Catalog A-Z Index
- About the University
- Academic Calendar
- Academic Enrichment Programs
- Accounting (ACCT)
- Accounting (ACCT), Minor
- Accounting: Corporate Finance, MS
- Accounting: Data Analytics & Systems, MS
- Accounting: External Reporting, Control, and Auditing, BSBA
- Accounting: Financial Reporting & Auditing, MS
- Accounting, GCRT
- Accounting: Internal Reporting, Control and Auditing, BSBA
- Accounting, MS
- Accounting: Research Methods, MS
- Accounting, Systems, and Auditing, UCRT
- Accounting Systems: Cyber Audit, BSBA
- Accounting Systems: Cyber Audit, MS
- Accounting Systems: Data Analytics, BSBA
- Accounting Systems: Data Analytics, MS
- Accounting: Tax, MS
- Acting, BFA
- Actuarial Science (ACSC), Minor
- Administration
- Advanced Sports Medicine Concepts, GCRT
- Aerospace Administration and Operations: Aerospace Security (AAAS), Minor
- Aerospace Administration and Operations: Aerospace Security, BS
- Aerospace Administration and Operations: Aviation Management (AAAM), Minor
- Aerospace Administration and Operations: Aviation Management, BS
- Aerospace Administration and Operations: Professional Pilot (AAPP), Minor
- Aerospace Administration and Operations: Professional Pilot, BS
- Aerospace Administration and Operations: Technical Service Management, BS
- Aerospace Engineering, BSAE
- Aerospace Studies
- Aerospace Studies (AERO), Minor
- Aerospace Studies - Air Force (AERO)
- African American and Africana Studies (AFAA), Minor
- African American Studies (AFAM)
- Aging Services (ASVC), Minor
- Aging Studies, GCRT
- Aging Studies, MS
- Ag International (AGIN)
- Agribusiness: Accounting Double Major, BSAG
- Agribusiness: Agricultural Communications Double Major, BSAG
- Agribusiness, BSAG
- Agribusiness: Community and Regional Analysis, BSAG
- Agribusiness: Crop and Soil Sciences, BSAG
- Agribusiness: Farm and Ranch Management, BSAG
- Agribusiness: International, BSAG
- Agribusiness: Natural Resources, BSAG
- Agribusiness: Pre-Law, BSAG
- Agribusiness: Pre-Veterinary Business Management, BSAG
- Agricultural Communications
- Agricultural Communications (AGCM)
- Agricultural Communications: Agribusiness Double Major, BSAG
- Agricultural Communications: Animal Science Double Major, BSAG
- Agricultural Communications, BSAG
- Agricultural Communications, MS
- Agricultural Economics
- Agricultural Economics (AGEC)
- Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness (AEAB), Minor
- Agricultural Economics, BSAG
- Agricultural Economics, MS
- Agricultural Economics, PhD
- Agricultural Education
- Agricultural Education (AGED)
- Agricultural Education and Leadership, MS
- Agricultural Education, Communications, and Leadership (AECL)
- Agricultural Education, Communications, and Leadership, PhD
- Agricultural Education: Multidisciplinary, BSAG
- Agricultural Leadership
- Agricultural Leadership (AGLE)
- Agricultural Leadership (AGLE), Minor
- Agricultural Leadership, BSAG
- Agricultural Leadership: Extension Education, BSAG
- Agricultural Leadership: International Studies, BSAG
- Agricultural Real Estate Appraisal (AREA), Minor
- Agricultural Systems Technology (AST)
- Agricultural Systems Technology, BSAG
- Agriculture (AG)
- Agronomy (AGRN), Minor
- American Indian Studies (AMIS)
- American Indian Studies (AMIS), Minor
- American Sign Language (ASL)
- American Sign Language (ASL), Minor
- American Sign Language Studies: ASL - English Interpreting, BA
- American Sign Language Studies, BA
- American Studies
- American Studies: American Indian Studies, BA
- American Studies: American Indian Studies, BS
- American Studies (AMST)
- American Studies (AMST), Minor
- American Studies, BA
- American Studies, BS
- American Studies: Business Essentials, BA
- American Studies: Business Essentials, BS
- American Studies: Pre-Law, BA
- American Studies: Pre-Law, BS
- Ancient and Medieval Studies (AAMS), Minor
- Animal and Food Sciences
- Animal Science (ANSI)
- Animal Science (ANSI), Minor
- Animal Science: Business/Pre-Law, BSAG
- Animal Science: General Option, BSAG
- Animal Science, MS
- Animal Science, PhD
- Animal Science: Pre-Veterinary/Pre-Medical, BSAG
- Animal Science: Production and Operations, BSAG
- Anthropology (ANTH)
- Anthropology (ANTH), Minor
- Apparel Design and Technology, BS
- Applied Computer Programming (APCP), Minor
- Applied Computer Programming, BS
- Applied Educational Studies: Aviation and Space Education, EdD
- Applied Exercise Science: Pre-Professional, BS
- Applied Exercise Science: Sport and Coaching Science, BS
- Applied Exercise Science: Strength and Conditioning, BS
- Applied Health, Rehabilitation, and Recreation, MS
- Applied Music (APMU), Minor
- Applied Statistics (APST), Minor
- Applied Statistics, MS
- Arabic (ARB)
- Arabic (ARB), Minor
- Architectural Design Studies: Design, Culture and Urban Studies, BS
- Architectural Design Studies: Design Management and Leadership, BS
