Languages and Literatures (LL)
LL 1000 Special Studies in Languages and Literatures
Description: Special studies in areas not regularly offered; basic level. Not for native speakers per University Academic Regulation 4.9. Previously offered as FLL 1000. Offered for variable credit, 1-10 credit hours, maximum of 10 credit hours.
Credit hours: 1-10
Contact hours: Lecture: 1-10 Contact: 1-10
Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule types: Lecture
Department/School: Languages and Literatures
LL 1113 The World Through Film (HI)
Description: This course will give students a glimpse of the world, of different peoples and cultures, through movies. It would like to awake in them an appreciation for the diversity of the world we live in and expose them to the basics of various languages spoken around the world. Instructors from the different languages taught in the Department of Literatures and Languages will visit the class and expose the students to some elements of the languages they teach. Previously offered as FLL 1113.
Credit hours: 3
Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3
Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule types: Lecture
Department/School: Languages and Literatures
General Education and other Course Attributes: Human Heritage & Cultures, International Dimension
LL 1123 The Origins of Modern Ukraine: Culture and State (H)
Description: This course traces the multicultural origins of the modern Ukrainian state from the beginnings of Kyiv to the present day. Topics include Vikings, Cossacks, the Ukrainian nationalist idea, Soviet domination, and the post-1991 rise of independent Ukraine. It examines the struggles of the Ukrainian people to create a modern nation with challenges, including Russian political and economic interference, invasion, and war. Readings are selected from contemporary Ukrainian authors. Taught in English.
Credit hours: 3
Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3
Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule types: Lecture
Department/School: Languages and Literatures
General Education and other Course Attributes: Human Heritage & Cultures
LL 1223 European Folklore and Fairy Tales (H)
Description: This course examines the development of the fairy tale and folk narrative in Europe from antiquity to the 21st century. By the end of the semester, you will be familiar with the cultural history of fairy- and folk-tales, and their influence on popular culture.
Credit hours: 3
Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3
Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule types: Lecture
Department/School: Languages and Literatures
General Education and other Course Attributes: Human Heritage & Cultures
LL 2000 Special Studies in Languages and Literature: Intermediate
Prerequisites: 6 hours or equivalent in target language (applies only to language course).
Description: Special study in areas other than those offered in regular program; intermediate level. Not for native speakers per University Academic Regulation 4.9. Previously offered as FLL 2000. Offered for variable credit, 1-5 credit hours, maximum of 10 credit hours.
Credit hours: 1-5
Contact hours: Contact: 1-5 Other: 1-5
Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule types: Independent Study
Department/School: Languages and Literatures
LL 2103 Masterworks of Western Culture: Ancient and Medieval
Description: Ideas and values of Western culture as revealed through literary, artistic, historical, and philosophical contexts from Greek, Roman, and Medieval periods. Previously offered as FLL 2103.
Credit hours: 3
Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3
Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule types: Lecture
Department/School: Languages and Literatures
LL 2203 Masterworks of Western Culture: Modern
Description: Ideas and values of Western culture as revealed through literary, artistic, historical, and philosophical contexts from the Renaissance to the Modern period. Previously offered as FLL 2203.
Credit hours: 3
Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3
Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule types: Lecture
Department/School: Languages and Literatures
LL 2443 Languages of the World
Description: A comprehensive survey of world languages. The essential structural and historical organization of languages. The process of languages as a basic human function. Same course as ENGL 2443. Previously offered as FLL 2443.
Credit hours: 3
Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3
Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule types: Lecture
Department/School: Languages and Literatures
LL 2503 French Culinary Staples (I)
Description: Study of the production, taste, and cultural importance of cheeses, wines, and breads in France. Analysis of marketing techniques related to these products and cultural comparisons of food consumption habits between France and the US. Course is taught in English. Previously offered as FLL 2503.
Credit hours: 3
Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3
Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule types: Lecture
Department/School: Languages and Literatures
General Education and other Course Attributes: International Dimension
LL 2603 French Cultural Exception (H)
Description: The purpose of this course is to give students a critical overview of modern French philosophy in order to help them conceptualize and reassess the importance of egocentrism in Western culture. Previously offered as FLL 2603.
Credit hours: 3
Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3
Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule types: Lecture
Department/School: Languages and Literatures
General Education and other Course Attributes: Human Heritage & Cultures
LL 3003 The Soviet Union: History, Society and Culture (IS)
Description: A comprehensive view of the Soviet Union, stressing those issues in the political, economic, technological, geographical, and cultural situation. Accessible to beginning undergraduates. Same course as HIST 3003 & POLS 3003. Previously offered as RUSS 3003.
Credit hours: 3
Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3
Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule types: Lecture
Department/School: Languages and Literatures
General Education and other Course Attributes: International Dimension, Society & Human Behavior
LL 3053 Introduction to Central Asian Studies (IS)
Description: A comprehensive view of newly-emerged Central Asian states, examining the history, politics, economics, geography, and culture of Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan as reflected in their thoughts, religion, literature, and architecture, in the past, and the strategic importance of their natural wealth for the present and future. Same course as GEOG 3053, GLST 3053, HIST 3053, and POLS 3053. Previously offered as RUSS 3053.
