Entrepreneurship & Emerging Enterprises (EEE)

EEE 1010 Creativity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Description: Examination of the creative process. Exploration of underlying premises of creativity, exposure to basic frameworks and concepts, and examination of obstacles to creativity. Emphasis on practical applications. Intended for students in Creativity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Learning Community. Offered for variable credit, 1-3 credit hours, maximum of 6 credit hours.

Credit hours: 1-3

Contact hours: Lecture: 1-3 Contact: 1-3

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Entrepreneurship

EEE 1020 Creativity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship II

Description: Examination of the underpinnings of entrepreneurship and innovation as each relates to the creative process. An applied perspective is adopted in exploring the interfaces between creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship. Intended for students in Creativity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Learning Community. Offered for variable credit, 1-3 credit hours, maximum of 6 credit hours.

Credit hours: 1-3

Contact hours: Lecture: 1-3 Contact: 1-3

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Entrepreneurship

EEE 1661 Free Enterprise Essentials

Description: An exploration of the free enterprise system on the basis of both wealth creation and societal justice.

Credit hours: 1

Contact hours: Lecture: 1 Contact: 1

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Entrepreneurship

EEE 2023 Introduction to Entrepreneurship

Description: Focuses on both the entrepreneurial mindset and the process of launching and growing a new business. Reviews opportunities, innovation, new value creation, business context, existing firms and any area of business or life that pertains to entrepreneurship.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Entrepreneurship

EEE 2083 Entrepreneurship & Society

Description: In this unique course we study the relationship between entrepreneurship and society. Core questions are: How does society, politics, culture, etc. affect entrepreneurship? And how does entrepreneurship affect society, politics, and the economy? Students gain a uniquely broad understanding of entrepreneurship and political economy.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Entrepreneurship

EEE 3020 Business Plan Laboratory

Description: Provides any student regardless of background with a fundamental understanding of the logic and structure of a business plan and a knowledge of basic tools and concepts for putting together a great business plan for an original idea or concept. Applies to for-profit and non-profit ventures. Offered for variable credit, 1-3 credit hours, maximum of 3 credit hours.

Credit hours: 1-3

Contact hours: Lecture: 1-3 Contact: 1-3

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Entrepreneurship

EEE 3023 Introduction to Entrepreneurial Thinking and Behavior

Prerequisites: EEE 2023.

Description: Overview of entrepreneurial thinking and behavior and its role in our lives. Examination of what it takes to start and sustain new concepts and ventures. Central focus is on the issues surrounding effective implementation of the entrepreneurial process across a variety of contexts. May not be used for degree credit with EEE 3673.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Entrepreneurship

EEE 3031 Entrepreneurial Value Creation in Society

Description: This 1-hour seminar presents an intellectual framework for understanding the economic and ethical implications of the forces that promote or hinder the creation of value in society. In particular, students will engage in readings, discussions, and interactions with guest lecturers, related to topics such as: individual liberty and responsibility, economic freedom, fairness and equality, scarcity and property rights, intellectual property, competition and anti-competition, cronyism, authoritarianism, and globalization and free trade. The aforementioned topics will be examined and discussed within the context of governments, institutions, business entities, and consumers, and their collective impact on innovation, entrepreneurship, and advances in social well-being. This seminar should be of interest to students from diverse majors and backgrounds.

Credit hours: 1

Contact hours: Lecture: 1 Contact: 1

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Entrepreneurship

EEE 3033 Women and Minority Entrepreneurship

Description: The course covers race, gender, and ethnicity as factors that impact entrepreneurship. Students look at the theoretical underpinnings of minority and women's entrepreneurship and their opportunities, challenges, and strategies when creating ventures.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Entrepreneurship

EEE 3673 Business Model Discovery

Description: Course teaches the fundamentals of testing the feasibility of a business idea and building an effective business model around a business concept. May not be used for degree credit with EEE 3023.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Entrepreneurship

EEE 4010 Special Topics in Entrepreneurship

Description: Examination of entrepreneurship issues. Specific topics vary from semester to semester. Offered for variable credit, 1-6 credit hours, maximum of 6 credit hours.