- Architectural Design Studies: Design Thinking and Communication, BS
- Architectural Engineering: Construction Project Management, BEN
- Architectural Engineering: Structures, BEN
- Architectural Studies: Architecture and Entrepreneurship (ASAE), Minor
- Architectural Studies: Design (ASDS), Minor
- Architectural Studies: History and Theory (ASHT), Minor
- Architecture (ARCH)
- Architecture, BAR
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- Art (ART)
- Art: Art History, BA
- Art, Graphic Design and Art History
- Art: Graphic Design, BFA
- Art History (ARTH), Minor
- Art History, MA
- Arts Administration (AADM)
- Arts Administration (AADM), Minor
- Arts Administration, BA
- Arts & Sciences (A&S)
- Art: Studio Art, BA
- Art: Studio, BFA
- Asian Studies (ASTD), Minor
- Astronomy (ASTR)
- Athletic Training, MAT
- Aviation/Aerospace Administration, GCRT
- Aviation and Space Education (AVED)
- Aviation and Space, MS
- Big Data Analytics, GCRT
- Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
- Biochemistry and Molecular Biology: Biotechnology, BSAG
- Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, BSAG
- Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, MS
- Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, PhD
- Biochemistry and Molecular Biology: Pre-Medical or Pre-Veterinary Science, BSAG
- Biochemistry (BIOC)
- Biochemistry (BIOC), Minor
- Biochemistry, BS
- Bioinformatics, GCRT
- Biology: Allied Health, BS
- Biology (BIOL)
- Biology (BIO), Minor
- Biology, BS
- Biology: Environmental Biology, BS
- Biology: Pre-Medical Sciences, BS
- Biology: Secondary Teacher Certification, BS
- Biomedical Sciences (BIOM)
- Biomedical Sciences, MS
- Biomedical Sciences, PhD
- Biosystems & Ag Engineering (BAE)
- Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering
- Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering
- Biosystems Engineering: Bioprocessing & Food Processing, BSBE
- Biosystems Engineering: Biosystems Engineering, BSBE
- Biosystems Engineering: Environmental and Natural Resources, BSBE
- Biosystems Engineering: Machine Systems & Agricultural Engineering, BSBE
- Biosystems Engineering, MS
- Biosystems Engineering, PhD
- Biosystems Engineering: Pre-Medical, BSBE
- Boone Pickens School of Geology
- Brand Communication, GCRT
- Building Level Leadership, GCRT
- Bursar
- Business Administration: Accounting, PhD
- Business Administration (BADM)
- Business Administration, DBA
- Business Administration: Entrepreneurship, PhD
- Business Administration: Executive Research, PhD
- Business Administration: Finance, PhD
- Business Administration: Hospitality and Tourism Management, PhD
- Business Administration: Management, PhD
- Business Administration: Management Science and Information Systems, PhD
- Business Administration: Marketing, PhD
- Business Administration, MBA
- Business Analytics and Data Science: Advanced Data Science, MS
- Business Analytics and Data Science: Cybersecurity Analytics, MS
- Business Analytics and Data Science, GCRT
- Business Analytics and Data Science: Health Analytics, MS
- Business Analytics and Data Science: Marketing Analytics, MS
- Business Analytics and Data Science, MS
- Business Analytics (BAN)
- Business Analytics, UCRT
- Business Communications (BCOM)
- Business Essentials, UCRT
- Business Financial Essentials, UCRT
- Business, GCRT
- Business Honors (BHON)
- Business Sustainability and Nonprofit Management (BSNM), Minor
- Business Sustainability and Nonprofit Management, GCRT
- Campaigns and Lobbying (CAML), Minor
- Casino and Gaming Management, GCRT
- Casino, Gaming and Resort Management, UCRT
- Catalog Introduction
- CEAT Dean's Office and CEAT Online Learning
- Center for Health Sciences
- Central Asian Studies (CAST), Minor
- Certificates
- Certificates
- Chemical Engineering
- Chemical Engineering: Biomedical/Biochemical, BSCH
- Chemical Engineering, BSCH
- Chemical Engineering (CHE)
- Chemical Engineering, MS
- Chemical Engineering, PhD
- Chemical Engineering: Pre-Medical, BSCH
- Chemistry
- Chemistry (Approved by the American Chemical Society), BS
- Chemistry, BS
- Chemistry (CHEM)
- Chemistry (CHEM), Minor
- Chemistry, MS
- Chemistry, PhD
- Chemistry: Pre-Health, BS
- Chemistry: Secondary Teacher Certification, BS
- Child Development (CHDV), Minor
- Chinese (CHIN)
- Chinese (CHIN), Minor
- Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Civil Engineering, BSCV
- Civil Engineering (CIVE)
- Civil Engineering: Environmental, BSCV
- Civil Engineering, MS
- Civil Engineering, PhD
- Classical Studies (CLST), Minor
- Cognitive Science (CSCI), Minor
- College of Arts and Sciences
- College of Arts and Sciences Major Departments
- College of Education and Human Sciences
- College of Engineering, Architecture and Technology
- College of Professional Studies
- College of Professional Studies (CPS)
- College of Veterinary Medicine
- College Teaching, GCRT