Credit hours: 3
Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3
Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule types: Lecture
Department/School: Languages and Literatures
General Education and other Course Attributes: International Dimension, Society & Human Behavior
LL 3103 Hispanic Literature in Translation (H)
Description: Readings of significant works from Spanish and Spanish-American literatures in English translation. Does not apply to major or minor in Spanish. Previously offered as FLL 3103.
Credit hours: 3
Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3
Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule types: Lecture
Department/School: Languages and Literatures
General Education and other Course Attributes: Human Heritage & Cultures
LL 3113 French Literature in Translation (H)
Description: Readings of significant works from French literature in English translation. Does not apply to a major or minor in French. Previously offered as FLL 3113.
Credit hours: 3
Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3
Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule types: Lecture
Department/School: Languages and Literatures
General Education and other Course Attributes: Human Heritage & Cultures
LL 3123 Classical Mythology (H)
Description: Myths, their cultural context, and their place in world literature. Course taught in English. No prerequisite. Same course as ENGL 3123. Previously offered as LATN 3123.
Credit hours: 3
Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3
Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule types: Lecture
Department/School: Languages and Literatures
General Education and other Course Attributes: Human Heritage & Cultures
LL 3133 Understanding Russia (H)
Description: A study of Russian cultural history to explain contemporary Russia and Russian national identity. Readings include epic tales, literary works from Pushkin, Lermontov, Turgenev, Gogol, Chekhov, Blok, Akhmatova, and Yevtushenko, as well as political treatises by Ivan the Terrible and Mikhail Khodorkovsky. Course taught in English. Previously offered as RUSS 3123.
Credit hours: 3
Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3
Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule types: Lecture
Department/School: Languages and Literatures
General Education and other Course Attributes: Human Heritage & Cultures
LL 3143 Chinese Literature in Translation
Description: Development of student competence in reading a wide variety of materials by contemporary Chinese writers. Previously offered as CHIN 4133 and CHIN 3813.
Credit hours: 3
Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3
Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule types: Lecture
Department/School: Languages and Literatures
LL 3163 Literatures of the Ancient World (H)
Description: Readings and topics in the cultures and literatures of the ancient world. Same course as ENGL 3163.
Credit hours: 3
Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3
Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule types: Lecture
Department/School: Languages and Literatures
General Education and other Course Attributes: Human Heritage & Cultures
LL 3223 Love and Hate in Greece and Rome (H)
Description: A study of the expression of love and hate from Archaic Greece to Imperial Rome, with a particular attention to cultural context and the theoretical work that has arisen from it. Course taught in English. Previously offered as LATN 3223.
Credit hours: 3
Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3
Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule types: Lecture
Department/School: Languages and Literatures
General Education and other Course Attributes: Human Heritage & Cultures
LL 3233 Greek Tragedy (H)
Description: This class studies a number of plays by the three great Greek tragedians: Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides. The genre of tragedy was born in 5th century Athens and is grounded in a very specific context of civic life, politics, and religion. The plays, almost all set in the realm of myth and legend, also deal with important questions of ethics, war, psychology, tensions between the individual, family, and state, and what it is to be human.
Credit hours: 3
Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3
Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule types: Lecture
Department/School: Languages and Literatures
General Education and other Course Attributes: Human Heritage & Cultures
LL 3333 The Russian Spy in Fact and Fiction (HI)
Description: This course examines the spy in cultural productions of Russia and the West. Topics include stereotyping in popular culture, the relationship between fact, fiction, and political imagination, Western and Russian views of each other, the Cold War, security, hybrid war, and grey-zone activities. Readings from American, British, and Russian sources include classic Cold War literature, contemporary press, history, and a graphic novel. Taught in English. Previously offered as RUSS 3333.
Credit hours: 3
Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3
Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule types: Lecture
Department/School: Languages and Literatures
General Education and other Course Attributes: Human Heritage & Cultures, International Dimension
LL 3500 Specialized Study in a Modern Language
Prerequisites: Consent of instructor.
Description: Instruction and/or tutorial work in a modern foreign language other than those offered in a major program. Previously offered as FLL 3500. Offered for variable credit, 1-20 credit hours, maximum of 20 credit hours.
Credit hours: 1-20
Contact hours: Contact: 1-20 Other: 1-20
Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule types: Independent Study
Department/School: Languages and Literatures
LL 3613 Race and Culture in Latin America (HI)
Description: A comprehensive survey of the cultural, aesthetic, and political depictions of race in Latin America, from colonial times to the present. Course taught in English. No prerequisite. Previously offered as SPAN 3613.