Credit hours: 1-6

Contact hours: Lecture: 1-6 Contact: 1-6

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Entrepreneurship

EEE 4080 Riata Internship Program

Prerequisites: Consent of the Director of the Riata Center for Entrepreneurship.

Description: Professionally supervised experience building career-related skills, interests and personal development while making valuable contacts and references. Allows testing skills in real life projects with host companies. Periodic reports, both oral and written, required as specified by the instructor. Offered for variable credit, 1-3 credit hours, maximum of 6 credit hours.

Credit hours: 1-6

Contact hours: Contact: 1-6 Other: 1-6

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Independent Study

Department/School: Entrepreneurship

EEE 4090 Study Abroad in Entrepreneurship

Prerequisites: Consent of the School of Entrepreneurship Department Head.

Description: Participation in a School of Entrepreneurship Study Abroad program. May not be used for degree credit with EEE 5090. Previously offered as EEE 3090. Offered for variable credit, 1-6 credit hours, maximum of 18 credit hours.

Credit hours: 1-6

Contact hours: Lecture: 1-6 Contact: 1-6

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Entrepreneurship

EEE 4103 Entrepreneurship & the Economy

Description: Explore the role of entrepreneurship in the economy. Learn why the market economy is best understood not as a system or equilibrium but as an unfolding process with entrepreneurship as its driver. The course introduces the teachings of the Austrian school of economics, which focuses on economic understanding through reasoning and logic, not statistical analysis and mathematical modeling. Austrian economics recognizes entrepreneurial value creation as the core of the market process, that value lies in the eyes of the beholder, and that productive capital exists in complex structures intended to produce specific goods and services. Same course as ECON 4353. May not be used for degree credit with EEE 5103 or ECON 5353.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Entrepreneurship

EEE 4113 Dilemmas and Debates in Entrepreneurship

Description: Designed around a series of critical dilemmas confronted by entrepreneurs when creating and growing a venture. Entrepreneurs explore with students the issues surrounding these dilemmas in a structured format.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Entrepreneurship

EEE 4123 Entrepreneurship and The Arts

Description: Introduces entrepreneurship as a way of thinking and acting within the arts, including fine art, theatre, music and design. Key entrepreneurial competencies are explored, including opportunity recognition, risk management, resource leveraging, and innovation. May not be used for degree credit with EEE 5123. Previously offered as EEE 3123.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Entrepreneurship

EEE 4223 Entrepreneurial Marketing

Prerequisites: MKTG 3213.

Description: Examination of the roles of marketing in entrepreneurial ventures and entrepreneurship in the marketing efforts of any organization. Emphasis on marketing as it relates to risk management, resource leveraging and guerrilla approaches. Same course as MKTG 4263. May not be used for degree credit with EEE 5223 or MKTG 5223. Previously offered as EEE 3263.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Entrepreneurship

EEE 4253 International Entrepreneurship

Description: The course provides a survey of entrepreneurship under different global settings and the social, economic, cultural, and political challenges found in these settings. May not be used for degree credit with EEE 5253.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Entrepreneurship

EEE 4263 Corporate Entrepreneurship

Prerequisites: EEE 3023 or instructor permission.

Description: Examination of the application of entrepreneurship concepts and behaviors within established organizations, assessment of factors contributing to a company's entrepreneurial orientation, and identification of ways to foster high levels of entrepreneurship within firms. No credit for students with credit in EEE 5263.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Entrepreneurship

EEE 4313 Emerging Enterprise Consulting

Description: Students nearing the end of their studies work in teams in addressing problems and opportunities within existing entrepreneurial ventures. Using an established methodology, teams work with local entrepreneurs in establishing priorities and producing tangible deliverables that solve business needs. No credit for students with credit in EEE 5313.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Entrepreneurship

EEE 4333 Launching a Business: The First 100 Days

Description: Addresses operational challenges in launching a new venture in its very formative stage. Attention is devoted to business formation, risk management, recordkeeping, go-to-market strategy, contracts, facilities, dealing with suppliers, and intellectual property, among other issues. May not be used for degree credit with EEE 5333. Previously offered as EEE 3333.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Entrepreneurship