- Communication Sci & Disorders (CDIS)
- Communication Sciences and Disorders
- Communication Sciences and Disorders, BS
- Communication Sciences and Disorders (CDIS), Minor
- Communication Sciences and Disorders, MS
- Communication Sciences and Disorders, UCRT
- Communication Studies (CMST), Minor
- Community Health Sciences, PhD
- Comparative and International Education, GCRT
- Comparative Biomedical Sciences (CBSC)
- Comparative Biomedical Sciences, MS
- Comparative Biomedical Sciences, PhD
- Computational Economics and Data Analysis, UCRT
- Computer Engineering, BSCP
- Computer Engineering: Software Engineering, BSCP
- Computer Science
- Computer Science, BS
- Computer Science (CS)
- Computer Science (CS), Minor
- Computer Science, MS
- Computer Science, PhD
- Construction (CNST), Minor
- Construction Engineering Technology
- Construction Engineering Technology: Building, BSET
- Construction Engineering Technology (CET)
- Construction Engineering Technology: Heavy, BSET
- Counseling: Mental Health Counseling, MS
- Counseling Psychology (CPSY)
- Counseling Psychology, MS
- Counseling Psychology, PhD
- Counseling: School Counseling, MS
- Courses
- Creative Writing (CRWR), Minor
- Creativity Studies (CRST), Minor
- Criminology and Criminal Justice (CRCJ), Minor
- Crop Science, PhD
- Curriculum & Instruction Ed (CIED)
- Curriculum Studies: College Curriculum and Teaching, PhD
- Curriculum Studies: Curriculum and Leadership, PhD
- Curriculum Studies: International and Peace Curriculum, PhD
- Cybersecurity, UCRT
- Cyber Systems, UCRT
- Dance (DANC)
- Dance (DANC), Minor
- Data Analytics, BSBA
- Data Analytics for Engineers (DAEN), Minor
- Data Science (DS), Minor
- Data Systems, UCRT
- Degree Programs
- Degree Programs
- Departments of Military Studies
- Design and Merchandising
- Design and Merchandising: Apparel Design and Production, MS
- Design and Merchandising: Digital Design, MS
- Design and Merchandising: Interior Design, MS
- Design and Merchandising: Merchandising, MS
- Design and Merchandising: Retail Merchandising Leadership, MS
- Design Housing & Merchandising (DHM)
- Design & Merchandising (DM)
- Developmental Disabilities, GCRT
- Dietetics, GCRT
- Dietetics, MS
- Digital Design in Design and Merchandising, UCRT
- Digital Design in Design & Merchandising, GCRT
- Digital Forensics & Incident Response, GCRT
- Digital Studies, UCRT
- District Level Leadership, GCRT
- Diversity (DIVR)
- Division of Engineering Technology
- Doctoral Degree Programs
- Early Child Care and Development, BS
- Economics
- Economics
- Economics (Arts and Sciences) (ECAS), Minor
- Economics, BS
- Economics, BSBA
- Economics: Business Economics and Quantitative Studies, BSBA
- Economics (ECBU), Minor
- Economics (ECON)
- Economics: General Option, BA
- Economics: International Economics Relations, BA
- Economics, MS
- Economics, PhD
- Economics: Pre-Dental, BS
- Economics: Pre-Law, BSBA
- Economics: Pre-Medical, BS
- Economics: Pre-Veterinary, BS
- Educational and Psychological Measurement, GCRT
- Educational Leadership and Policy Studies: Educational Administration, PhD
- Educational Leadership and Policy Studies: Higher Education, PhD
- Educational Leadership (EDLE)
- Educational Leadership Studies: College Student Development, MS
- Educational Leadership Studies: Higher Education, MS
- Educational Leadership Studies: School Administration, MS
- Educational Leadership Studies: Workforce and Adult Education, MS
- Educational Psychology: Educational Psychology, MS
- Educational Psychology: Educational Psychology, PhD
- Educational Psychology (EPSY)
- Educational Psychology: Research, Evaluation, Measurement and Statistics, MS
- Educational Psychology: Research, Evaluation, Measurement and Statistics, PhD
- Educational Psychology: School Psychometrics, MS
- Educational Technology (EDTC)
- Educational Technology: Educational Technology, MS
- Educational Technology: School Library Media, MS
- Education: Educational Administration, EdS
- Education & Human Sciences (EDHS)
- Education: Language, Literacy and Culture, PhD
- Education: Learning, Design and Technology, PhD
- Education: Mathematics Education, PhD
- Education: School Psychology, EdS
- Education: Science Education, PhD
- Education: Social Foundations of Education, PhD
- Education: Special Education, PhD
- Education: Workforce and Adult Education, PhD
- Effective Teaching in Elementary Schools, GCRT
- Effective Teaching in Secondary Schools, GCRT
- Electr & Computer Engineering (ECEN)
- Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Electrical Engineering, BSEE
- Electrical Engineering, MEN
- Electrical Engineering, MS
- Electrical Engineering, PhD
- Electrical Engineering Technology
- Electrical Engineering Technology, BSET
- Electrical Engineering Technology: Computer, BSET
- Electronics Engineering Technology (EET)
- Elementary Education, BS
- Elementary Mathematics Specialist, GCRT
- Emergency Management (EM), Minor
