other: 1-3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Independent Study

Department/School: Media & Strategic Comm

MC 5773 Censorship

Prerequisites: Graduate standing.

Description: Critical examination of historical and contemporary occurrences of censorship from legal, philosophical, political, religious and sociological perspectives. The course will explore the definition of censorship, the common elements found in all forms of censorship, the rationalizations and justifications for censorship, and the consequences and unintended results of censorship. No credit for students with credit in MMJ 4773.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Media & Strategic Comm

MC 5843 Sport Fanship

Prerequisites: Graduate Standing.

Description: An in-depth examination of modern sport fans and their relationship with the sports media industry. The class will define sport fanship in today's context, cover the many causes of fanship, and explore its social and psychological consequences.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Media & Strategic Comm

MC 5883 Media Management

Prerequisites: Graduate Standing.

Description: The focus of this course is on an integrated approach to the management in an organization, particularly grounded in organizational theory. Management concerns in mass communication practice, including public relations, brand management, digital production, multimedia journalism and sports media. Different emphases offered according to student demand or need.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Media & Strategic Comm

MC 5933 Theories of Persuasion

Prerequisites: Graduate standing.

Description: In order to extend our understanding of Strategic Communication, it is important to study the large body of scientific research dealing with persuasion and persuasive communication. This is not a course on how to be a better persuader, but instead a study of the theories of persuasion. However by exploring the academic literature on persuasion, many strategies can be learned and used to not only make us better communicators, but also to help us resist persuasive attempts that we may encounter as citizens and consumers.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Media & Strategic Comm

MC 5953 Strategic Health Communications Campaigns

Prerequisites: Graduate standing.

Description: The course will focus on theoretical approaches to health message design and the most effective and strategic use of traditional and new media outlets. Students also will review and discuss examples of past and current health communication campaigns in the United States and around the world. Integrating theory and practice, students will apply these concepts to design strategic communication campaigns for area health agencies and organizations.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Media & Strategic Comm