EEE 4403 Social Entrepreneurship

Description: An examination of the application of entrepreneurship concepts and principles in addressing vexing social needs such as hunger, homelessness, environmental degradation, disease, domestic violence and inadequate access to education. Exploration of unique challenges in and approaches for developing and implementing viable business models for social ventures. May not be used for degree credit with EEE 5403. Previously offered as EEE 3403.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Entrepreneurship

EEE 4503 Designing, Prototyping, Testing

Description: This course provides students' a hands-on experience in making things. Students conceptualize, design, prototype, manufacture and sell a new product. The class exposes students to using 3D printers along with other makerspace tools. May not be used for degree credit with EEE 5503. Previously offered as EEE 3503.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 2 Lab: 2 Contact: 4

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Lab, Lecture, Combined lecture and lab

Department/School: Entrepreneurship

EEE 4533 Growing Small and Family Ventures

Prerequisites: EEE 3023 or Instructor permission.

Description: Exploration of unique challenges involved when growing small and family-owned ventures. The life stages of emerging enterprises are examined. Issues addressed include resource needs, skill requirements, functional area development, and work-life balance. May not be used for degree credit with EEE 5513. Previously offered as EEE 3513.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Entrepreneurship

EEE 4603 Entrepreneurship Empowerment in South Africa

Prerequisites: Instructor permission required.

Description: Introduction to the supporting emerging enterprises assessment model. Includes focused attention on consulting within all the functional areas of an emerging enterprise operating under conditions of adversity. Periodic guest lectures by subject matter experts. Exposure to the local customs, business environment, and culture of entrepreneurs in a South African context. No credit for students with credit in EEE 5603.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Entrepreneurship

EEE 4610 Entrepreneurship Practicum

Prerequisites: EEE 3023 and instructor permission.

Description: Transfer of knowledge from entrepreneurship course work into practice through hands-on experiences, such as business development consulting projects, management of a venture capital fund and creation of a student-owned business. Course previously offered as MGMT 4610. Offered for variable credit, 1-6 credit hours, maximum of 6 credit hours.

Credit hours: 1-6

Contact hours: Lecture: 1-6 Contact: 1-6

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Entrepreneurship

EEE 4653 Venture Capital

Description: Approaches to raising and managing working capital in emerging enterprises. Examination of the many sources of financing for start-up and early stage ventures. Attention devoted to determining financial needs of new ventures and formulating, determining valuations and formulating deal structures. Course previously offered as MGMT 4653.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Entrepreneurship

EEE 4663 Imagination in Entrepreneurship

Description: Exploration of creativity and ideation as they relate to entrepreneurship. Perspectives on opportunity discovery and assessment are examined. Theoretical and conceptual foundations for the application of creativity to business problem solving are investigated. May not be used for degree credit with EEE 5663. Previously offered as EEE 3663.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Entrepreneurship

EEE 4703 Project Management for Entrepreneurship

Description: Understanding invaluable basic project management skills for startup entrepreneurs and innovators within existing organizations (intrapreneurs) and to successfully manage projects in general. No credit for students with credit in EEE 5703.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Entrepreneurship

EEE 4813 The Entrepreneur: Hero or Villain (H)

Description: An exploration of the entrepreneur in both historic and contemporary settings through the lens of ideas, events, and fine arts. May not be used for degree credit with EEE 5813. Previously offered as EEE 3813.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Entrepreneurship

General Education and other Course Attributes: Human Heritage & Cultures

EEE 4863 Developing Innovative Ideas

Prerequisites: Permission of instructor.

Description: Course teaches the fundamentals of testing the feasibility of a business idea and building an effective business model around a business concept.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Undergraduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Entrepreneurship

EEE 5080 Riata Internship Program

Prerequisites: Consent of the Director of the Riata Center for Entrepreneurship.