- Energy Business, GCRT
- Energy Finance (EFIN), Minor
- Engineering and Technology Management
- Engineering and Technology Management, GCRT
- Engineering and Technology Management, MS
- Engineering (ENGR)
- Engineering Science (ENSC)
- Engineering Technology: Fire Safety and Explosion Protection, MS
- Engineering Technology: Mechatronics & Robotics, MS
- Engineering & Technology Mgmt (ETM)
- English
- English, BA
- English: Creative Writing, BA
- English: Creative Writing, MFA
- English (ENGL)
- English (ENGL), Minor
- English, MA
- English, PhD
- English: Pre-Law, BA
- English: Professional Writing, BA
- English: Professional Writing, MA
- English: Screen Studies, BA
- English: Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, MA
- Entertainment Media, BPS
- Entertainment Media (ENTM)
- Entomology and Plant Pathology
- Entomology and Plant Pathology: Entomology, MS
- Entomology and Plant Pathology: Plant Pathology, MS
- Entomology: Bio-Forensics, BSAG
- Entomology (ENTO)
- Entomology (ENTO), Minor
- Entomology: Insect Biology and Ecology, BSAG
- Entomology, PhD
- Entomology & Plant Pathology (ENPP)
- Entomology: Pre-Veterinary and Pre-Medical, BSAG
- Entrepreneurship, BSBA
- Entrepreneurship (EEE), Minor
- Entrepreneurship & Emerging Enterprises (EEE)
- Entrepreneurship, GCRT
- Entrepreneurship, MS
- Environmental Economics, Politics and Policy (EEPP), Minor
- Environmental Engineering (EVEN), Minor
- Environmental Engineering, MS
- Environmental Geoscience, BS
- Environmental Science: Environmental Management Professional Science Masters, MS
- Environmental Science: Environmental Policy, BSAG
- Environmental Science (ENVR)
- Environmental Science (ENVR), Minor
- Environmental Science, MS
- Environmental Science: Natural Resources, BSAG
- Environmental Science, PhD
- Environmental Sciences
- Environmental Science: Water Resources, BSAG
- Environmental Science with Regulatory Certifications, GCRT
- Environmental Studies, UCRT
- Equine Enterprise Management, UCRT
- eSports, UCRT
- Ethical Leadership, UCRT
- Ethics (ETHC), Minor
- Ethics, UCRT
- European Studies (EUST), Minor
- Event Management (EVMG), Minor
- Facilitating Career Development, GCRT
- Family and Community Services, MS
- Family and Consumer Sciences Education, MS
- Family Financial Planning (FFP)
- Family Financial Planning, GCRT
- Family Financial Planning, MS
- Fashion Design: Digital Product Creation, UCRT
- Fashion Design, UCRT
- Fashion Merchandising, BS
- Fashion Merchandising (FMER), Minor
- Fashion Merchandising, GCRT
- Ferguson College of Agriculture
- Finance
- Finance and Investment Banking, GCRT
- Finance: Commercial Bank Management Option, BSBA
- Finance (FIN)
- Finance: Financial Analyst Option, BSBA
- Finance (FIN), Minor
- Finance: General Option, BSBA
- Finance: Pre-Law, BSBA
- Fire and Emergency Management Administration, MS
- Fire and Emergency Management Administration, PhD
- Fire and Emergency Management Program
- Fire and Emergency Management Program (FEMP)
- Fire Protection and Safety Engineering Technology
- Fire Protection and Safety Engineering Technology, BSET
- Fire Protection & Safety Tech (FPST)
- Fire Safety & Explosion Protection (FSEP)
- Fisheries and Aquatic Ecology (FAEC), Minor
- Food Safety Management, GCRT
- Food Safety Science, GCRT
- Food Safety, UCRT
- Food Science, BSAG
- Food Science (FDSC)
- Food Science (FDSC), Minor
- Food Science, MS
- Food Science, PhD
- Forensic Arson, Explosives, Firearms, and Toolmarks Investigation, GCRT
- Forensic Crime Analysis, GCRT
- Forensic Investigative Sciences, GCRT
- Forensic Psychology, GCRT
- Forensic Sciences: Arson, Explosives, Firearms and Toolmarks Investigation, MS
- Forensic Sciences, DFS
- Forensic Sciences: Forensic Document Examination, MS
- Forensic Sciences: Forensic Science Administration, MS
- Forensic Sciences (FRNS)
- Forensic Sciences, MS
- Forensic Sciences, PhD
- Forensic Threat Assessment and Management, GCRT
- Forestry (FOR), Minor
- Foundations of Education and Psychology (FDEP)
- French, BA
- French: Business Essentials, BA
- French (FREN)
- French (FREN), Minor
- French: Pre-Law, BA
- Gender and Women's Studies (GWST)
- Gender, Women’s and Sexuality Studies
- Gender, Women's and Sexuality Studies (GWS), Minor
- General Agriculture: Agribusiness, MAG
- General Agriculture: Agricultural Leadership, MAG
- General Business, BSBA
- General Business (GNBU), Minor
- General Business: Pre-Law, BSBA
- General Engineering (GENG)
- General Technology (GENT)
- Genetics (GENE)
- Geographic Information Systems, CRT
- Geographic Information Systems, GCRT
- Geography
- Geography, BA
- Geography, BS
- Geography: Business Essentials, BA
- Geography: Business Essentials, BS
- Geography (GEOG)
- Geography (GEOG), Minor
- Geography, MS
- Geography, PhD
- Geography: Pre-Law, BA
- Geography: Pre-Ministry, BA
- Geology, BS
- Geology: Business Essentials, BS