Credit hours: 3
Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3
Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule types: Lecture
Department/School: Languages and Literatures
General Education and other Course Attributes: Human Heritage & Cultures, International Dimension
LL 3623 Don Quixote in English (H)
Description: This course is devoted to Cervantes' novel, Don Quixote, in English translation. Course taught in English. No prerequisite. May not be used for degree credit with SPAN 4163. Previously offered as SPAN 3623.
Credit hours: 3
Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3
Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule types: Lecture
Department/School: Languages and Literatures
General Education and other Course Attributes: Human Heritage & Cultures
LL 3633 Language and Migration (IS)
Description: This course examines the relationship between language and human mobility in the context of globalization. We will examine linguistic diversity as a result of forced and voluntary migration. Course taught in English.
Credit hours: 3
Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3
Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule types: Lecture
Department/School: Languages and Literatures
General Education and other Course Attributes: International Dimension, Society & Human Behavior
LL 3643 Judaism, Christianity and Islam in Medieval Iberia (H)
Description: The Iberian Peninsula of the Middle Ages was characterized by varying degrees of coexistence and cooperation among Jews, Christians, and Muslims. This course will focus on the contributions to literature, art, science, government, architecture, philosophy, etc. of members of these three faith traditions.
Credit hours: 3
Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3
Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule types: Lecture
Department/School: Languages and Literatures
General Education and other Course Attributes: Human Heritage & Cultures
LL 3663 Surveillance, Data, and Hacking in German Film and Television (H)
Description: We will survey German surveillance in German film and television, viewing and discussing films by famous German directors as well as art-house cinematographers. Taught in English.
Credit hours: 3
Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3
Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule types: Lecture
Department/School: Languages and Literatures
General Education and other Course Attributes: Human Heritage & Cultures
LL 3713 Chinese Culture (I)
Description: Historical, cultural, social, economic, and political aspects of China. Previously offered as CHIN 3713.
Credit hours: 3
Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3
Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule types: Lecture
Department/School: Languages and Literatures
General Education and other Course Attributes: International Dimension
LL 4000 Specialized Studies in Languages and Literatures
Prerequisites: Junior standing or consent of instructor.
Description: Individual guided study, tutorial or seminar on specially selected topics in a foreign language or literature. Previously offered as FLL 4000. Offered for variable credit, 1-9 credit hours, maximum of 9 credit hours.
Credit hours: 1-9
Contact hours: Contact: 1-9 Other: 1-9
Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule types: Independent Study
Department/School: Languages and Literatures
LL 4123 Fairy Tales: The Brothers Grimm, Disney, and Beyond (H)
Description: An introduction to European fairy tales, with an emphasis on the Brothers Grimm and their cultural influence. Taught in English.
Credit hours: 3
Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3
Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule types: Lecture
Department/School: Languages and Literatures
General Education and other Course Attributes: Human Heritage & Cultures
LL 4133 Vampires, Monsters, and Other Horrors: German Film's Haunted Pasts (H)
Description: A survey of German film, with emphasis on the ways films reflect specific cultural, and political moments in German and Austrian history. Taught in English.
Credit hours: 3
Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3
Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule types: Lecture
Department/School: Languages and Literatures
General Education and other Course Attributes: Human Heritage & Cultures
LL 4443 Greek Literature in Translation (H)
Description: Readings of significant works from ancient Greek literature and philosophy in English translation, from Homer through Aristotle. Readings and classes conducted in English. Previously offered as GREK 4113.
Credit hours: 3
Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3
Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule types: Lecture
Department/School: Languages and Literatures
General Education and other Course Attributes: Human Heritage & Cultures
LL 4453 Latin Literature in Translation (H)
Description: Readings of significant works from Latin literature in English translation, from the late Republic through the early Christian era. Readings and classes conducted in English. Previously offered as LATN 4113.
Credit hours: 3
Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3
Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule types: Lecture
Department/School: Languages and Literatures
General Education and other Course Attributes: Human Heritage & Cultures
LL 4463 Russian Literature in Translation I (H)
Description: Russian literature from its beginning to mid-19th century: Pushkin, Lermontov, Goncharov, Gogol, Turgenev, and Dostoevsky. Readings in English. Classes conducted in English. Previously offered as RUSS 4113.
Credit hours: 3
Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3
Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule types: Lecture
Department/School: Languages and Literatures
General Education and other Course Attributes: Human Heritage & Cultures
LL 4993 Senior Honors Thesis
Prerequisites: Departmental invitation, senior standing, Honors Program participation.
Description: A guided reading and research program ending with an honors thesis under the direction of a senior faculty member with second faculty reader, both of whom will be present at an oral defense of the thesis. Required for graduation with departmental honors in any foreign language major. Previously offered as FLL 4993.
Credit hours: 3
Contact hours: Contact: 3 Other: 3
Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule types: Independent Study
Department/School: Languages and Literatures
General Education and other Course Attributes: Honors Credit
LL 5210 Graduate Studies in Languages
Credit hours: 1-6
Contact hours: Lecture: 1-6 Contact: 1-6
Levels: Graduate
Schedule types: Lecture
Department/School: Languages and Literatures