Description: Professionally supervised experience building career-related skills, interests and personal development while making valuable contacts and references. Allows testing skills in real life projects with host companies. Periodic reports, both oral and written, required as specified by the instructor. Offered for variable credit, 1-3 credit hours, maximum of 6 credit hours.

Credit hours: 1-6

Contact hours: Contact: 1-6 Other: 1-6

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Independent Study

Department/School: Entrepreneurship

EEE 5090 Study Abroad In Entrepreneurship

Prerequisites: Consent of the School of Entrepreneurship Department Head.

Description: Participation in a School of Entrepreneurship sanctioned Study Abroad program. May not be used for degree credit with EEE 4090. Offered for variable credit, 1-6 credit hours, maximum of 18 credit hours.

Credit hours: 1-6

Contact hours: Lecture: 1-6 Contact: 1-6

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Entrepreneurship

EEE 5103 Entrepreneurship & the Economy

Description: Explore the role of entrepreneurship in the economy. Learn why the market economy is best understood not as a system or equilibrium but as an unfolding process with entrepreneurship as its driver. The course introduces the teachings of the Austrian school of economics, which focuses on economic understanding through reasoning and logic, not statistical analysis and mathematical modeling. Austrian economics recognizes entrepreneurial value creation as the core of the market process, that value lies in the eyes of the beholder, and that productive capital exists in complex structures intended to produce specific goods and services. Same course as ECON 5353. May not be used for degree credit with EEE 4103 or ECON 4353.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Entrepreneurship

EEE 5113 Entrepreneurship and Venture Management

Prerequisites: Admission to MBA program or instructor permission.

Description: Enterprise creation and problems faced by entrepreneurs in early growth stages of business ventures. An interdisciplinary problem-solving approach with emphasis on case studies and plans for new business ventures. Course previously offered as BADM 5113.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Entrepreneurship

EEE 5123 Entrepreneurship and The Arts

Description: Explores entrepreneurship as a way of thinking and acting within the arts, including fine art, theatre, music and design. The application of entrepreneurial framework competencies within the arts is examined. Attention is devoted to opportunity recognition, innovation, creative problem-solving, risk assessment and management, resource leveraging and related entrepreneurial capabilities. May not be used for degree credit with EEE 4123.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Entrepreneurship

EEE 5133 Dilemmas and Debates in Entrepreneurship

Prerequisites: Graduate standing.

Description: Designed around a series of critical dilemmas confronted by entrepreneurs when creating and growing a venture. Entrepreneurs explore with students the issues surrounding these dilemmas in a structured format.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Entrepreneurship

EEE 5200 Special Topics in Entrepreneurship

Prerequisites: Graduate standing.

Description: Examination of entrepreneurship issues. Specific topics vary from semester to semester. Offered for variable credit, 1-6 credit hours, maximum of 6 credit hours.

Credit hours: 1-6

Contact hours: Lecture: 1-6 Contact: 1-6

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Entrepreneurship

Additional Fees: Business Graduate Program fee of $6 per credit hour applies.

EEE 5223 Entrepreneurial Marketing

Prerequisites: Admission to MBA program or instructor permission.

Description: Interplay of entrepreneurship concepts and marketing concepts, including the role of marketing in entrepreneurial ventures, and the role of entrepreneurship in a firm’s marketing efforts. Emphasis is placed on how to address the significant changes taking place in markets and the modern marketing function. Same course as MKTG 5223. May not be used for degree credit with EEE 4223 or MKTG 4263.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Entrepreneurship

Additional Fees: Business Graduate Program fee of $6 per credit hour applies.

EEE 5233 Ideation, Creativity & Innovation

Description: Where do great business ideas come from? How do ideas become profitable products? This highly interactive course focuses on (1) How to use observational tools and other techniques to generate ideas, (2) how to test and vet the ideas, to separate the good from the bad, and (3) how to utilize ideas or innovations to launch a business or improve the prospects of an existing firm. Course introduces students to design thinking, which is a dynamic process for creative problem solving.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Entrepreneurship

Additional Fees: Business Graduate Program fee of $6 per credit hour applies.