- Geology: Environmental Geology, BS
- Geology (GEOL)
- Geology (GEOL), Minor
- Geology, MS
- Geology: Petroleum Geology, BS
- Geology, PhD
- Geology: Pre-Law, BS
- Geology: Secondary Teacher Certification, BS
- Geophysics, BS
- Geophysics (GPHY), Minor
- Geoscience, MPSM
- Geospatial Information Science, BS
- Geospatial Information Technologies (GSIT), Minor
- German, BA
- German: Business Essentials, BA
- German (GRMN)
- German (GRMN), Minor
- German: Pre-Law, BA
- Gifted and Talented Education (GTED)
- Global Beverage Business, UCRT
- Global Health (GLHE)
- Global Health, MS
- Global Issues, GCRT
- Global Studies, BA
- Global Studies: Business Essentials, BA
- Global Studies (GLST)
- Global Studies (GLST), Minor
- Global Studies (GS)
- Global Studies, MS
- Global Studies: Pre-Law, BA
- Global Studies: Pre-Ministry, BA
- Graduate Certificates
- Graduate College
- Graduate (GRAD)
- Graphic Design, MFA
- Grassland Management, GCRT
- Greek (GREK)
- Greek (GREK), Minor
- Health Analytics, GCRT
- Health and Human Performance: Applied Exercise Science, MS
- Health and Human Performance: Health Promotion, MS
- Health and Human Performance (HHP)
- Health and Human Performance, PhD
- Health and Human Performance: Physical Education, MS
- Health Care Administration, BPS
- Health Care Administration: Compliance, GCRT
- Health Care Administration, DHCA
- Health Care Administration: Finance, GCRT
- Health Care Administration, GCRT
- Health Care Administration: Global Health, GCRT
- Health Care Administration (HCA)
- Health Care Administration, MS
- Health (HLTH)
- Health, Leisure and Human Performance: Health and Human Performance, PhD
- Health, Leisure and Human Performance: Leisure Studies, PhD
- Hidden Student Populations, GCRT
- Higher Education & Student Affairs (HESA)
- Hispanic and Latin American Studies (HLAS), Minor
- History
- History, BA
- History: Business Essentials, BA
- History (HIST)
- History (HIST), Minor
- History, MA
- History, PhD
- History: Pre-Law, BA
- Honors (HONR)
- Horticulture and Landscape Architecture
- Horticulture (HORT)
- Horticulture: Horticultural Business, BSAG
- Horticulture: Horticultural Food Safety, BSAG
- Horticulture: Horticultural Science, BSAG
- Horticulture (HORT), Minor
- Horticulture: Landscape Management, BSAG
- Horticulture, MS
- Horticulture: Public Horticulture, BSAG
- Horticulture: Turf Management, BSAG
- Horticulture: Urban Horticulture, BSAG
- Hospitality and Tourism Analytics, GCRT
- Hospitality and Tourism Management
- Hospitality and Tourism Management: Beverage Management, BSBA
- Hospitality and Tourism Management, BSBA
- Hospitality and Tourism Management: Event Management, BSBA
- Hospitality and Tourism Management, MS
- Hospitality Business Administration (HOSB), Minor
- Hospitality & Tourism Management (HTM)
- Human Development and Family Science
- Human Development and Family Science: Aging Sciences, MS
- Human Development and Family Science: Applied Human Services, MS
- Human Development and Family Science: Child and Family Services, BS
- Human Development and Family Science: Developmental and Family Sciences, MS
- Human Development and Family Science: Early Childhood Education, BS
- Human Development and Family Science: Early Childhood Education, MS
- Human Development and Family Science: Family & Consumer Sciences Education, BS
- Human Development and Family Science: Marriage and Family Therapy, MS
- Human Development and Family Science, PhD
- Human Development & Family Science (HDFS)
- Human Resource Management, GCRT
- Human Resource Management (HRM), Minor
- Human Sciences: Design and Merchandising, PhD
- Human Sciences: Human Development and Family Science, PhD
- Human Services (HSVC), Minor
- Industrial Engineering and Management
- Industrial Engineering and Management, BSIE
- Industrial Engineering and Management, MS
- Industrial Engineering and Management: Operations Research and Analytics, MS
- Industrial Engineering and Management, PhD
- Industrial Engineering and Management: Supply Chain and Logistics, MS
- Industrial Engineering & Management (IEM)
- Infant Mental Health, GCRT
- Information Assurance, GCRT
- Information Assurance (IA), Minor
- Information Systems Development, UCRT
- Innovative Leadership, GCRT
- Instructional Design, UCRT
- Integrative Biology
- Integrative Biology, MS
- Integrative Biology, PhD
- Integrative Design of Building Envelope, GCRT
- Intelligence and Security Analysis (INSA), Minor
- Interdisciplinary Studies, BA
- Interdisciplinary Studies, BS
- Interdisciplinary Studies: Business Essentials, BA
- Interdisciplinary Studies: Business Essentials, BS
- Interdisciplinary Studies, MS
- Interdisciplinary Studies: Pre-Law, BA
- Interdisciplinary Studies: Pre-Law, BS
- Interdisciplinary Toxicology, GCRT
- Interdisciplinary Toxicology (ITOX)
- Interior Design, BS
- International Agriculture
- International Agriculture, MAG
- International Agriculture, MS
- International Business, BSBA
- International Business (INBU), Minor
- International Disaster and Emergency Management, GCRT
- International Studies (INTL), Minor
- International Undergraduate Admissions
- Landscape Architecture, BLA
- Landscape Architecture (LA)
- Language, Literacy, and Culture Education, EdS
- Language, Literacy and Culture (LLCE)
- Languages and Literatures
- Languages and Literatures (LL)
- Latin (LATN)
- Latin (LATN), Minor
- Law and Legal Studies (LLS), Minor
- Learning and Motivation, GCRT
- Learning and Motivation (LEMO), Minor
- Learning and Motivation, UCRT
- Legal Studies in Business (LSB)
- Leisure (LEIS)
- Library Science (LBSC)
- Linguistics (LING), Minor
- Management
- Management, BSBA
- Management: Business Sustainability and Nonprofit Management, BSBA
- Management: Human Resource Management, BSBA
- Management Information Systems: Big Data Analytics, MS
- Management Information Systems, BSBA
- Management Information Systems: Cybersecurity, MS
- Management Information Systems: Data Science, BSBA
- Management Information Systems: Health Analytics, MS
- Management Information Systems: Information Assurance, BSBA
- Management Information Systems (MIS), Minor
- Management Information Systems, MS
- Management: Management Consulting, BSBA
- Management (MGMT)
- Management (MGMT), Minor
- Management: Pre-Law, BSBA
- Management Science and Information Systems
- Management Science & Information Systems (MSIS)
- Management: Sports Management, BSBA
- Marketing Analytics, GCRT
- Marketing, BSBA
- Marketing: Marketing Communications Management, BSBA
- Marketing: Marketing Research and Analytics, BSBA
- Marketing (MKTG)
- Marketing (MKTG), Minor
- Marketing: Professional Selling and Sales Management, BSBA
- Marketing: Sports Marketing and Revenue Generation, BSBA
- Mass Communications (MC)
- Mass Communications, MS
- Master of Athletic Training (MAT)
- Master of Business Admin (MBA)
- Master of Public Health (MPH)
- Master's Degree Programs
- Materials Science and Engineering
- Materials Science and Engineering, MEN
- Materials Science and Engineering, MS
- Materials Science and Engineering, PhD
- Materials Sci & Engineering (MSE)
- Mathematics
- Mathematics: Actuarial Science and Financial Mathematics, BS
- Mathematics: Applied Mathematics, BS
- Mathematics, BA
- Mathematics, BS
- Mathematics: Data Science, BS
- Mathematics, GCRT
- Mathematics (MATH)
- Mathematics (MATH), Minor
- Mathematics, MS
- Mathematics, PhD
- Mathematics: Pre-Law, BS
- Mathematics: Pre-Medical Sciences, BS
- Mathematics: Secondary Teacher Certification, BS
- Mechanical & Aerospace Eng (MAE)
- Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
- Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, MEN
- Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, MS
- Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, PhD
- Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering: Unmanned Aerial Systems, MS
- Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering: Unmanned Aerial Systems, PhD
- Mechanical Engineering, BSME
- Mechanical Engineering: Fire Protection Systems, BSME
- Mechanical Engineering: Petroleum, BSME
- Mechanical Engineering: Pre-Medical, BSME
- Mechanical Engineering Tech (MET)
- Mechanical Engineering Technology
- Mechanical Engineering Technology, BSET
- Mechatronic Engineering Technology for EET Students (EETM), Minor
- Mechatronic Engineering Technology for MET Students (METM), Minor
- Mechatronics and Robotics
- Mechatronics and Robotics, BSET
- Mechatronics and Robotics (MERO)
- Medical Sciences, GCRT
- Medical Sciences, MS
- Medicinal Chemistry, BS
- Microbiology and Molecular Genetics
- Microbiology, Cell and Molecular Biology, MS
- Microbiology, Cell and Molecular Biology, PhD
- Microbiology/Cell & Molecular Biology, BS
- Microbiology/Cell & Molecular Biology: Medical Laboratory Science, BS
- Microbiology/Cell & Molecular Biology: Pre-Medical Professional, BS
- Microbiology (MICR)
- Microbiology (MICR), Minor
- Middle East Studies (MES), Minor
- Military Science
- Military Science (MLSC)
- Military Science (MLSC), Minor
- Minors
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- Multidisciplinary Studies
- Multimedia Journalism, BA
- Multimedia Journalism, BS
- Multimedia Journalism (MMJ)
- Museum and Curatorial Studies, GCRT
- Music
- Musical Theatre, BFA
- Music: Applied Music, MM
- Music, BA
- Music Composition and Theory (MUCT), Minor
- Music: Conducting, MM
- Music Education: Instrumental/Vocal Certification, BM
- Music Industry, BS
- Music Industry (MSIN)
- Music: Jazz Performance, BM
- Music: Multiple Woodwinds, MM
- Music (MUSI)
- Music: Music Composition, BA
- Music (MUSI), Minor
- Music: Performance, BM
- Natural Resource Ecology and Management
- Natural Resource Ecology and Management: Fisheries and Aquatic Ecology, MS
- Natural Resource Ecology and Management: Fisheries and Aquatic Ecology, PhD