EEE 5253 International Entrepreneurship

Description: The course provides a survey of entrepreneurship under different global settings and the social, economic, cultural, and political challenges found in these settings. May not be used for degree credit with EEE 4253.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Entrepreneurship

EEE 5263 Corporate Entrepreneurship

Prerequisites: Admission to MBA program or instructor permission.

Description: Examination of the application of entrepreneurship concepts and behaviors within established organizations, assessment of factors contributing to a company's entrepreneurial orientation, and identification of ways to foster higher levels of entrepreneurship within firms. May not be used for degree credit with EEE 4263.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Entrepreneurship

EEE 5313 Emerging Enterprise Consulting

Prerequisites: Admission to the MBA program or instructor permission.

Description: Using an established methodology, student teams work with local entrepreneurs in establishing consulting priorities within their ventures and producing tangible deliverables that solve business challenges. All facets of business are addressed. May not be used for degree credit with EEE 4313.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Entrepreneurship

EEE 5333 Launching a Business: The First 100 Days

Description: Addresses operational challenges in launching a new venture in its very formative stage. Attention is devoted to business formation, risk management, record keeping, go-to-market strategy, contracts, facilities, dealing with suppliers, and intellectual property, among other issues. May not be used for credit with EEE 4333.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Entrepreneurship

Additional Fees: Business Graduate Program fee of $6 per credit hour applies.

EEE 5403 Social Entrepreneurship

Description: Advanced level examination of entrepreneurship in the social or non-profit sector. Investigation of issues surrounding creation and operation of new ventures that address vexing social needs and opportunities. Explores the application of entrepreneurship concepts and principles in a social context. May not be used for degree credit with EEE 4403 or EEE 5403.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Entrepreneurship

Additional Fees: Business Graduate Program fee of $6 per credit hour applies.

EEE 5493 Entrepreneurship and Architecture

Prerequisites: Admission to a graduate program.

Description: Introduction to entrepreneurship within the context of architecture, with direct application to architectural services, activities and products. Emphasis on implementing the entrepreneurial process in starting and sustaining new ventures that significantly shape the building environment. Same course as ARCH 5493.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Entrepreneurship

EEE 5503 Designing, Prototyping, and Testing Creative Products

Description: This course provides students’ a hands-on experience in making things. Students conceptualize, design, prototype, manufacture and sell a new product. The class exposes students to using 3D printers along with other makerspace tools. May not be used for degree credit with EEE 4503 or EEE 5503.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 2 Lab: 2 Contact: 4

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lab, Lecture, Combined lecture and lab

Department/School: Entrepreneurship

EEE 5513 Growing Small and Family Ventures

Prerequisites: EEE 3023 or instructor permission.

Description: Exploration of unique challenges involved when growing small and family-owned ventures. The life stages of emerging enterprises are examined. Issues addressed include resource needs, skill requirements, functional area development, and work-life balance. May not be used for degree credit with EEE 4533.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Entrepreneurship

EEE 5603 Entrepreneurship Empowerment in South Africa

Prerequisites: Instructor permission required.

Description: Introduction to the supporting emerging enterprises assessment model. Includes focused attention on consulting within all the functional areas of an emerging enterprise operating under conditions of adversity. Periodic guest lectures by subject matter experts. Exposure to the local customs, business environment, and culture of entrepreneurs in a South African context. No credit for students with credit in EEE 4603.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Entrepreneurship

EEE 5610 Advanced Entrepreneurship Practicum

Prerequisites: EEE 5113.

Description: Transfer of knowledge from entrepreneurship course work into practice through hands-on experiences, such as business development consulting projects, management of a venture capital fund, and creation of student-owned business. Course previously offered as MGMT 5610. Offered for variable credit, 1-6 credit hours, maximum of 6 credit hours.

Credit hours: 1-6

Contact hours: Lecture: 1-6 Contact: 1-6

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Entrepreneurship

Additional Fees: Business Graduate Program fee of $6 per credit hour applies.

EEE 5653 Venture Capital

Prerequisites: EEE 5113, admission to MBA program or instructor permission.