- Natural Resource Ecology and Management: Forest Resources, MS
- Natural Resource Ecology and Management: Forest Resources, PhD
- Natural Resource Ecology and Management, MS
- Natural Resource Ecology and Management (NREM), Minor
- Natural Resource Ecology and Management, PhD
- Natural Resource Ecology and Management: Rangeland Ecology and Management, MS
- Natural Resource Ecology and Management: Rangeland Ecology and Management, PhD
- Natural Resource Ecology and Management: Wildlife Ecology and Management, MS
- Natural Resource Ecology and Management: Wildlife Ecology and Management, PhD
- Natural Resource Ecology & Management: Fisheries & Aquatic Ecology, BSAG
- Natural Resource Ecology & Management: Forest Ecology & Management, BSAG
- Natural Resource Ecology & Management (NREM)
- Natural Resource Ecology & Management: Rangeland Ecology & Management, BSAG
- Natural Resource Ecology & Management: Wildlife Biology & Preveterinary Science, BSAG
- Natural Resource Ecology & Management: Wildlife Ecology & Management, BSAG
- Neuroscience, GCRT
- Neuroscience (NEUR), Minor
- Non-Profit Management, GCRT
- Nonprofit Management (NPM), Minor
- Nuclear Engineering (NENG), Minor
- Nursing, BSN
- Nursing (NURS)
- Nursing: RN to BSN, BS
- Nutritional Sciences
- Nutritional Sciences: Allied Health, BS
- Nutritional Sciences: Dietetics, BS
- Nutritional Sciences: Dietetics Practice, MS
- Nutritional Sciences: Dietetics Research, MS
- Nutritional Sciences: Human Nutrition/Pre-Medical Sciences, BS
- Nutritional Sciences (NSCI)
- Nutritional Sciences (NSCI), Minor
- Nutritional Sciences: Nutrition, MS
- Nutritional Sciences, PhD
- Nutritional Sciences: Public Health Nutrition, BS
- Peace, Conflict, and Security Studies, MA
- Pest Management (PEST), Minor
- Petroleum Engineering, MS
- Petroleum Engineering (PETE)
- Petroleum Engineering (PETE), Minor
- Petroleum Engineering, PhD
- Philosophy
- Philosophy, BA
- Philosophy: Ethics and Business Essentials, BA
- Philosophy: Ethics and Public Policy, BA
- Philosophy, MA
- Philosophy (PHIL)
- Philosophy (PHIL), Minor
- Philosophy: Pre-Law, BA
- Philosophy: Pre-Ministry, BA
- Photonics, PhD
- Physician Assistant (PA)
- Physician Assistant Studies, MS
- Physics
- Physics: Applied Physics, BS
- Physics, BS
- Physics, MS
- Physics: Optics and Photonics, MS
- Physics, PhD
- Physics (PHYS)
- Physics (PHYS), Minor
- Physics: Secondary Teacher Certification, BS
- Physiological Sciences
- Physiology, BS
- Physiology: Pre-Medical Sciences, BS
- Plant and Soil Sciences
- Plant and Soil Sciences: Agronomic Business, BSAG
- Plant and Soil Sciences: Crop Production and Management, BSAG
- Plant and Soil Sciences, MS
- Plant and Soil Sciences: Plant Biotechnology and Improvement, BSAG
- Plant and Soil Sciences: Soil and Water Resources, BSAG
- Plant Biology, BS
- Plant Biology: Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics, BS
- Plant Biology, Ecology, and Evolution
- Plant Biology: Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, BS
- Plant Biology, MS
- Plant Biology (PBIO)
- Plant Biology, PhD
- Plant Biology (PLB), Minor
- Plant Biology: Pre-Forensics, BS
- Plant Biology: Pre-Law Environmental Policy, BS
- Plant Biology: Pre-Pharmacy, BS
- Plant Pathology, PhD
- Plant Pathology (PLP)
- Plant Science (PLNT)
- Political Science
- Political Science, BA
- Political Science, BS
- Political Science: Global Politics, BA
- Political Science: Global Politics, BS
- Political Science (POLS)
- Political Science (POLS), Minor
- Political Science: Practical Politics - Campaigning, Lobbying and Policymaking, BA
- Political Science: Practical Politics - Campaigning, Lobbying and Policymaking, BS
- Political Science: Pre-Law, BA
- Political Science: Pre-Law, BS
- Political Science: Public Policy, BA
- Political Science: Public Policy, BS
- Politics and Policy Studies, MA
- Post-Baccalaureate in Dietetics, UCRT
- Pre-Art Therapy (PART), Minor
- Pre-Counseling (PCOU), Minor
- Pre-Health Care Administration, UCRT
- Pre-Medical Sciences, UCRT
- Pre-Nursing, UCRT
- Product Development for Apparel, UCRT
- Professional Chinese (PRCH), Minor
- Professional Spanish, UCRT
- Professional Writing (PRWR), Minor
- Program Evaluation, GCRT
- Property and Real Estate Management, UCRT
- Psychology
- Psychology, BA
- Psychology, BS
- Psychology: Business Essentials, BA
- Psychology: Clinical, PhD
- Psychology: Experimental Psychology, PhD
- Psychology: Pre-Law, BA
- Psychology: Pre-Med, BS
- Psychology: Pre-Occupational Therapy, BS
- Psychology: Pre-Physical Therapy, BS
- Psychology (PSYC)
- Psychology (PSYC), Minor
- Public Health: Community Health, BS
- Public Health: Exercise and Health, BS
- Public Health in Rural and Underserved Communities, GCRT
- Public Health, MPH
- Public Health (PH), Minor
- Public Health: Rural and Underserved Populations, MPH
- Public Health, UCRT
- Public Safety, BPS
- Public Safety (PSAF)