Description: Venture capital investing and the business development process. Exploration of how startups and early stage firms determine money needs, obtain financing and structure deals. No credit for students with credit in EEE 4653. Course previously offered as MGMT 5653.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Entrepreneurship

Additional Fees: Business Graduate Program fee of $6 per credit hour applies.

EEE 5703 Project Management for Entrepreneurship

Description: Understanding invaluable basic project management skills for startup entrepreneurs and innovators within existing organizations (intrapreneurs) and to successfully manage projects in general. No credit for students with credit in EEE 4703.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Entrepreneurship

EEE 5713 Native American Entrepreneurship

Description: Understanding the impact entrepreneurship thinking and behavior can have for Native Americans. Strategies and tactics to increase the number of new business ventures launched by Native Americans. No credit for students with degree credit in EEE 3713.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Entrepreneurship

EEE 5813 The Entrepreneur: Hero or Villain

Description: An exploration of the entrepreneur in both historic and contemporary settings through the lens of ideas, events, and fine arts. May not be used for degree credit with EEE 4813.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Entrepreneurship

EEE 5863 CIE Scholar Practicum

Description: Course teaches the fundamentals of testing the feasibility of a business idea and building an effective business model around a business concept.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Entrepreneurship

Additional Fees: Business Graduate Program fee of $6 per credit hour applies.

EEE 5903 Applied Innovation I

Description: Addresses business startup fundamentals, decision-making tools and theory of innovative problem solving. Students will have the opportunity to interact with South African and Central American students participating in summer programs allowing best practices and experiences with students from other cultures and countries.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 2 Lab: 2 Contact: 4

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lab, Lecture, Combined lecture and lab

Department/School: Entrepreneurship

EEE 5993 Preparing Effective Business Plans

Prerequisites: ACCT 5183, ACCT 5283, FIN 5013, MGMT 5113, EEE 5113, EEE 5663 and EEE 5333.

Description: The critical issues involved with developing a business venture, through the process of developing a comprehensive business plan including feasibility analysis, actual development of the plan, and preparing to present the plan to investors.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Entrepreneurship

EEE 6200 Entrepreneurship Research Project

Prerequisites: Admission to doctoral program and instructor permission.

Description: Directed research projects for doctoral students. Students conduct publishable research on leading issues in entrepreneurship. Offered for fixed credit, 3 credit hours.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Entrepreneurship

EEE 6213 Entrepreneurship: Theory and History

Prerequisites: Doctoral student standing and consent of instructor.

Description: Survey of the existing conceptual, theoretical, and practical links between entrepreneurship and other disciplines. Exploration of opportunities for cutting edge research on the boundaries of entrepreneurship and other disciplines.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Entrepreneurship

EEE 6263 Theoretical Foundations in Entrepreneurship

Prerequisites: Doctoral student standing and consent of instructor.

Description: Broad survey of major topics in the field of entrepreneurship. The primary theoretical underpinnings of the field are covered as well as some of the common and/or promising methodological approaches to the study of entrepreneurial phenomena.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Entrepreneurship

EEE 6343 Entrepreneurship Processes

Prerequisites: Doctoral student standing and consent of instructor.

Description: Current research that addresses important entrepreneurial questions and assesses "gaps" in those literatures. Strategies will be proposed to address these gaps. Focuses on refining students' skills in "mapping out" and writing research papers.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Entrepreneurship

EEE 6353 Advanced Research Methods in Entrepreneurship

Description: PhD-level seminar designed to promote high-quality social science research by providing relevant information, exercises, and practical advice related to conducting empirical research. This course complements the student’s doctoral education by focusing on both the conducting and writing of quantitative research. Ultimately, this course is an effort to help students to further develop skills related to data collection, statistical analysis, and writing of empirical research.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Entrepreneurship

EEE 6363 Individual Theories in Entrepreneurship Research

Prerequisites: Admission to doctoral program.

Description: Analysis of research and theories related to the individual entrepreneur.

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 3

Levels: Graduate

Schedule types: Lecture

Department/School: Entrepreneurship