- Public School Support Specialist for Children At-Risk (PSSC), Minor
- Rangeland Ecology and Management (REM), Minor
- Real Estate and Property Management, BSBA
- Recreational Therapy, BS
- Recreational Therapy: Pre-Professional Occupational Therapy, BS
- Recreational Therapy (RT)
- Recreation and Athletic Management: Recreation Management, BS
- Recreation and Leisure Management, GCRT
- Recreation Management & Recreational Therapy (RMRT)
- Recreation Management (RM)
- Recreation Management (RM), Minor
- Registrar
- Religious Studies
- Religious Studies (REL)
- Religious Studies (REL), Minor
- Research, Evaluation, Measurement & Statistics (REMS)
- Research (RES)
- Russian and East European Studies (REES), Minor
- Russian (RUSS)
- Russian (RUSS), Minor
- Safety and Exposure Sciences (SAES), Minor
- Sales and Service Excellence, UCRT
- Scholarships and Financial Aid
- School Administration, EdD
- School Library Certification, GCRT
- School of Accounting
- School of Architecture
- School of Community Health Sciences, Counseling and Counseling Psychology
- School of Educational Foundations, Leadership and Aviation
- School of Entrepreneurship
- School of Global Studies and Partnerships
- School of Kinesiology, Applied Health and Recreation
- School of Marketing and International Business
- School of Media and Strategic Communications
- School of Teaching, Learning and Educational Sciences
- School Psychology, EdS
- School Psychology, MS
- School Psychology, PhD
- School Psychology (SPSY)
- Science & Math Education (SMED)
- Screen Studies (SCST), Minor
- Secondary Education: English, BS
- Secondary Education: Mathematics, BS
- Secondary Education: Science, BS
- Secondary Education: Social Studies - Alternative Education, BS
- Secondary Education: Social Studies, BS
- Social Foundations of Education, MA
- Social Foundations (SCFD)
- Social Justice (SOJU), Minor
- Sociology
- Sociology: Anthropology, BA
- Sociology: Anthropology, BS
- Sociology, BA
- Sociology, BS
- Sociology: Criminology and Criminal Justice, BA
- Sociology: Criminology and Criminal Justice, BS
- Sociology: Environment and Society, BA
- Sociology: Environment and Society, BS
- Sociology, MS
- Sociology, PhD
- Sociology: Pre-Law, BS
- Sociology: Pre-Medical Science, BS
- Sociology (SOC)
- Sociology: Social Services, BA
- Sociology: Social Services, BS
- Sociology (SOC), Minor
- Soil Science, PhD
- Soil Science (SOIL)
- Soil Science (SOIL), Minor
- Spanish, BA
- Spanish: Business Essentials, BA
- Spanish: Pre-Law, BA
- Spanish (SPAN)
- Spanish (SPAN), Minor
- Spears School of Business
- Special Academic Services, Programs and Facilities
- Special Education, GCRT
- Special Education (SPED)
- Special Education (SPED), Minor
- Special Education, UCRT
- Speech Communication (SPCH), Minor
- Speech Communications (SPCH)
- Speech-Language Pathology Assistants, UCRT
- Sport Communication, GCRT
- Sports and Coaching Science (SPCS), Minor
- Sports Management (SPMG), Minor
- Sports Media, BA
- Sports Media, BS
- Sports Media (SPM)
- Starting and Growing a New Business, UCRT
- Statistical Data Science (SDSC), Minor
- Statistical Methods and Analyses in Educational and Behavioral Sciences, GCRT
- Statistics
- Statistics: Actuarial Science, BS
- Statistics, BS
- Statistics: Business Essentials, BS
- Statistics: Data Science, BS
- Statistics, MS
- Statistics, PhD
- Statistics (STAT)
- Statistics (STAT), Minor
- Strategic Communication: Advertising and Public Relations, BA
- Strategic Communication: Advertising and Public Relations, BS
- Strategic Communication (SC)
- Strategic Communication: Social Media, BA
- Strategic Communication: Social Media, BS
- Strategic Communication: Sport Communication, BA
- Strategic Communication: Sport Communication, BS
- Student Services
- Studio Art (STDA), Minor
- Substance Abuse Counseling, GCRT
- Supply Chain and Logistics, GCRT
- Supply Chain Management, UCRT
- Sustainable Business Management, UCRT
- Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, GCRT
- Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, UCRT
- Teaching, Learning and Leadership: Curriculum and Leadership Studies, MS
- Teaching, Learning and Leadership: Gifted and Talented Education, MS
- Teaching, Learning and Leadership: K-12 Education, MS
- Teaching, Learning and Leadership: Mathematics/Science Education, MS
- Teaching, Learning and Leadership: Reading and Literacy, MS
- Teaching, Learning and Leadership: Special Education, MS
- Teaching, Learning and Leadership: Workforce and Adult Education, MS
- The Art and Science of Critical Thinking (ASCT), Minor
- Theatre
- Theatre, BA
- Theatre, MA
- Theatre (TH)
- Theatre (TH), Minor
- The Honors College
- Travel and Tourism Management, UCRT
- Tribal Health Care Administration, GCRT
- Truth and Reconciliation in the Americas (TRRA), Minor
- Tuition, Fees and Cost Estimates
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